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Čeka nas 11. trka u sezoni i polako se približavamo ka polovini sezone. Ono što je u poslednjim sezonama bilo skoro nezamislivo, u vreme surove dominacije MGP i RBR izgleda da se konačno završilo u ovoj sezoni. McLaren se izuzetno popravio, Ferrari ne baš konzistentan ali bolji nego ranije, MGP ima svetle momente i dobre rezultate. Koliko je Max dobar pilot, ili ako hoćete, koliko RB20 više nije superioran bolid najbolje pokazuje Perez koji ima upola manje bodova a ispred njega su Norris i oba Ferrarija.


Ovog puta nas čeka sprint vikend sa samo jednim treningom. 

Satnica ovde:




Velika nagrada Austrije se sa prekidima vozi od 1963, s tim da se ta prva trka kao i trke u godinama 1965 - 1969 nisu računale u F1 šampionat. Do 1969. se trka vozila na vojnom aerodromu Zeltweg, da bi se od 1970. preselila svega par kilometara na novoizgradjenu pistu Österreichring gde se u manje ili više modifikovanoj konfiguraciji vozi do danas. Od 1970. do 1987. se trka vozila svake sezone i u tim godinama su se odigrale neke spektakularne borbe, bez DRS, KERS, tyre management itd. itd. only guts.

Kao posledica mnogobrojnih udesa na pisti i zbog sigurnosti se trke nisu vozile od 1988. do 1996., kada je novi sponzor, operator A1 dao ime pisti a Hermann Tilke joj je dao layout i to je sigurno jedan od njegovih najuspešnijih radova. Ugovor je istekao 2003. i pista pada u zaborav i plaća danak lošem održavanju i prirodi. U poluraspadnutom stanju, 2013. godine, Didi Mateshitz kupuje i renovira u rekordnom roku ceo kompleks i trka ulazi 2014. u zvanični kalendar i vozi se do danas bez prekida.




Pista ima čak 3 DRS zone, tako da prilika za preticanje ima dosta, imho, najatraktivnije mesto je T3 ali odlične borbe smo videli u celom sektoru od T3 do T9.


Zanimljiva statistika je da od aktivnih pilota 4 pobede ima Max, 2 Bottas a Hamilton(!) i Leclerc po jednu. Najuspešniji konstrukteri su Ferrari i McLaren sa po 6 pobeda, MGP 5 a Lotus i RBR po 4.


Mislim da ćemo se svi ovde složiti da teško možemo da nadjemo više oduran tim u F1 nego što je RBR. Ali šta je kompanija RB uradila za popularizaciju F1 i ekstremnih sportova nema u modernoj istoriji premca. 


Sama pista je u prekrasnom alpskom okruženju, na nadmorskoj visini od cca 700m, nekad se vidi i sneg koji se još uvek drži na vrhovima okolnih planina. Ceo vikend je doživljaj a race day je neverovatan show, nešto takvo nema na drugim trkama. Organizacija je uvek (kad sam bio) perfektna a prateći program je apsolutno TOP. Zahvaljujući parama od šećerne vodice i genijima sportskog marketinga iz RBR sam imao tu priliku, sreću i čast da vidim žive legende u istorijskim F1 bolidima ili CanAm autima. Lauda, Piquet, Prost, Patrese, mladi Brabham, Alesi, Berger, pa i oni koje sam video u regularnim trkama i u reviji, JPM, DC, Wurz itd... Čak i jednooki Helmut Marko prošle godine, mislim u CanAm Loli.


Prijatan vikend, uživajte u trkanju i neka najbolji (na žalost, ne verujem da će to biti neko drugi nego Max) pobedi!

Edited by alberto.ascari
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Max Verstappen topped the sole practice session of the sprint weekend Austrian Grand Prix despite an engine drama in his Red Bull Racing car briefly causing a mid-hour red flag.


Novotarije na bolidima:




McLaren has the most notable new parts of the front-running teams as a small number of upgrades have been introduced at the Austrian Grand Prix.


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Max Verstappen will start the Austria sprint race from pole position after claiming top spot in Friday qualifying from growing rival Lando Norris.







Charles Leclerc says he doesn’t know what caused his car to shut down in the pit lane and prevented him from setting a lap time in SQ3 at the Austrian Grand Prix.





Max Verstappen says the sprint at the Austrian Grand Prix will give a telling indication of the relative pace differences between Red Bull and McLaren this weekend.


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Ova dvojica opet seruckaju:


🚨 Jos Verstappen has withdrawn from driving the RB8 at Spielberg for the Legends Parade event


Jos: "Heard from several sources that Christian Horner did everything he could not to let me drive. Then I thought: say it to my face. I find it very disappointing


Na to je Horner izjavio da ako Mercedes još uvek hoće Verstappena da je Jos slobodan.

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U takmičarskom smislu Sprint trke nemaju baš nikakvog smisla, samo pomažu dominantnom vozaču da uveća prednost u šampionatu. Kada bi bio obrnuti grid bilo bi i više akcije i više prilike za Zaubere, Vilijamse i Hasove da se bore za vredne bodove, a možda bi neki od vozača tih ekipa zasijao jer bi više vremena bio u kadru. Ovako kruže negde u daljini i vidimo ih samo kada se slupaju ili smetaju Maxu kada ih obilazi za krug.


Jedini smisao ovakvog Sprinta je da opravda preskupe ulaznice tj. da ponudi više proizvoda gledaocu kraj staze za date pare.

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2 minutes ago, Drago said:

U takmičarskom smislu Sprint trke nemaju baš nikakvog smisla, samo pomažu dominantnom vozaču da uveća prednost u šampionatu. Kada bi bio obrnuti grid bilo bi i više akcije i više prilike za Zaubere, Vilijamse i Hasove da se bore za vredne bodove, a možda bi neki od vozača tih ekipa zasijao jer bi više vremena bio u kadru. Ovako kruže negde u daljini i vidimo ih samo kada se slupaju ili smetaju Maxu kada ih obilazi za krug.


Jedini smisao ovakvog Sprinta je da opravda preskupe ulaznice tj. da ponudi više proizvoda gledaocu kraj staze za date pare.


Plus što ideš napamet u kvale i trku sa samo jednim treningom.

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Max ponovo vrhunski odvezao, ona kontra na Norisu je apsolutno sampionski potez.

S druge strane jad i bedu Pereza je tesko gledati. Zivota mi uveo bih pravilo da ako si po suvom u kvalifikacijama sporiji vise od pola sekunde od timskog kolege startujes sa zacelja, a za vise od sekunde diskvalifikaciju, pa bi zarad timskih bodova timovi morali da za drugo mesto nadju nekog ko ume da vozi.

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5 minutes ago, Romantik said:

Max ponovo vrhunski odvezao, ona kontra na Norisu je apsolutno sampionski potez.

S druge strane jad i bedu Pereza je tesko gledati. Zivota mi uveo bih pravilo da ako si po suvom u kvalifikacijama sporiji vise od pola sekunde od timskog kolege startujes sa zacelja, a za vise od sekunde diskvalifikaciju, pa bi zarad timskih bodova timovi morali da za drugo mesto nadju nekog ko ume da vozi.


Sve za 5, ali kontra je čisto Norrisova greška. Inače, Checo dobio na 23 kruga 17s. Šampionski materijal.

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3 hours ago, Drago said:

Jedini smisao ovakvog Sprinta je da opravda preskupe ulaznice tj. da ponudi više proizvoda gledaocu kraj staze za date pare.


Ima jos jedan - i razlog zbog kojeg je Montreal odbio da budu sprint vikend pod novim ugovorom - FOM naplacuje organizatorima vecu taksu za organizovanje trke kad je sprint vikend.

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17 minutes ago, Radoye said:


Ima jos jedan - i razlog zbog kojeg je Montreal odbio da budu sprint vikend pod novim ugovorom - FOM naplacuje organizatorima vecu taksu za organizovanje trke kad je sprint vikend.


Onda je rezon organizatora u Austriji: glavna trka+sprint trka=više prodatih ulaznica po naravno većoj ceni.

Edited by Drago
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Max Verstappen dominated qualifying for the Austrian Grand Prix, blitzing the field by almost half a second to take his 40th pole position in Formula 1.







Oscar Piastri slammed the stewards’ decision to delete the lap time which originally put him third on the grid, calling it “embarrassing”.





McLaren has officially protested the results of today’s qualifying session.





Max Verstappen secured pole position for the Austrian Grand Prix but is under investigation for driving too slowly in the pit lane exit.





Charles Leclerc said losing a chance to start the Austrian Grand Prix from third place was “not a disaster” following a series of mistakes on his final lap.


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9 hours ago, alberto.ascari said:

Ova dvojica opet seruckaju:


🚨 Jos Verstappen has withdrawn from driving the RB8 at Spielberg for the Legends Parade event


Jos: "Heard from several sources that Christian Horner did everything he could not to let me drive. Then I thought: say it to my face. I find it very disappointing


Na to je Horner izjavio da ako Mercedes još uvek hoće Verstappena da je Jos slobodan.



Christian Horner has responded to comments from Mercedes and Jos Verstappen, which he perceived as slights against him and Red Bull. 


Despite Toto Wolff's open admiration for Red Bull’s reigning World Champion, Horner took a swipe at Mercedes after Max Verstappen confirmed his commitment to staying with Red Bull for the 2025 season.


In a fiery press conference after the first free practice session at the Austrian Grand Prix, Horner addressed the media. He criticized Mercedes' attempts to court Verstappen, implying that their motives were not entirely sincere.


“You have to question what are the motives?”


“Obviously behind that, the driver that’s created all the movement in the market, had all the information about the engines and 2026 regulations and so on, chose to leave and left the vacancy at at Mercedes which is why there is now been a little bit of speculation as to who will fill that seat.”


“But it won’t be Max Verstappen.”


Regarding accusations from Jos Verstappnen regarding legends parade, Horner said:


“I’ve been made aware [of the allegations],”


“The legends parade is something that is organised by the circuit.”


“There was no veto from my side or anything like that and I’m sure the legends will be in action later.”


Horner was also pressed on why he believed Wolff was courting Verstappen publicly despite the Dutchman committing to Red Bull and Horner suggested there was one Verstappen on the market.


“That’s a question you’d have to ask Toto,”


“I always thought Max was pretty resolute in what he said in his conference yesterday. He’s always been absolutely consistent with that, with the team.”


“So I think it’s purely a tactic of distraction. Of course if he does want a Verstappen for next year, then I guess Jos is potentially available.”


VIA: [PLANET F1: https://www.planetf1.com/news/christian-horner-takes-aim-jos-verstappen-mercedes-fiery-press-conference ]

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Max Verstappen, Lewis Hamilton and Nico Hulkenberg avoided penalties after the drivers were investigated for four separate incidents in qualifying.


However Mercedes were fined for unsafely releasing Hamilton from the pits and Haas were reprimanded for sending Hulkenberg’s car into the fast lane at the wrong time.





McLaren have failed in their effort to have Oscar Piastri restored to third place on the grid for the Austrian Grand Prix.





Yuki Tsunoda has been fined €40,000 (£33,900), half of which has been suspended, for using an ableist slur on his radio during qualifying.


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Kako nista, a ova dva jarca u Alpini?

On 6/29/2024 at 12:42 PM, alberto.ascari said:

Jos Verstappen has withdrawn from driving the RB8 at Spielberg for the Legends Parade event


Pa kad nije covek legenda.

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