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Rene Stabs je toliko plitka da je to strasno. Ovo je samo najodvratniji primer, ali imala je ona jos mnogo svakojakih glupih bisera koje sam cula da izlaze iz njenih usta. Neverovatno glupa osoba.


jedan komentar o novinarstvu:

Basically, if you're a journalist and post on twitter, post links to your articles, or confine yourself to facts. Here, what you are is what you write. Write misinformation here, the assumption is, everything you write professionally is opinion. Danish journalism 101.


People don't see the difference between you on Twitter, and what you write. Post gossipy shit on twitter, and people will assume that it's what you write, whether it's the NYT or wherever. Post factual info, you'll get respect. It's simple.


And, it's fine to demand of a player to admit when they're wrong. It's also fine to admit, as a journalist, when you get things wrong. The latter seems to me hugely more difficult for people who are used to passing judgement on others and being regarded, unfortunately, as oracles






It's a general problem with sport coverage around the world. It's the same attitude as with food, clothing and everything else: I don't wanna know. Most people are scrambling to make ends meet. Not that they're starving. But the vast majority of pro tennis players are scrambling.


No, they're not starving. But the only tennis we hear about is about what happens at the top. Did you know: That there's an entry fee of $XX for an ITF $15K? And did you know that $15K isn't what the winner gets, it's divided among all the entrants? And you get squat from qualies?
If you're from a reasonably well-to-do family, with connexions, in a Slam country like the US, Australia, the UK or France, you have a system you can draw upon a system of tournaments within driving distance with fairly cheap accomodations. ...
and a system where ITF and ATP/WTA tournaments support each other with reciprocal jacksocks. I use 'jacksocks' as a term for wild cards. Older tennis fans will understand why, and how it's illustrative.



Isti komentator koji je prenosio Olgu, ne znam ko je, danas kaže kako Tig pokušava da postane prva majka koja će ove godine ući u finale WTA turnira :ajme:




inace, ime njenog pokojnog muza se pominje u knjizi Trampove bratanice. kao je umesto Trampa polagao prijemni za fakultet (i mozda jos nesto). Pam je to kao demantovala, iako nije u to vreme ni znala svog muza.


objasnjava nemacki komentator na ES (Stach) kako je Naomi svastrana: eto interesuje se i za modu, bila na NY fashion week




ovo me podseti na


“It is amazing to me,” said Bingley, “how young ladies can have patience to be so very accomplished as they all are.”

“All young ladies accomplished!  My dear Charles, what do you mean?”

“Yes, all of them, I think.  They all paint tables, cover screens, and net purses.  I scarcely know any one who cannot do all this, and I am sure I never heard a young lady spoken of for the first time without being informed that she was very accomplished.”



  • Ha-ha 1

ma ima vec jedno vreme idu mi na zivce komentari komentatora/novinara o teniserkama i njihovim "interesovanjima" van tenisa: to je regularno moda i shoping, nista pametnije!

Jos se ismeva Kiki Mladenovic jer prica vise jezika (nemam pojma koliko tacno, ali bar 4 sigurno govori (gde SHBC svrstavam u jedan te isti), a mislim i jos koji).


Sinoc je valjda Beker u prenosu izrazio svoje odusevljenje lepotom Marijane Veljovic (ja konkretno to nisam cula, ali me uopste ne iznenadjuje jer on uredno komentarise svaku lepu teniserku - sto vrlo :puke: deluje)

2 minutes ago, wwww said:

Jos se ismeva Kiki Mladenovic jer prica vise jezika


Meni ona već dugo nije simpatična, ali ne ide mi u glavu šta tu može da bude smešno. 


Nemacki komentator objasnjava kako je Tim dobio malo negativnog publiciteta jer je bio protiv fonda za pomoc nize rangiranim igracima u doba corone. Ali (za razliku od npr. negativnih i pogresno interpretiranih vesti o Novaku) ovde je odmah sledilo objasnjenje/opravdavanje kao je Tim zapravo protiv toga da finansira lenje.

Na to ce Beker: ja uopste nisam cuo te negativne price, ja to ne pratim (nije nego!)


Zato što samo među nižeplasiranima ima lenjih, a ovi iz top 100 se svi ubiše od treniranja svaki božji dan :classic_rolleyes: bolje da ne zalazim u tu problematiku.

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Posted (edited)

Kasper Rud, dobri duh Norveške :lol_2: ma ko ovo prenosi?

"Bitno je da je Beretini zadržao osmeh, to je najlepše" :Hail:

Edited by alcesta

Koliko se Viško upetljao u objašnjavanje kako na manjim turnirima za razliku od mastersa teniseri imaju po 30 sekundi između poena :smiley5: potpuno me zbunio kako da za to nisam čula, taman sam htela da ovde pitam ali se ispravio naknadno.


ne zna se ko je dosadniji za slusanje: tip (s nekom zenom) na tennis chanell ili ovaj na engleskom ES (mec: Tim-Cilic). Uspavaju te u sred bela dana! 😴


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