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I keep hearin' you're concerned about my happiness
But all that thought you're givin' me is conscience I guess
If I were walkin' in your shoes, I wouldn't worry none
While you and your friends are worried about me, I'm havin' lots of fun

Countin' flowers on the wall
That don't bother me at all
Playin' solitaire 'til dawn with a deck of 51
Smokin' cigarettes and watchin' Captain Kangaroo
Now don't tell me, I've nothin' to do

Last night I dressed in tails, pretended I was on the town
As long as I can dream it's hard to slow this swinger down
So please don't give a thought to me, I'm really doin' fine
You can always find me here, I'm havin' quite a time

Countin' flowers on the wall
That don't bother me at all
Playin' solitaire 'til dawn with a deck of 51
Smokin' cigarettes and watchin' Captain Kangaroo
Now don't tell me, I've nothin' to do

It's good to see you, I must go, I know I look a fright
Anyway my eyes are not accustomed to this light
And my shoes are not accustomed to this hard concrete
So I must go back to my room and make my day complete

Countin' flowers on the wall
That don't bother me at all
Playin' solitaire 'til dawn with a deck of 51
Smokin' cigarettes and watchin' Captain Kangaroo
Now don't tell me, I've nothin' to do

Don't tell me, I've nothin' to do


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A sad nešto potpuno drugačije ... od Tanjica.:classic_happy:


Možda sam već i stavljao ovo, ovde na topiću ... Verovatno jesam, pošto mi se toliko sviđaju ( iskreno me mrzi da proveravam) - ali nije zgoreg obnoviti gradivo.


Uživajte drugari :heart:




Posted (edited)

Ćaos :ss:


Vidite drugari, u dilemi sam da li da uopšte načinjem ovo...


...Pisao bih o muzici koja mi se svidela neprirodno, bolesno mnogo... Može se reći da sam postao zavistan, navukao se :classic_mellow: ... Nije da je nisam čuo ranije - ali sad sam samo zeričak više obratio pažnju i desio mi se proverbijalni ton of bricks momenat.


Sve to bi možda zaslužilo posebnu temu - Dark,Gothic Country ... pa čak i da je suzim samo na - njega, koji nije zvanično predstavnik čak ni tog pravca,ali opet... -  opet ima puno toga da se kaže ...


Možda da vam približim o čemu se radi, verovatno neki i znaju, ali ipak:



Šta znam - ako nastavim- postaće lično,intimno. Jbga - videću :classic_smile:...







Edit: PReterujem sa emotikonima a i pokušao sam da budem jasniji... mada mi nije uspelo - ali pokušao sam :classic_smile:

Edited by Besni lala

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