𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted December 13, 2024 Author Posted December 13, 2024 5 hours ago, Helena said: Posle je noću sedela i čekala neke noćne mečeve(!??! jel se sećam dobro?) Mate Parlova i da, baba, ne deda Opisala si moju babu. Svi smo bili udaljeni od tv-a kada je boks mec, da ne ometamo 😄
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted December 13, 2024 Author Posted December 13, 2024 2 hours ago, Angelia said: Ili otkrio da je bio izmanipulisan kasnije. Zato sam i rekla da mi je zao roditelja koji ce otkriti da su doneli pogresnu odluku. Ako ti lekari kazu da moras da prihvatis jer ce ti inace dete umreti, to je jako teska odluka. Onda otkrijes da su te lagali.... Majstora manipulacije izmanipulisalo maloletno dete... pa fantasticno 😄
ters Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 (edited) 26 minutes ago, 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 said: Opisala si moju babu. Svi smo bili udaljeni od tv-a kada je boks mec, da ne ometamo 😄 Moja baba nije gledala boks, ali je plakala kada se na TV spicama kasnije vrtio udarac kojim je Mate Parlov nokautirao Coella. 50 minutes ago, Angelia said: Da, mislim da je izmanipulisan, nema to veze da li su najbolji lekari, kad je njima receno da to moraju da preporucuju inace ce izgubiti licencu, i kad su se izbacivali svakakvi textovi da ako se ne slazes onda si transfob. Znaci on je o tome pricao, da nije znao o tematici u to vreme i da je slusao lekare. Tu ni najpametniji covek na svetu nema mnogo sanse da pobedi. Mozda je za nekog to pravi izbor ali na racun njih, dolaze mnogi koji zazale, ili znaju da je bila greska, ali cute jer povratka nema, a iskreno receno cak i da je mali broj, experimentisanje na deci nije eticki. I to je laz koju su govorili roditeljima, da je to nista, sve moze da se vrati.... Imas negde i snimak sa neke konferencije lekara gde pricaju kolika je "lifetime vrednost" tih pacijenata, pa posle bilo kukanja, pa negiranja... Reveal hidden contents FIRST PERSON I know how Elon Musk feels about his trans child Elon Musk has said a ‘woke mind virus’ has ‘killed’ his son. I felt I lost my child too, says one anonymous parent Elon Musk’s child, Vivian Jenna Wilson, left, has transitioned SPLASH NEWS; GETTY IMAGES Anonymous Thursday July 25 2024, 12.01am BST, The Times When Elon Musk spoke about the “woke mind virus” that “killed” his son and “tricked” him into becoming a transgender woman, I would say I identified with the sentiment. I wouldn’t have used those words, but it does feel like adults and institutions stole my child when she was 13. On news bulletins, when a child goes missing, you see whole communities out with torches, searching for the child and people comforting the family. Instead my loss was applauded. My child was turned against me. I’ve lost friends over this in our liberal community in London. I was asking for help and no one would help me. You see your child in front of you but they’re not there. It’s like they have been abducted and replaced. It is a type of grief but it goes unacknowledged. All through school my daughter suffered misogynistic, homophobic bullying because she didn’t fit in. She later came out as a lesbian. When she was 13 a speaker came to her secondary school: a trans-identified woman who had had a double mastectomy. She told the pupils about how difficult her life had been as a woman, how she’d wanted to kill herself, but then she had transitioned and now she was male everything was easier. I think it is dangerous to raise suicide in that setting, among 13-year-old girls going through puberty whose bodies are changing. But I couldn’t have objected — the talk was kept secret. We parents only found out about it six months later. When my husband and I worked out the timeline, we realised it was two weeks after the talk that our daughter came to us to tell us she had been born in the wrong body. It was the first time she’d ever said anything like that. There were a lot of trans pupils in the school. There seemed to be an outbreak of it, with people being influenced through the school’s LGBT club. I thought, well, it’s not true but I’m going to stay neutral. I remember being a teenager and being told, no, my ideas weren’t important, and I knew how that made me feel. So I listened to what she had to say and I said, “I love you no matter what.” I just assumed it would pass. Instead she told me that she needed to go to the GP and be referred to the Tavistock. I did what she asked. It seemed obvious to me that this was an idea that would be challenged. I was really shocked at how quickly everything was set in motion. The GP asked her about her pronouns and if she wanted to get a haircut. There were no questions about mental health or why she felt this way. Then the doctor said, “Yes, I’ll refer you.” Afterwards the GP told me there was no evidence for treatment but that she feared for her job if she didn’t refer. It was the first of many strange things that happened in our story. It’s one thing for teenagers to have mixed-up feelings. It’s another for adults to recommend things they think are not true or are bad ideas. At the Tavistock she was put on the waiting list. And it was incredibly lucky that she stayed on the waiting list for years because she hasn’t been medicated. But when I found out she was binding her breasts I was horrified. I tried to get her to stop and she threatened suicide, so I had to let her. Online my daughter was becoming more involved in trans communities. She was following an influencer called JammiDodger, who has transitioned to male, had all the surgeries and has more than a million followers on YouTube. My daughter’s name and pronouns were changed at school. She was referred to as a boy from then on. When we objected she had adults at her school telling her we were abusive, that our home was unsafe. The school referred us to social services, which agreed we had been undermined as parents — and said that the school had acted incorrectly. I believe my daughter has autism and I raised this with the school, but it wouldn’t help because of gender and saw this as further evidence that I was transphobic. She’s now an adult, which leaves her able to do whatever she wants. But that changes little for me: I haven’t been able to parent her properly since she was 13, which is when my parental responsibility was effectively removed. Our relationship is very difficult because she has received all these messages that we are dangerous and abusive. She hasn’t medicated and we hope she won’t. Has this all been a phase she’s going through? I suspect so, but I don’t know. My guess is that, deep down, she knows her dad and I have done the right thing, but it’s difficult as so many people have told her we’re malevolent. It seems she’s no longer involved with online trans communities. I suspect that something scary happened on social media because she went off it — but I don’t know what. But I have come to hear that it’s common for adults to try to make sexual contact with trans children online. They’re more vulnerable and confused than others, and many have already cut off contact with families so they’re isolated. I know this now because I came across Bayswater on Twitter. It’s a support group for the parents of trans-identified adolescents and young people, and it was the first place where I wasn’t considered a conspiracy theorist. There are more than 600 families there, in shock at their children being taken from them. Years have been taken from us as a family. Teenage years are really important, developmentally, emotionally. She is missing four years of her life. She’ll never get them back. As told to Clare Conway Life & StyleParenting Nisam uspio pronaci dokumentovani slucaj da je ljekar u USA izgubio licencu, ili da je pokrenut postupak da se oduzme licenca radi odbijanja da pruzi "gender affirming care" maloljetnom pacijentu. A pogotovo ne veci broj tih slucajeva koji bi govorio da je to uticalo na ljekarske odluke na bilo koji nacin. Edited December 13, 2024 by ters
ters Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 (edited) Ah, kakav gubitak za Kanadu! Sigurno je intelektualna scena potpuno slomljena sto ce Jordan Peterson ubuduce dijeliti svoje prosvijetljene stavove juzno od granice. Americi je bas nedostajao jos jedan ovakav lik... https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/politics/jordan-peterson-says-he-s-left-canada-and-moved-to-the-us/ar-AA1vOVJx?ocid=BingNewsSerp Edited December 13, 2024 by ters 1 1
ters Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 (edited) 1 hour ago, Angelia said: Hide contents FIRST PERSON I know how Elon Musk feels about his trans child Elon Musk has said a ‘woke mind virus’ has ‘killed’ his son. I felt I lost my child too, says one anonymous parent Elon Musk’s child, Vivian Jenna Wilson, left, has transitioned SPLASH NEWS; GETTY IMAGES Anonymous Thursday July 25 2024, 12.01am BST, The Times When Elon Musk spoke about the “woke mind virus” that “killed” his son and “tricked” him into becoming a transgender woman, I would say I identified with the sentiment. I wouldn’t have used those words, but it does feel like adults and institutions stole my child when she was 13. On news bulletins, when a child goes missing, you see whole communities out with torches, searching for the child and people comforting the family. Instead my loss was applauded. My child was turned against me. I’ve lost friends over this in our liberal community in London. I was asking for help and no one would help me. You see your child in front of you but they’re not there. It’s like they have been abducted and replaced. It is a type of grief but it goes unacknowledged. All through school my daughter suffered misogynistic, homophobic bullying because she didn’t fit in. She later came out as a lesbian. When she was 13 a speaker came to her secondary school: a trans-identified woman who had had a double mastectomy. She told the pupils about how difficult her life had been as a woman, how she’d wanted to kill herself, but then she had transitioned and now she was male everything was easier. I think it is dangerous to raise suicide in that setting, among 13-year-old girls going through puberty whose bodies are changing. But I couldn’t have objected — the talk was kept secret. We parents only found out about it six months later. When my husband and I worked out the timeline, we realised it was two weeks after the talk that our daughter came to us to tell us she had been born in the wrong body. It was the first time she’d ever said anything like that. There were a lot of trans pupils in the school. There seemed to be an outbreak of it, with people being influenced through the school’s LGBT club. I thought, well, it’s not true but I’m going to stay neutral. I remember being a teenager and being told, no, my ideas weren’t important, and I knew how that made me feel. So I listened to what she had to say and I said, “I love you no matter what.” I just assumed it would pass. Instead she told me that she needed to go to the GP and be referred to the Tavistock. I did what she asked. It seemed obvious to me that this was an idea that would be challenged. I was really shocked at how quickly everything was set in motion. The GP asked her about her pronouns and if she wanted to get a haircut. There were no questions about mental health or why she felt this way. Then the doctor said, “Yes, I’ll refer you.” Afterwards the GP told me there was no evidence for treatment but that she feared for her job if she didn’t refer. It was the first of many strange things that happened in our story. It’s one thing for teenagers to have mixed-up feelings. It’s another for adults to recommend things they think are not true or are bad ideas. At the Tavistock she was put on the waiting list. And it was incredibly lucky that she stayed on the waiting list for years because she hasn’t been medicated. But when I found out she was binding her breasts I was horrified. I tried to get her to stop and she threatened suicide, so I had to let her. Online my daughter was becoming more involved in trans communities. She was following an influencer called JammiDodger, who has transitioned to male, had all the surgeries and has more than a million followers on YouTube. My daughter’s name and pronouns were changed at school. She was referred to as a boy from then on. When we objected she had adults at her school telling her we were abusive, that our home was unsafe. The school referred us to social services, which agreed we had been undermined as parents — and said that the school had acted incorrectly. I believe my daughter has autism and I raised this with the school, but it wouldn’t help because of gender and saw this as further evidence that I was transphobic. She’s now an adult, which leaves her able to do whatever she wants. But that changes little for me: I haven’t been able to parent her properly since she was 13, which is when my parental responsibility was effectively removed. Our relationship is very difficult because she has received all these messages that we are dangerous and abusive. She hasn’t medicated and we hope she won’t. Has this all been a phase she’s going through? I suspect so, but I don’t know. My guess is that, deep down, she knows her dad and I have done the right thing, but it’s difficult as so many people have told her we’re malevolent. It seems she’s no longer involved with online trans communities. I suspect that something scary happened on social media because she went off it — but I don’t know what. But I have come to hear that it’s common for adults to try to make sexual contact with trans children online. They’re more vulnerable and confused than others, and many have already cut off contact with families so they’re isolated. I know this now because I came across Bayswater on Twitter. It’s a support group for the parents of trans-identified adolescents and young people, and it was the first place where I wasn’t considered a conspiracy theorist. There are more than 600 families there, in shock at their children being taken from them. Years have been taken from us as a family. Teenage years are really important, developmentally, emotionally. She is missing four years of her life. She’ll never get them back. As told to Clare Conway Life & StyleParenting Hvala na postavljanju teksta - ima dosta nelogicnosti, meni u oci pada pominjanje "tajnog gostujuceg predavaca", jer tako nesto nije bilo moguce u javnim skolama u koje su isla moja djeca - u osnovnoj skoli smo morali potpisati pristanak da prisustvuju bilo kojem predavanju spoljnog predavaca, u srednjoj skoli smo dobili obavjestenje o svakom gostovanju i priliku da trazimo izuzece... Plus smo svake sedmice dobili kalendar aktivnosti za narednu sedmicu, i redovno razgovarali i sa drugim roditeljima, uciteljima, trenerima kao i njihovim drugarima kada dodju kod nas ili kada sam ih vozio negdje. Ne tvrdim da je nemoguce, ali mislim da nije vjerovatno da neko dodje i odrzi predavanje za koje roditelji ne saznaju 6 mjeseci, ukoliko su iole ukljuceni u zivot i obrazovanje svoje djece... Edited December 13, 2024 by ters
shonke Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 7 hours ago, Kronostime said: Cekaj, @Angelia je u pravu ovde: niko od nas muskaraca ne moze da pojmi ono kroz sta zene prolaze u svom prirodnom hormonalnom ciklusu koji se razvijao kroz milenijume evolucije. Do duse, ne mogu ni one da shvate dosta toga oko nas.... Ne nego neko ko ima poremećaj usled koga nema pojma šta je t.j. kog je pola ima problem jer ga društvo šikanira, odbacuje, maltretira. To je poenta a njena tupava teorija da taj /ta neko ne zna šta žene osećaju je samo to, glupa teorija jer osobe sa hormonalnim poremećajima tog tipa zaista nemaju isti hormonalni status kao ti ili angelia ili neko treći ko se oseća muškarcem u telu muškarca ili žene u telu žene. Ako hoćeš najbanalnije moguće: to što neko ima pišu ne znači da nema ženski mozak u glavi i neke ženske hormone u krvi. 1
shonke Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 6 hours ago, Angelia said: Kao sto ja ne mogu da kazem da se osecam kao crna zena, cak I da sam odrasla kulturno u tom okruzenju. mislim da je 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 jednom lepo napisala: ti baš ništa ne razumeš.
Angelia Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 33 minutes ago, ters said: Hvala na postavljanju teksta - ima dosta nelogicnosti, meni u oci pada pominjanje "tajnog gostujuceg predavaca", jer tako nesto nije bilo moguce u javnim skolama u koje su isla moja djeca - u osnovnoj skoli smo morali potpisati pristanak da prisustvuju bilo kojem predavanju spoljnog predavaca, u srednjoj skoli smo dobili obavjestenje o svakom gostovanju i priliku da trazimo izuzece... Plus smo svake sedmice dobili kalendar aktivnosti za narednu sedmicu, i redovno razgovarali i sa drugim roditeljima, uciteljima, trenerima kao i njihovim drugarima kada dodju kod nas ili kada sam ih vozio negdje. Ne tvrdim da je nemoguce, ali mislim da nije vjerovatno da neko dodje i odrzi predavanje za koje roditelji ne saznaju 6 mjeseci, ukoliko su iole ukljuceni u zivot i obrazovanje svoje djece... Veoma moguce u UK, iz iskustva. Takodje, u USA. Saznas kad ti dete kaze, ako ti ne kaze, nista. To nikad nisam cula da ti daju kalendar aktivnosti i potpisani pristanak za prisustvovanje. Svaka cast ako je tako kod vas. Nedavno je neko snimio u nekoj skoli ovde takvo predavanje, pa je skola negirala iako postoji snimak. Recimo: https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/lgbtq-club-causing-controversy-elk-grove-elementary-school/
Eddard Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 2 hours ago, Angelia said: nema to veze da li su najbolji lekari, kad je njima receno da to moraju da preporucuju inace ce izgubiti licencu, Reveal hidden contents FIRST PERSON I know how Elon Musk feels about his trans child Elon Musk has said a ‘woke mind virus’ has ‘killed’ his son. I felt I lost my child too, says one anonymous parent Elon Musk’s child, Vivian Jenna Wilson, left, has transitioned SPLASH NEWS; GETTY IMAGES Anonymous Thursday July 25 2024, 12.01am BST, The Times When Elon Musk spoke about the “woke mind virus” that “killed” his son and “tricked” him into becoming a transgender woman, I would say I identified with the sentiment. I wouldn’t have used those words, but it does feel like adults and institutions stole my child when she was 13. On news bulletins, when a child goes missing, you see whole communities out with torches, searching for the child and people comforting the family. Instead my loss was applauded. My child was turned against me. I’ve lost friends over this in our liberal community in London. I was asking for help and no one would help me. You see your child in front of you but they’re not there. It’s like they have been abducted and replaced. It is a type of grief but it goes unacknowledged. All through school my daughter suffered misogynistic, homophobic bullying because she didn’t fit in. She later came out as a lesbian. When she was 13 a speaker came to her secondary school: a trans-identified woman who had had a double mastectomy. She told the pupils about how difficult her life had been as a woman, how she’d wanted to kill herself, but then she had transitioned and now she was male everything was easier. I think it is dangerous to raise suicide in that setting, among 13-year-old girls going through puberty whose bodies are changing. But I couldn’t have objected — the talk was kept secret. We parents only found out about it six months later. When my husband and I worked out the timeline, we realised it was two weeks after the talk that our daughter came to us to tell us she had been born in the wrong body. It was the first time she’d ever said anything like that. There were a lot of trans pupils in the school. There seemed to be an outbreak of it, with people being influenced through the school’s LGBT club. I thought, well, it’s not true but I’m going to stay neutral. I remember being a teenager and being told, no, my ideas weren’t important, and I knew how that made me feel. So I listened to what she had to say and I said, “I love you no matter what.” I just assumed it would pass. Instead she told me that she needed to go to the GP and be referred to the Tavistock. I did what she asked. It seemed obvious to me that this was an idea that would be challenged. I was really shocked at how quickly everything was set in motion. The GP asked her about her pronouns and if she wanted to get a haircut. There were no questions about mental health or why she felt this way. Then the doctor said, “Yes, I’ll refer you.” Afterwards the GP told me there was no evidence for treatment but that she feared for her job if she didn’t refer. It was the first of many strange things that happened in our story. It’s one thing for teenagers to have mixed-up feelings. It’s another for adults to recommend things they think are not true or are bad ideas. At the Tavistock she was put on the waiting list. And it was incredibly lucky that she stayed on the waiting list for years because she hasn’t been medicated. But when I found out she was binding her breasts I was horrified. I tried to get her to stop and she threatened suicide, so I had to let her. Online my daughter was becoming more involved in trans communities. She was following an influencer called JammiDodger, who has transitioned to male, had all the surgeries and has more than a million followers on YouTube. My daughter’s name and pronouns were changed at school. She was referred to as a boy from then on. When we objected she had adults at her school telling her we were abusive, that our home was unsafe. The school referred us to social services, which agreed we had been undermined as parents — and said that the school had acted incorrectly. I believe my daughter has autism and I raised this with the school, but it wouldn’t help because of gender and saw this as further evidence that I was transphobic. She’s now an adult, which leaves her able to do whatever she wants. But that changes little for me: I haven’t been able to parent her properly since she was 13, which is when my parental responsibility was effectively removed. Our relationship is very difficult because she has received all these messages that we are dangerous and abusive. She hasn’t medicated and we hope she won’t. Has this all been a phase she’s going through? I suspect so, but I don’t know. My guess is that, deep down, she knows her dad and I have done the right thing, but it’s difficult as so many people have told her we’re malevolent. It seems she’s no longer involved with online trans communities. I suspect that something scary happened on social media because she went off it — but I don’t know what. But I have come to hear that it’s common for adults to try to make sexual contact with trans children online. They’re more vulnerable and confused than others, and many have already cut off contact with families so they’re isolated. I know this now because I came across Bayswater on Twitter. It’s a support group for the parents of trans-identified adolescents and young people, and it was the first place where I wasn’t considered a conspiracy theorist. There are more than 600 families there, in shock at their children being taken from them. Years have been taken from us as a family. Teenage years are really important, developmentally, emotionally. She is missing four years of her life. She’ll never get them back. As told to Clare Conway Life & StyleParenting Anđo, nemoj molim te, nema šanse da je ovo istina.
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted December 13, 2024 Author Posted December 13, 2024 (edited) 7 hours ago, Angelia said: Veoma tacno, nisam htela da zvucim jednostrano, ni mi kao zene ne mozemo da znamo kako muskarci odrastaju. I cesto deca koja imaju problem sa svojim telom u tom uzrastu, jednostavno odrastu (ovo sto @Selina kaze aklimatizuju) I prihvate svoje telo, ili otkriju svoju sexualnost, zato se u tom uzrastu ne treba zezati sa pubertetom. A pogotovo ne sa operacijama, za mene je to varvarstvo. I ja ne bih povecani broj dece koja tvrde da nisu pol u kome su rodjeni, zvala pomodarstvom, to je vise social contagion. Pogotovo ako ih mediji I internet hrane takvim objasnjenjima, I pricaju o "polu koji je dodeljen na rodjenju". To veze sa naukom nema. Postoje razlozi zasto je broj povecan. Jedan od toga je da su se pre bojali da kazu, pa su se mnogi odlucili na ultimativni korika da oduzmu sebi zivot nego da ga zive sa problemom koji ne mogu da rese. Drugi je, to sto ti je danas dostupna informacija brze nego pre, pa cujes za mnoge slucajeve koje pre ne bi imala pojma da postoje. Posto sebe volimo da zovemo civilizacijom, a to pretpostavlja da idemo napred, a ne nazad, pa kako smo poboljsali medicinu, tehniku, tehnologiju, pronalaske, se i prilagodjavamo tome. Postavila sam negde video u kom covek koji je ucestvovao u pronalazenju AI prica o momentu kada ce doci da se potpuno odvoje od uticaja ljudi, jer su projektovani tako da skupljaju znanje vremenom. Za sada ne mogu da donose samostalne odluke, ali u buducnosti ce sigurno moci. Nesto kao razvoj polozaja zena u ljudskom drustvu 😄 Pa te pitam, stezanjem omce oko bilo kog napretka koliki mislis da ce nam biti vek na ovoj planeti pre nego sto postanemo robovi robotima? Jako se trudite (mislim na politicku garnituru kojoj ti svesrdno drzis stranu bilo sta da odluce) ne da napredujemo, nego da vracamo stvari u predjasnje stranje. Malo je prekasno za tako nesto. Covek kojeg pravdas za svaku otpalu trepavicu pravi cipove za mozak i robote... a ne moze da podnese ideju da mu se dete ne oseca kako on zeli da se oseca. Ti si mu vec rob, ja to ne zelim da postanem... Trece (iz prvog pasusa) bavis se trivijalnostima koje ti naturaju oni sto ti kroje misljenje koje pokusavas da raspetaljas ovde, i uopste ne vidis sta se realno oko tebe desava. Kao svaki verni republikanac, radis na sopstvenu stetu i kao svaki verni republikanac, do kraja ces ostati buyer's remorse. Edited December 13, 2024 by 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂
Darko Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 (edited) Ovih par strana odslikavaju problem levice i anti Trampista. Umesto da se prizna da se eto, otišlo u ekstrem, vuku se paralele sa nečim što nema veze i govnima se mažu oni koji misle da je problem. Intervju je uz filma What Is a Woman: Žena je doktor i preziva se Forcier (prikladno ime ). Walsh-a inače ne mogu da svarim ali ovde je apsolutno u pravu. Pogledajte intervju (preporučujem da preskočite Matt-ove holier than thou floskule, mada zvuči kao vi kada kritikujete neistomišljenike). Pa vi sada vidite kome dajete podršku. Edited December 13, 2024 by Darko
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted December 13, 2024 Author Posted December 13, 2024 5 minutes ago, Darko said: Ovih par strana odslikavaju problem levice i anti Trampista. Umesto da se prizna da se eto, otišlo u ekstrem, vuku se paralele sa nečim što nema veze i govnima se mažu oni koji misle da je problem. Darko, kako to nije otislo u ekstrem pre Trampa?
Darko Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 1 minute ago, 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 said: Darko, kako to nije otislo u ekstrem pre Trampa? Pa i jeste. Tramp je samo to iskoristio, stari hohštapler je on. Preporučujem ti da pogledaš intervju, da vidiš kakve gadosti ova doktorka prenosi.
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted December 13, 2024 Author Posted December 13, 2024 4 minutes ago, Darko said: Pa i jeste. Tramp je samo to iskoristio, stari hohštapler je on. Preporučujem ti da pogledaš intervju, da vidiš kakve gadosti ova doktorka prenosi. Ne, prvo je napravio problem, a onda ponudio da ga resi. Klasicni potez svakog populiste. To je zatim izazvalu rekaciju, i onda se napravila bespotrebna halabuka oko neceg sto je totalno marginalno za 99,99% stanovnistva.
Helena Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 1 hour ago, Angelia said: Veoma moguce u UK, iz iskustva. Takodje, u USA. Saznas kad ti dete kaze, ako ti ne kaze, nista. To nikad nisam cula da ti daju kalendar aktivnosti i potpisani pristanak za prisustvovanje. Svaka cast ako je tako kod vas. Nedavno je neko snimio u nekoj skoli ovde takvo predavanje, pa je skola negirala iako postoji snimak. Recimo: https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/lgbtq-club-causing-controversy-elk-grove-elementary-school/ 1 hour ago, Angelia said: Veoma moguce u UK, iz iskustva. Takodje, u USA. Saznas kad ti dete kaze, ako ti ne kaze, nista. To nikad nisam cula da ti daju kalendar aktivnosti i potpisani pristanak za prisustvovanje. Svaka cast ako je tako kod vas. Nedavno je neko snimio u nekoj skoli ovde takvo predavanje, pa je skola negirala iako postoji snimak. Recimo: https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/lgbtq-club-causing-controversy-elk-grove-elementary-school/ Od kad se veruje ovoj mreži?
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted December 13, 2024 Author Posted December 13, 2024 2 minutes ago, Helena said: Od kad se veruje ovoj mreži? Od kada su Mika i Dzo otisli da se uvlace Tramp kako bi sacuvali poslove. Jedno od Trampovih obecanja je oduzimanje frekvencije 'laznim vestima' pa se sad utrkuju da dokazu da nisu lazne. Elem, u cilju da sacuvaju poslove na ovakav nacin su napusteni od publike i sami su sebe unistili. Ne mora Tramp dalje da intervenise, vec je odradio posao na veoma slican nacin Vucicu.
Helena Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 24 minutes ago, Darko said: Ovih par strana odslikavaju problem levice i anti Trampista. Umesto da se prizna da se eto, otišlo u ekstrem, vuku se paralele sa nečim što nema veze i govnima se mažu oni koji misle da je problem. Intervju je uz filma What Is a Woman: Žena je doktor i preziva se Forcier (prikladno ime ). Walsh-a inače ne mogu da svarim ali ovde je apsolutno u pravu. Pogledajte intervju (preporučujem da preskočite Matt-ove holier than thou floskule, mada zvuči kao vi kada kritikujete neistomišljenike). Pa vi sada vidite kome dajete podršku. A ja bih trebalo da sam levica i antitrantranpistkinja? Pisala sam u vezi zdravlja i kako je Amerika u tome prva, prva je i prepoznala poremećaj. Mnogo ljudi žive kako čovek treba da živi zahvaljujući medicini i psihologiji. I onda dođe jedan netranp, i ko što neko reče, kupi i Ameriku i vladu i od toga napravi političku kampanju. Što se pak tiče mazanja, mažu se sami, nekoliko puta sam gledala Morgana kako izvrće ruglu tuđu muku, banalizujući stvarne probleme stvarnih ljudi Seksualizacija dece je nebitna u celoj priči.
Angelia Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 32 minutes ago, Helena said: Od kad se veruje ovoj mreži? Sta ima da im verujem? Mislila si na MSNBC? Iako ja ne verujem nijednoj mrezi iskreno 3 hours ago, ters said: Nisam uspio pronaci dokumentovani slucaj da je ljekar u USA izgubio licencu, ili da je pokrenut postupak da se oduzme licenca radi odbijanja da pruzi "gender affirming care" maloljetnom pacijentu. A pogotovo ne veci broj tih slucajeva koji bi govorio da je to uticalo na ljekarske odluke na bilo koji nacin. Sad ih samo otpuste pod nekim drugim izgovorom najcesce. https://www.becketlaw.org/media/court-doctors-wont-forced-perform-gender-transition-procedures/ Ili ovako: Federal Law on Gender-Affirming Care The Affordable Care Act (Section 1557) includes broad civil rights protections in health care, barring discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in all health care programs or activities that receive federal funding. (42 U.S. Code § 18116 (2024).) The Obama administration interpreted Section 1557's ban on sex discrimination to include discrimination based on gender identity. The Trump administration erased those protections in 2020. The Biden administration then restored them in 2021, bolstered by a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision ruling that gender identity discrimination in the workplace is illegal. (Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, 140 S. Ct. 1731 (2020).) Section 1557 offers important protections for people seeking gender-affirming care. But it only applies to health care programs that receive federal funding and it doesn't require health insurance policies to cover any particular procedure or treatment. Insurers can still deny some gender-affirming care on a case-by-case basis, and state laws and policies related to private insurance, Medicaid programs, and employee benefits vary widely. Section 1557 protects transgender and nonbinary people from discrimination in certain health care settings in a few ways. The law: prevents health professionals and insurers from denying overall health care and coverage based on sex and gender identity prohibits insurers from denying a person sex-specific care because that person identifies as another gender (for example, a transgender man can't be denied a mammogram or pap smear and a transgender woman can't be denied a prostate cancer screening or a "well male exam") outlaws blanket bans on both gender-affirming care itself and on specific gender-affirming procedures (like facial feminization surgery), and prevents insurance companies from placing discriminatory limits on coverage for gender-affirming care (for example, if a plan covers breast reconstruction for cancer treatment or hormones to treat post-menopause symptoms, it can't exclude these procedures to treat gender dysphoria). 1 hour ago, Eddard said: Anđo, nemoj molim te, nema šanse da je ovo istina. Pogledaj link gore kad su isli do SC, i da, lekari su izuzetno zabrinuti: https://www.courthousenews.com/fifth-circuit-examines-legality-of-texas-doctor-objections-to-gender-affirming-care/ Pricali smo vec da su bolnice realno liability sensitive, tako da nadju nacin kako da ih ubede. Jel bi ti isao protiv ovoga: https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2023/ama-gender-affirming-care https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2024/02/policy-supporting-transgender-nonbinary Ljudi se plase aktivista, odbijes i to izadje, imas tuzbe za diskriminaciju.
Angelia Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 41 minutes ago, Helena said: A ja bih trebalo da sam levica i antitrantranpistkinja? Pisala sam u vezi zdravlja i kako je Amerika u tome prva, prva je i prepoznala poremećaj. Mnogo ljudi žive kako čovek treba da živi zahvaljujući medicini i psihologiji. I onda dođe jedan netranp, i ko što neko reče, kupi i Ameriku i vladu i od toga napravi političku kampanju. Što se pak tiče mazanja, mažu se sami, nekoliko puta sam gledala Morgana kako izvrće ruglu tuđu muku, banalizujući stvarne probleme stvarnih ljudi Seksualizacija dece je nebitna u celoj priči. Meni se ipak cini da ti ne citas postove ako ti ne odgovaraju. Kontas da se ovo vuce od Obame, ili te istorija ne interesuje?
Darko Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 (edited) 1 hour ago, 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 said: Ne, prvo je napravio problem, a onda ponudio da ga resi. Klasicni potez svakog populiste. Ne lupetaj. Nije Tramp uveo gender affirming care i ostale ne-naučne/opasne intervencije oko polne disforije. I nije ga čak ni on izveo na oko Amerike. Ali je itekako iskoristio gnev ljudi na tu ideologiju. Pročitaj Blank Slate od Pinkera i edukuj se malo umesto što izbacuješ izlizane floskule. Njega spominjem jer je demokrata i teški anti-Trampista, daleko od bilo kakvog desničara. Edited December 13, 2024 by Darko
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 Posted December 14, 2024 Author Posted December 14, 2024 19 minutes ago, Darko said: Ne lupetaj. Nije Tramp uveo gender affirming care i ostale ne-naučne/opasne intervencije oko polne disforije. I nije ga čak ni on izveo na oko Amerike. Ali je itekako iskoristio gnev ljudi na tu ideologiju. Pročitaj Blank Slate od Pinkera i edukuj se malo umesto što izbacuješ izlizane floskule. Njega spominjem jer je demokrata i teški anti-Trampista, daleko od bilo kakvog desničara. Odmah djonom, tako treba... samo udri Nije on napravio nista osim propagande. Stvari su isle svojim tokom, pratile razvoj medicine i on se pojavio da ponudi resenje jer ga finansiraju religiozni. Njega licno to uopste ne interesuje, ali njegovu bazu interesuje, iako velika vecina u zivotu nije imala ikakav fizicki kontakt sa bilo kojom trans osobom. Propagandu su poceli od piju deciju krv, prave cipele od decije koze, pa problemi wc-a, pa malo po malo stigli do zakona, dotle se baza razbuktala i krenula da ubija trans osobe. Na drugoj strani se oni povampirili zbog svega i eto sekspirove drame. Hvala ti na preporukama, ali sama biram sta cu da citam. Stavljas Matt Walsha, bez obrzira sto prica tamo sa nekim idiotom, ali brate mili... Ti procitas knjigu dve i vec popujes po forumu, pun znanja. Da si pokazao odustvo razumevanja za bilo koje socijalne probleme, jesi, na svakoj temi, tesko tu moze bilo koji post ili bilo koja knjiga da ispravi nesto. Svaki put kad udarite nekom samar, okrenuce se jos jednom, treci ce uzvratiti. Tako da niko nece sedeti i cekati da ga ugnjetavaju, nego ako nista drugo ce traziti pravo. Nemas pojma koliko puta sam cula od ljudi kako gej osobe koje traze da budu roditelji ili da se vencaju, traze veca prava nego sto strejt osobe imaju. Tu pocinje i zavrsava se razgovor, nema tu pomoci ni objasnjavanja, nicega... formirani ljudi tesko menjaju misljenja. Jbt jel ne mozete da zivite svoj zivot i pustite ljude da svoj zive kako oni hoce? Sta vas briga sta se ko operise, sta ko ugradjuje ili crta, ili oblaci ili gde ide gde ne... U pm to guranje nosa u tudje krevete, wc, kuce, zivote... Kao da se meni sve stvari svidjaju, bre, gledam svoja posla i ako ne mogu da pomognem, bar necu odmagati. 1
ters Posted December 14, 2024 Posted December 14, 2024 (edited) 1 hour ago, Angelia said: Sta ima da im verujem? Mislila si na MSNBC? Iako ja ne verujem nijednoj mrezi iskreno Sad ih samo otpuste pod nekim drugim izgovorom najcesce. https://www.becketlaw.org/media/court-doctors-wont-forced-perform-gender-transition-procedures/ Mozda pogresno citam, ali ovdje i dalje nema ni jednog imena ljekara koji je izgubio licencu radi odbijanja da pruzi usluge maloljetnim korisnicima kojima je potreban gender affirming care.\ 1 hour ago, Angelia said: Federal Law on Gender-Affirming Care The Affordable Care Act (Section 1557) includes broad civil rights protections in health care, barring discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in all health care programs or activities that receive federal funding. (42 U.S. Code § 18116 (2024).) The Obama administration interpreted Section 1557's ban on sex discrimination to include discrimination based on gender identity. The Trump administration erased those protections in 2020. The Biden administration then restored them in 2021, bolstered by a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision ruling that gender identity discrimination in the workplace is illegal. (Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, 140 S. Ct. 1731 (2020).) I sta je problematicno u ovom boldovanom tekstu? Sto je zabranjena diskriminacija na osnovu gender identiteta? Ili sto je zabranjena na radnom mjestu ? Ili je diskriminacija po ovom kriteriju OK u Trumpland-u? 1 hour ago, Angelia said: Section 1557 offers important protections for people seeking gender-affirming care. But it only applies to health care programs that receive federal funding and it doesn't require health insurance policies to cover any particular procedure or treatment. Insurers can still deny some gender-affirming care on a case-by-case basis, and state laws and policies related to private insurance, Medicaid programs, and employee benefits vary widely. Section 1557 protects transgender and nonbinary people from discrimination in certain health care settings in a few ways. The law: prevents health professionals and insurers from denying overall health care and coverage based on sex and gender identity prohibits insurers from denying a person sex-specific care because that person identifies as another gender (for example, a transgender man can't be denied a mammogram or pap smear and a transgender woman can't be denied a prostate cancer screening or a "well male exam") outlaws blanket bans on both gender-affirming care itself and on specific gender-affirming procedures (like facial feminization surgery), and prevents insurance companies from placing discriminatory limits on coverage for gender-affirming care (for example, if a plan covers breast reconstruction for cancer treatment or hormones to treat post-menopause symptoms, it can't exclude these procedures to treat gender dysphoria). I sta je ovdje problem ? Koliko je dokumentovanih slucajeva gdje su transgender zene trazila pregled prostate ili transgender muskarci pap smear? Edited December 14, 2024 by ters
Darko Posted December 14, 2024 Posted December 14, 2024 (edited) 3 minutes ago, 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 said: Odmah djonom, tako treba... samo udri Nije on napravio nista osim propagande. Stvari su isle svojim tokom, pratile razvoj medicine i on se pojavio da ponudi resenje jer ga finansiraju religiozni. Njega licno to uopste ne interesuje, ali njegovu bazu interesuje, iako velika vecina u zivotu nije imala ikakav fizicki kontakt sa bilo kojom trans osobom. Propagandu su poceli od piju deciju krv, prave cipele od decije koze, pa problemi wc-a, pa malo po malo stigli do zakona, dotle se baza razbuktala i krenula da ubija trans osobe. Na drugoj strani se oni povampirili zbog svega i eto sekspirove drame. Hvala ti na preporukama, ali sama biram sta cu da citam. Stavljas Matt Walsha, bez obrzira sto prica tamo sa nekim idiotom, ali brate mili... Ti procitas knjigu dve i vec popujes po forumu, pun znanja. Da si pokazao odustvo razumevanja za bilo koje socijalne probleme, jesi, na svakoj temi, tesko tu moze bilo koji post ili bilo koja knjiga da ispravi nesto. Svaki put kad udarite nekom samar, okrenuce se jos jednom, treci ce uzvratiti. Tako da niko nece sedeti i cekati da ga ugnjetavaju, nego ako nista drugo ce traziti pravo. Nemas pojma koliko puta sam cula od ljudi kako gej osobe koje traze da budu roditelji ili da se vencaju, traze veca prava nego sto strejt osobe imaju. Tu pocinje i zavrsava se razgovor, nema tu pomoci ni objasnjavanja, nicega... formirani ljudi tesko menjaju misljenja. Jbt jel ne mozete da zivite svoj zivot i pustite ljude da svoj zive kako oni hoce? Sta vas briga sta se ko operise, sta ko ugradjuje ili crta, ili oblaci ili gde ide gde ne... U pm to guranje nosa u tudje krevete, wc, kuce, zivote... Kao da se meni sve stvari svidjaju, bre, gledam svoja posla i ako ne mogu da pomognem, bar necu odmagati. Bolje jedna knjiga ili dve nego nijedna. A po običaju, ništa na ti nisi odgovorila i promašila temu - i naravno tvoj omitelji hobi, učitavanje. Ko Tramp kada ga pitaju za nešto a on palamudi o nečem drugom. Edited December 14, 2024 by Darko
Helena Posted December 14, 2024 Posted December 14, 2024 1 hour ago, Angelia said: Sta ima da im verujem? Mislila si na MSNBC? Iako ja ne verujem nijednoj mrezi iskreno Sad ih samo otpuste pod nekim drugim izgovorom najcesce. https://www.becketlaw.org/media/court-doctors-wont-forced-perform-gender-transition-procedures/ Ili ovako: Federal Law on Gender-Affirming Care The Affordable Care Act (Section 1557) includes broad civil rights protections in health care, barring discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in all health care programs or activities that receive federal funding. (42 U.S. Code § 18116 (2024).) The Obama administration interpreted Section 1557's ban on sex discrimination to include discrimination based on gender identity. The Trump administration erased those protections in 2020. The Biden administration then restored them in 2021, bolstered by a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision ruling that gender identity discrimination in the workplace is illegal. (Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, 140 S. Ct. 1731 (2020).) Section 1557 offers important protections for people seeking gender-affirming care. But it only applies to health care programs that receive federal funding and it doesn't require health insurance policies to cover any particular procedure or treatment. Insurers can still deny some gender-affirming care on a case-by-case basis, and state laws and policies related to private insurance, Medicaid programs, and employee benefits vary widely. Section 1557 protects transgender and nonbinary people from discrimination in certain health care settings in a few ways. The law: prevents health professionals and insurers from denying overall health care and coverage based on sex and gender identity prohibits insurers from denying a person sex-specific care because that person identifies as another gender (for example, a transgender man can't be denied a mammogram or pap smear and a transgender woman can't be denied a prostate cancer screening or a "well male exam") outlaws blanket bans on both gender-affirming care itself and on specific gender-affirming procedures (like facial feminization surgery), and prevents insurance companies from placing discriminatory limits on coverage for gender-affirming care (for example, if a plan covers breast reconstruction for cancer treatment or hormones to treat post-menopause symptoms, it can't exclude these procedures to treat gender dysphoria). Pogledaj link gore kad su isli do SC, i da, lekari su izuzetno zabrinuti: https://www.courthousenews.com/fifth-circuit-examines-legality-of-texas-doctor-objections-to-gender-affirming-care/ Pricali smo vec da su bolnice realno liability sensitive, tako da nadju nacin kako da ih ubede. Jel bi ti isao protiv ovoga: https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2023/ama-gender-affirming-care https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2024/02/policy-supporting-transgender-nonbinary Ljudi se plase aktivista, odbijes i to izadje, imas tuzbe za diskriminaciju. Čijih aktivista, Šolaka i Soroša? Nikako da dođemo do imena tih aktivista, dok smo političare kojima to ide u prilog usput izgubili.
Angelia Posted December 14, 2024 Posted December 14, 2024 20 minutes ago, Darko said: Ne lupetaj. Nije Tramp uveo gender affirming care i ostale ne-naučne/opasne intervencije oko polne disforije. I nije ga čak ni on izveo na oko Amerike. Ali je itekako iskoristio gnev ljudi na tu ideologiju. Pročitaj Blank Slate od Pinkera i edukuj se malo umesto što izbacuješ izlizane floskule. Njega spominjem jer je demokrata i teški anti-Trampista, daleko od bilo kakvog desničara. Iskreno, nisam upoznata mnogo sa Blank Slate, ali izgleda kao interesatno stivo. Bukvalno mozemo rec po rec da se slozimo, Tramp nije cak ni doveo u focus, ljudi su vec bili besni. On je iskoristio ludilo. 3 minutes ago, ters said: Mozda pogresno citam, ali ovdje i dalje nema ni jednog imena ljekara koji je izgubio licencu radi odbijanja da pruzi usluge maloljetnim korisnicima kojima je potreban gender affirming care. Niko nije izgubio licencu, jer se niko nije usudio da testira zakon, nego su tuzili na osnovu ustavnosti. Mandat je povucen 2021. Sta ti mislis, da su ljudi glupi, ne znaju da citaju sta mandat znaci? Pa su opet probali da ga provuku kroz obilazenje te presude. Retko kada je to pojedinac koji je vec izgubio nesto, kao u slucaju otpustenih. Tuzba koja ide do SC kosta jako mnogo. 1
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