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Roland Garros 2019. (26. maj - 9. jun)


Roland Garros 2019. - ko osvaja  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. Ko osvaja turnir u muskoj konkurenciji?

    • Novak Djokovic
    • Rafael Nadal
    • Rodzer Federer
    • Dominik Tim
    • Aleksandar Zverev
    • Stefanos Cicipas
    • Stanislas Vavrinka
    • Neki Tomas Johanson, od koga to niko ne ocekuje
  2. 2. Ko osvaja turnir u zenskoj konkurenciji?

    • Naomi Osaka
    • Karolina Pliskova
    • Simona Halep
    • Kiki Bertens
    • Andzelik Kerber
    • Petra Kvitova
    • Neki zenski Tomas Johanson

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Intervjuisu Tima posle meca sa Gaelom i pita ga Enan da li misli da je sada blizi velikoj trojci tj tituli nego prosle ili pretprosle godine kada je bio blizu, a on kaze - ne znam tek kad sam igrao sa Rafom video sam koliko sam ustvari daleko

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sad sam tek ukljucila tv i vidim mec DelPa  au jednom cosku na ekranu itv sa Timom ali bio je vec kraj - to je bio onaj itv kratak sa par novinara - Enan i Beneto

ovog puta

Pogledacu sta ima u vezi onog

Edited by ciao
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15 minutes ago, Yi Sun Shin said:

Ima li kakvog abera sa njegove presice. Jel ga nisu poterali da Anisimova održi svoju presicu. Jel se normalno ponašao. Jel spominjao događaj od pre dva dana. Jel bio ljut ili se eventualno zezao s tim?



In a further twist audio evidence emerged on Sunday night in which Williams can be heard telling tournament staff they are ‘very rude’ before stating that she will deliberately cut the ensuing press conference short. 



On Sunday Thiem received support from Roger Federer, obviously used to being someone hugely in demand, who had a clear view on a matter that has clearly been talked about in the men's locker room.

'Something went wrong for this to happen,' he said. 'There's always a way to go, that the one who is still in the tournament gets priority. If I would have lost today against (Leonardo Mayer) I would let him go first or decide when he wants to go to press as he's got a next match.

'I understand Dominic's frustration. For him it's just about how in the world did this happen?'. It is understood that Thiem has received an apology from French Open Tournament Director Guy Forget.

The incident is only symptomatic of how tennis tends to bow and scrape to its biggest stars, none more so than the younger Williams sister, who inspires fear in many.



Edited by wwww
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Nista nisam nasla vezano za neku Timovu izjavu u vezi Serene,  novinari kazu da je on skroman i jako blag van terena i da nije dovoljno postovan od strane novinara, bitno manje je interesantan novinarima nego Zverev i Cicipas koji su zvezde medju podmlatkom. Pominju dogadjaj sa Serenom kao nefer ali nista dalje od toga. Tima ovde vole izmedju ostalog jer je zet sto uvek pomenu :classic_laugh:

Edited by ciao
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4 hours ago, Borko said:

Ja sad na zalost moram da se odjavim na par sati, bicu mislima uz ovu temu 😞


4 hours ago, Crni Bombarder said:

Slobodno kolega.
Preuzimam smenu. :lala2:


Preuzeo smjenu a ni za vidit ga a kamoli čut, ccc.

Sad se vidi ko je kralj a ko župan moderator :classic_biggrin: :classic_tongue:

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4 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Serena nekom kaže da je "very rude"? :79:

U jednom nemackom clanku stoji da je odmah posle meca dosla u media centar sve s ljudima iz njenog PR tima i da je zahtevala da odmah odrzi KZS, da su ljudi koji organizuju sve to bili pod bas velikim pritiskom (pretila da ce skratiti svoju KZS ako joj ne izadju u susret).

Sve ovo se savrseno uklapa u sliku koju imamo o njoj.

jos malo iz onog clanka iz dejli mejla:


Its worst manifestation was when large chunks of the tennis establishment and American media sided with her against umpire Carlos Ramos after her unacceptable outbursts in last year's US Open final against Naomi Osaka. The whole climate makes it difficult for relatively low-ranking tour staff not to accede to her wishes.


Edited by wwww
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