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Ja bih na njegovom mestu preskakala šljaku do kraja karijere, ne znam šta će mu to mučenje u sadašnjem fizičkom stanju. Ajde RG je slem, ali tek tamo je najteže, tri dobijena na šljaci, a nije umeo da igra kratke mečeve ni kad je bio u najboljoj formi :classic_unsure:

  • 1 month later...


After his latest defeat, Murray says he needs to get back to playing his natural game and believes it will come with more matches.

"I need to get back to playing my game on the court, I've kind of gone away from that a little bit," Murray said post-match.

"I'm maybe making a few more mistakes than usual because of that. I need to practise, I need to play matches and physically I need to get better.

"Some things I did a little bit better but overall it was not that much better than the match in Paris."


Ne znam da li on stvarno misli da treba da igra kao ranije u sadašnjem fizičkom stanju, ali njegova "prirodna igra" mu sigurno neće olakšati stvari ni na terenu ni van njega.

  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...



Speaking today in Japan, he said: “I was very disappointed after Wimbledon. With each major tournament that passes… and when you’re getting asked questions a lot it’s always about my future and stuff, so naturally from that and the fact I’d not performed as well as I’d like to, you question things and doubt yourself a little bit.

“But when I got home the day after my match my daughter said to me ‘Daddy, you’re home because you lost another tennis match’ and I said to her, ‘yeah I did, what do you do if you lose?’ and she said ‘you try and try again’.

And I was like yeah, that’s what I want to do. I want to keep playing because I enjoy it and think I can still play at a high level.


  • 5 months later...

Ne znam da li je bilo na onom lajv Novakovom topiku pa ću ovde.


Endi je jebeni BOG B-O-G :Hail: :Hail:




Kakva sahrana ovog raspalog engleskog Saše Radulovića :Hail:


  • Like 3
14 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Mislim da si ti sad četvrti put postavio :classic_biggrin:


Kad ljudi ne koriste odgovarajuci topik :classic_dry:

6 hours ago, NMX said:

Ne znam da li je bilo na onom lajv Novakovom topiku pa ću ovde.


Endi je jebeni BOG B-O-G :Hail: :Hail:




Kakva sahrana ovog raspalog engleskog Saše Radulovića :Hail:


Ni Faraz ne zasluzuje to poredjenje 😄

  • 2 weeks later...


Three years and two hip operations after he sat in the interview room tearfully proclaiming his career over, Murray said whether he will return to Melbourne Park in 2023 depends on how he gets on at big events in 2022.

"This is a really important year for me for a number of reasons, and I want to perform well in the big events," the three-time Grand Slam champion added.

"For me, tonight is not good enough in that respect. You know, making the second round of Slams is not something I find particularly motivating. I want to be doing better than that."

Murray dismissed the idea that his five-set battle in the opening round on Tuesday had been behind his lacklustre display at John Cain Arena as Daniel bounced along the baseline firing winner after winner.


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  • 1 month later...

Samo da odam Endiju priznanje za današnju pobedu :Hail: nadam se da ću ukačiti neku reprizu ili bar hajlajtse.

Svaka mu čast što i dalje ima snage i živaca za ovakve mečeve iako više nije konkurentan za najveće titule, a mogao je odavno da uživa u penziji.

  • Like 2
17 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Samo da odam Endiju priznanje za današnju pobedu :Hail: nadam se da ću ukačiti neku reprizu ili bar hajlajtse.

Svaka mu čast što i dalje ima snage i živaca za ovakve mečeve iako više nije konkurentan za najveće titule, a mogao je odavno da uživa u penziji.!media


Vidim da su im hajlajtsi na yt zaključani za nas. Nisam jos ispratio da li ce biti celih meceva za dz

  • Thanks 1
On 1/17/2023 at 2:11 PM, alcesta said:

Samo da odam Endiju priznanje za današnju pobedu :Hail: nadam se da ću ukačiti neku reprizu ili bar hajlajtse.

Svaka mu čast što i dalje ima snage i živaca za ovakve mečeve iako više nije konkurentan za najveće titule, a mogao je odavno da uživa u penziji.

A tek posle ovoga danas, ne znam ni šta bih rekla više...

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