JPM Posted January 18 Posted January 18 Imola je istorija F1. Crna ali ipak istorija. Bahrein, Abu Dabi, Dzeda, Las Vegas, staze koje ne znace nista za ovaj sport. Za Nemacku se slazem, steta sto stari Hockenheim ne postoji. 1
Radoye Posted January 23 Posted January 23 Sultan odgovorio na nedavno pismo GPDA u vezi kazni zbog psovanja u kome se trazi da prikazu kako trose novac naplacen od vozaca time sto su kazne dodatno poostrene: Quote The FIA has revealed its guidelines to stewards on how they should punish drivers for actions it regards as “misconduct”. The governing body has taken the step two months after Formula 1 drivers called for “transparency” over how it used the money raised through fines levied against them for swearing or using offensive language. The FIA increased the maximum fine stewards could issue to €1 million in 2023. The guidelines issued ahead of the 2025 season detailed tiered fines for drivers at different levels of the FIA’s championship. F1 drivers will pay the most of all. Pored novcanih kazni bice i suspenzije do maksimum 3 meseca trajanja i oduzimanje bodova. Jos jedan alat za FIA da namesti sampionat kako treba. Detalji u linkovanom clanku. Vratite nam Masija sve mu je oprosteno.
Radoye Posted January 30 Posted January 30 Quote Johnny Herbert has been dropped as a Formula 1 driver steward by the FIA after it was agreed that his role as a media pundit was “incompatible” with the position.
Radoye Posted January 31 Posted January 31 - Krenule su glasine da Ferstapen zeli za Njuijem u Aston Martin i da ce se za sezonu 2026. rotirati sa Alonsom...
Radoye Posted February 10 Posted February 10 Sultan od FIA hoce da zabrani pustanje radio komunikacija izmedju vozaca i tima tokom trke zbog "neprimerenog recnika". Dokon pop, jarici... Quote The FIA could increase censorship of Formula 1 drivers’ radio communications over swearing, president Mohammed Ben Sulayem has indicated. ... “Do we go on and then shut down the radios of live communication? Maybe,” he said at the FIA officials summit at the Jarama circuit in Spain. “Do we delay it? Maybe. “There’s a lot of things that would work now with our promoter. FOM are the promoter, the FIA, we are still the owners of the championship.” Imam utisak da ce ovo da smanji gledanost prenosa trka ali da poveca gledanost Neflixove serije gde se psovanje pusta bez ikakve cenzure...
Radoye Posted February 18 Posted February 18 Quote The Formula 1 Commission has agreed to explore a proposal to increase the mandatory number of pit stops at the Monaco Grand Prix to improve the racing spectacle. 2
staneC Posted February 19 Posted February 19 Jučer pročitah i pogledam na kalendar, da nije 1.april… Koje budale 🥴
Radoye Posted February 19 Posted February 19 Logan Sardzent se suocio sa istinom: Quote Less than two months from the start of the 2025 European Le Mans Series, Logan Sargeant has departed IDEC Sport and has seemingly walked away from racing. The former Williams Racing F1 driver joined IDEC Sport in December, as part of a program that is meant to prepare Korean automaker Genesis for the launch of its new LMDh prototype program in the 2026 FIA World Endurance Championship. Sargent was due to share the car with Jamie Chadwick and Mathys Jaubert as part of Genesis’ 2025 ‘trajectory program.’ But today, IDEC Sport confirmed that Sargeant will not race for the team, saying: “Following the decision of Logan Sargeant to step away from the sport to pursue other interests, IDEC Sport and Genesis Magma Racing are taking note of his decision and will announce his substitute in the next few days. We wish Logan all the best in his projects.”
Radoye Posted February 21 Posted February 21 Kanda se priblizava reizbor... Quote FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem has raised the possibility of reintroducing V10 engines to Formula 1, two decades after they were phased out.
Radoye Posted February 23 Posted February 23 Quote The FIA is unhappy Max Verstappen and Red Bull team principal Christian Horner were booed by the crowd during Formula 1’s official pre-season launch event on Tuesday. The crowd at the O2 Arena in London could be heard jeering when the four-times world champion appeared as Red Bull presented their livery for the upcoming season at the event. FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem has made online abuse a focus of his first term through the governing body’s United Against Online Abuse initiative, which involves representatives of sports beyond motor racing. The matter is expected to be raised at next week’s meeting of the World Motor Sports Council. FIA se sve vise pretvara u misaonu policiju iz Orvelove 1984... 2
Hertzog Posted February 24 Posted February 24 Koliko je delovalo da smo sa motorim nacistom Maxom i Bernijem imali najgore vodjenje F1, ovo sada je za 10 klasa preslo obojicu. Stvarno mi ide na onu stvar politicka korektnost koja se fure u svim sportovima i uglavnom dolazi iz americke kuhinje. Kenjaju o demokratiji i slobodi a gledaju na sve strane da ti uvedu zabrane na vazduh, ukoliko ga ne dises onako kako bi oni ocekivali. Sto je najjace, ovo sa zvizdanjem Maxu i pokusajima da se to zabrani ce samo kontra delovati i jos vise revolta kod navijaca izazvati. citam juce kako slicnu stvar rade u Dalasu sa lukom doncicem, kao zabranili da se na utakmici dalasa nose njegovi dresovi. Ja stvarno ne znam odakle tolika sloboda da takve stvari branis. Znaci svojim parama sam kupio i dres i kartu i ti mi branis da to nosim jer je igrac otisao iz kluba. Sto znaci da ja moram kupiti novi dres i potrositi dodatnih 100$ da bi neki guzonja bio zadovoljan i sto je najgore da bi mi dozvolip da udjem na utakmicu sa kartom koju sam platio, pri cemu nisi unosio nikakva neprimerena obezja. Nek se napasu muda svi zajedno 5
Radoye Posted March 3 Posted March 3 Quote The FIA has given new powers to the Formula 1 race director to instruct teams to park any seriously damaged cars. The new rule has been introduced after Sergio Perez was given a three-place grid penalty last year for driving a damaged car during the Canadian Grand Prix. Parts fell from his damaged car as he completed more than half a lap with his rear wing hanging off.
Radoye Posted March 5 Posted March 5 Quote Formula One Management admitted the Las Vegas Grand Prix fell short of its financial expectations last year. ... Chief accounting officer Brian Wendling noted the event’s under-performance during a conference call with investors last week. “The Las Vegas Grand Prix did miss expectations, primarily on ticket sales,” he said. This had a negative effect on F1’s earnings and the payments it made to the 10 teams. Nezahvalni fanovi nisu hteli da plate $500+ da gledaju prenos trke na velikom ekranu bez pogleda na stazu i zbog toga su isplate Libertija timovima bile manje od ocekivanih. Jer treba prvo namiriti korporativnu stoku da mogu da kupe 13. vilu i 4. jahtu umesto da se pare distribuiraju onima koji ih prave. Ili da se fanovima ponudi neki sadrzaj za koji bi bili spremni da plate a ne da ih se tretira kao ovce za sisanje. 2
Radoye Posted Saturday at 01:56 AM Posted Saturday at 01:56 AM Quote Cadillac has officially received final approval of its entry to allow it to join the Formula 1 grid in 2026. The General Motors works team has been established in partnership with TWG Global and is an evolution of the Andretti Cadillac project that was initially approved by the FIA in 2023. At that time, Formula One Management (FOM) did not enter into an agreement for the new team to join the grid as it had reservations surrounding future intentions relating to its power unit, with a chance an enforced supply deal would be required.
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