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19 hours ago, wwww said:


vickasti Waske o dzedajma, dart vejderma, bayernu, sports illustratedu, srcima i violinama


ni i o igri, ni a od analize neke... pre intervju za modni ili zabavni casopis



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pitanja s Novakove KZS:


Q. When you came here in 2016, having won the first two slams of the year, and you lost that year, has that kind of been in your mind? Does that explain the way you look so focused, the way you've started the tournament?

kako lepo on novinara da ga podseti na 2016. :wink2:


Q. Extraordinarily high level with just six unforced errors. The next two or three years with Roger and Rafa picking and choosing which majors they compete in, are you and your team perhaps looking at the next two to three years to dominate as you never have before? Is that in your thinking at all?

kakvo je sad pa ovo pitanje?


Ubaldo: :classic_rolleyes:


Q. Among many weaknesses of Novak, I would like to know if Djokovic-Medvedev for the bookies is the most easy final to predict, Djokovic-Federer the second, Djokovic-Berrettini the third.

:classic_huh: sta li je pisac hteo da kaze (doduse, presekli su ga,  jer je krenuo tradicionalno da deklamuje epsku poeziju)


ovo pitanje je isto dobila Muguruza (mozda i jos neki) - ne znam koliko je pitanje bas fino, pitati tako nesto iskusne igrace. ovo bi spadalo u kategoriju pitanja koje je Osaka pomenula da uticu negativno na "psihu" igraca.


Q. There's a lot of talk about history, about majors, about age. How do you see the passage of time affecting you both positively and negatively?



Pitanja za Venus, posle poraza:


Q. One of the commentators said on TV that you don't need to play here, you have nothing to prove. Do you feel you still need to keep playing at Wimbledon again and again and again?



Q. Do you need to keep playing for your own well-being?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Do I need to play for my own well-being? That would be like addiction, wouldn't it?

Q. I wouldn't go that far personally.

VENUS WILLIAMS: I would (laughter).

Q. It might be what makes you more happy than anything else.

VENUS WILLIAMS: I would definitely go that far.

Q. You would?


Q. All things being equal, if you can, do you want to be back here next year?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Of course. Who wouldn't want to be at Wimbledon? Lots of people want to be here.

Q. This is not your last Wimbledon?

VENUS WILLIAMS: You broke up, Katie (laughter).

Q. Can you hear me?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, I can hear you.

Yeah, when it's my last, I'll let you know.

Q. This is not your last?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, when it's my last, I'll let you all know. I'll give you a little whisper in your ear (smiling).

:twak: sta li je ova htela da istera na cistinu ovde, insistirajuci na ovom pitanju?


Q. How would you describe the emotional experience you had yesterday, to see what happened to Serena? How is she doing now?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, absolutely couldn't watch. It was too much. I just couldn't watch it. I know exactly what that feels like when, you know, all your faculties are taken away, things you work hard for and earn, and suddenly life happens.

Yeah, it was too much for me to watch.

Q. How is she doing now? What are your thoughts for her coming back here and playing the other majors, as you seem to want to do as well?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I think she's doing the best you can when you get hurt. It's awful. It sucks.

I can't speak for her. I mean, I think you probably had a chance to ask her that yesterday. If not, there will be another press conference whenever (laughter). Got to take your shot when you get it.


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mec za zaborav?!?!?!?

naravno, pricali bi o Novakovom mecu da je Novak imao problema, to bi im bilo bas onako zanimljivo.

nisu se ustrucavali da pricaju o 3:0 pobedi Kiriosa, tu nisu imali problema s inspiracijom... (a da ne pricam sto se nikad ne ustrucavaju da pricaju kad Fed i Rafa urnisu nekog sirotana, to nikad nije za zaborav).


da ne pricam o tome sto je ova grupica ignorisala/bojkotovala 2 izuzetna Novakova meca na Mastersu u Rimu pre par godina (protiv Delpa i Diega) - QF i SF, a sve da bi gledali pesmu Evrovizije (kojoj se u UK podsmevaju svi redom, nije toliko ozbiljno shvacena kao u Srbiji i Nemackoj).


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pa imam pik jer ovi nisu tipicni Evrovizija fanovi (kao npr. Ben). plus im je posao da gledaju tenis i pisu o tome . Nikada ni pre ni posle nisu gledali Evroviziju, posebno ne tokom meceva Feda, Rafe i Endija.

ali ne, tad je bilo dogovoreno da bojkotuju Novaka, jer im je "radio o glavi" drugara Kermodea (koji im je sakom i kapom delio media awards - po sistemu "ruka ruku mije").

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1 hour ago, Boxy said:

I za tu vest ima preko 150 komentara, a za vest da je Kecmanovic igrao 5 setovia protiv Aguta 20 i to je sve sto treba da se zna o tome koliko ljudi prate tenis.

Ja ne razumem ovo konstantno sprdanje i podsmevanje sa ljudima u Srbiji koji prate tenis od kad se pojavio Novak i koji osim njegovih ne gledaju druge meceve.

Da li treba svima tenis da nam bude smisao zivota? 

Svajcarci ne prate ni Feda, a kamo li Stana i mladog Strikera.

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2 minutes ago, Milica said:

Ja ne razumem ovo konstantno sprdanje i podsmevanje sa ljudima u Srbiji koji prate tenis od kad se pojavio Novak i koji osim njegovih ne gledaju druge meceve.

Da li treba svima tenis da nam bude smisao zivota? 

Svajcarci ne prate ni Feda, a kamo li Stana i mladog Strikera.


Nadji nekog drugog da se svadjas, zaobidji me

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1. totalna je glupost napisati clanak sa naslovom: Đoković doživeo neprijatno iznenađenje, a poenta je da igra mec na C1, kao da je to ne znam sta

2. jos je veca glupost ostaviti komentar na takvu vest, a ima ih preko 150, prepucavanja, svadjanja, teorija zavera i ko zna sta jos 

3. Kecmanovic je odigrao odlican mec, igrao 5 setova sa top 10 igracem, ukupno 20 komentara


ako ti ovde ne vidis problem, ja ti ne mogu pomoci 

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To se zove zaludjenost Fedom kad ni cinjenice vise nisu bitne.


Novak ide danas po 75. pobedu, cime ce on biti jedini koji ima bar 75 na sva 4 GS.


inace, imali su oni jednu totalno glupu "statistiku" ( a da sam je opazila, mozda je bilo jos slicnih) pre neki dan (ko zna da li je tacna), nesto u stilu: 14 igraca je igralo .... a da je imalo nesto na glavi (traku, kacket i slicno) :ajme::twak::classic_rolleyes:

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Shapovalov, born in Israel, playing for Canada and resident in the Bahamas for tax purposes, serves to the man 12 years his senior. He serves very hard, with one of his second serves an absolute ripper.


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Benova pitanja Emi :twak:


Q. I read that two of your idols in tennis are Li Na and Simona Halep, who both are from countries of your ancestry in Romania and China. How much do you trace those tennis traditions? Also being multicultural, your family having the immigrant mentality, has that helped you in terms of finding your drive or purpose, whatever it may be, in the sport?

kako on voli da "obelezava" ljude :puke:


Q. You see that work ethic in your parents. What do they do for a living?

 kakav mamlaz!

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