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Bukvalno najmanja briga trenutno.
Copav smo tim, hendikepiran, nemamo desnu stranu. Udje nam klinac Dalot i samim time se napravi ogromna razlika u igri, dobijemo sirinu u igri, samo zato sto imamo nekog na toj strani. 
Toliko toga mora da se sredi, desni bek, desno krilo, jos jedan veznjak, da nam je golman najmanja briga, pa sve i da ode DDG.
Golman ko golman, jeste lepo da imas najboljeg, ali je mnogo bitnije kako igraju onih 10 ispred njega.

Bez preterivanja, imamo vrlo verovatno najgori desni bok u celoj ligi. Young je Young, rupa, a desno krilo i nemamo. Mata i Lingard kad kao igrjau tu ulogu, mozda 37 sekundi u mecu provedu blizu desne aut linije.

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Desno krilo je dugogodisnja boljka. Nista novo. Valjda ce konacno resiti to. Al na postojece probleme desnog krila, plejmejkera, desnog beka, ako jos nakarikamo i poziciju golmana i centralnog veznog, nece da bude dobro...

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Prvo pojačanje Mančester Junajteda u letnjem prelaznom roku će biti Danijel Džejms!

Mimo svih očekivanja i bez mnogo najava, klub sa Old Traforda je odlučio da plati 15.000.000 funti, odnosno nešto više od 17.000.000 evra za 21-godišnje krilo Svonsija.

Džejms je ove sezone zaintrigirao brojne engleske klubove igrama u Čempionšipu. Iako je dao samo četiri gola, upisao je još i devet asistencija, ali je stilom igre i talentom oduševio . Velšanin je zimus bio na pragu 7.500.000 teškog transfera u Lids. Sve je bilo dogovoreno poslednjeg dana prelaznog roka, čekala se samo potvrda, da bi se posle ponoći ispostavilo da dve strane nisu uspele da na vreme realizuju dogovor. Za Džejmsa se to ispostavilo kao bolji ishod. Odigrao je još pola sezone, porasla mu je vrednost, postigao je neverovatan gol u FA Kupu protiv Brentforda i zainteresovao je veće klubove od Lidsa.

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  • 4 months later...

Chivas Regal has created a special Manchester United-themed blended Scotch whisky that pays tribute to former team manager Sir Alex Ferguson.

Chivas 13 Manchester United blended whisky
For the fans: The Chivas 13 Manchester United blend has been created for US followers of the club

The 13-year-old blend, which has been part matured in ex-rye casks, has been created exclusively for the US where Manchester United is said to have over eight million fans.

Sandy Hyslop, director of blending at Chivas, said: ‘At Chivas we believe that blended is better, in life and in Scotch – a belief that was also brought to life on the field during Sir Alex Ferguson’s tenure at Manchester United.

‘This whisky has been crafted to celebrate his rare genius and unique ability to drive success year after year, with a blend of different players.

‘Just as Sir Alex’s legacy lives on, we hope that, with our first ever 13-year-old and its inimitable selective American rye cask finish, we’ve created a blend that won’t soon be forgotten.’

Bottled at 40% abv, the whisky is said to have notes of ‘sweet and juicy orange citrus, creamy milk chocolate and a dusting of cinnamon’.

The bottle is decorated in Manchester United’s team colours, and features Ferguson’s signature in gold script.

Ferguson managed the team from 1986 to 2013, and has won more trophies than any other manager in the history of football.

The expression has been created as part of Chivas Regal’s three-year global sponsorship deal with the football club, which began at the start of the 2018/19 season.

It will be available to purchase around the US for around US$34.99.

The launch of Chivas 13 Manchester United edition follows that of a similar expression released in Australia in August under the Chivas Extra label.

It too has been part matured in ex-rye casks.


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20 hours ago, BattleBender said:

DDG out!

To je post za posle dugo vremena.

Nmg vise da ga gledam, muka mi je njega.

A Shaw?!

Covek potpuno bespotrebno pravi krajnje glupav faul na sredini terena u situaciji kad se sudija spremao da svira kraj. Mislim,cela odbrana je smehotresna..

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