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Piece of work - Elon Musk


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Na kraju će se ispostaviti zbog čega je twitter, uzročno-posledično postao utočište, ponajpre ekstremne levice i ekstremne desnice, sa sasvim sigurno više miliona botovskih naloga koji botuju za, predstavljanje rosijske pederacije kao faktora mira i stabilnosti, maga botovanje za trampa, iskrivljavanje stvarnosti po pitanju hamasa i bliskog istoka, freeasange budalaštine i debilizam, itd, itd...


Ako se dobro sećam, profit twittera je toliki, da se apsolutno nikad neće isplatiti, što jasno dodaje još jednu slagalicu koja se slaže. Tj, profit je nebitan, zapravo je jasno zašto je profit u ovom trenutku nebitan, ali i to će jednom morati da dođe na red.


Full List of Investors in Elon Musk's X Revealed in Court Filing





...got such love for Russia and where the roots of “filters” due to anti-Russian publications grow from. Let me remind you who Aven and Moshkovich are.


Petr Aven is a Russian billionaire, founder of Alfa Group, which is one of the main wallets for Putin. This man is controlled by the Kremlin as much as possible, for example, in 2018 he traveled to Washington with his colleague Fridman to lobby on behalf of the Russian government to lift international sanctions on Russia. Aven is one of Putin's oldest friends. In general, without Peter's interference, Putin would be in jail rather than becoming president. After all, Aven covered for Vladimir Putin in 1992, when he organized the illegal trade in export licenses. Aven promptly approved him as an authorized representative of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Affairs with the right of foreign economic activity, thus saving the future dictator from prison. Aven also attended a meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022 to mark the start of the invasion of Ukraine. He did not express any protest, started the special military operation and silently supported Putin. By the way, he along with Friedman is trying to get sanctions lifted, just yesterday he received another rejection in this matter.

Twitter is represented in the purchase by 8VC Opportunities Fund II, L.P., a company in which his son Denis works.


Vadim Moshkovich is a sub-sanctioned Russian agrarian billionaire who was a member of the “Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”. In other words, he was officially part of Putin's closest circle. Moshkovich owns Russia's largest agricultural holding Rusagro. Naturally, he also attended the meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022 and, like Aven, did not express any protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Twitter is represented in the purchase by 8VC Opportunities Fund II, L.P., a company in which his son Jack (Eugene) works.


Also an interesting personality is Al-Waleed bin Talal Al Saud, who both personally and through his Kingdom Holding Company is represented in the list of investors as many as three times. This man continues his investment business in Russia and does not publicly support Hamas in the war against Israel. He regularly works with Rosneft, Lukoil and Gazprom on investments in Russia.


Knowing all of this, how can there even be a discussion about Elon Musk's bias? Everyone was thinking how is it possible that Twitter (X)'s stock is plummeting, advertisers are breaking contracts, and no one is doing anything about it. I mean, that's a direct loss to investors. But what everyone overlooked was the fact that investors didn't care about profits, they needed a platform to promote their narratives, such as: supporting Putin and Russia; lobbying to freeze the war in Ukraine; taking the Ukrainian agenda out of the top news; the righteousness of Hamas, etc.


It is now obvious that all the changes to Twitter that are ruining this beautiful platform are a consequence of Elon Musk's collaboration with people like Moshkovich and Aven.



Edited by 033zero330
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Elon Musk dostiže novo dno sa seksističkim tvitom

Pop zvezda Tejlor Svift govori u korist Kamale Harris, a Trump fan reaguje na najnižem nivou. Ovo takođe izaziva strah od loših stvari za X.

Neželjena ponuda tehnološkog milijardera Elona Muska pop zvijezdi Taylor Swift: dat će joj dijete i zaštititi njezine mačke svojim životom.


Musk je ovo napisao u servisu kratkih poruka koji vodi, X (bivši Twitter), nakon što je Swift na Instagramu progovorila u korist demokratske predsjedničke kandidatkinje SAD-a Kamale Harris. Pjevačica je svoju poruku ironično potpisala s "childless cat lady" - misleći na republikanskog potkandidata J. D. Vancea, koji je svojedobno tim izrazom ocrnio žene bez djece.

Muskova reakcija nije smiješna, niti je ovo predizborna kampanja, čak i ako Musk službeno podržava Harrisovog protukandidata Donalda Trumpa. Njegova izjava je seksistička, mačo ili ukratko: ne dolazi u obzir. I to sugerira da će razina X nastaviti padati pod Muskovim vodstvom.


Sloboda izražavanja treba biti povezana sa sadržajem

Milijarder već dobre dvije godine koristi svoje većinske udjele u X-u kako bi slobodno širio svoje libertarijanske i desno-populističke stavove diljem svijeta. Međutim, s postom na Swiftu, vlasnik Tesle doživio je novu nisku razinu; Čak iu najboljoj pjesmi Mallorce, malo bi veseljaka smatralo da je takva rečenica zaista smiješna. Ali svi oni koji su to opisali kao odvratno na platformi odmah su dobili zlobu od strane Muska i Trumpovih pristaša: bili su ljevičari i, kao i svi ljevičari, nisu imali smisla za humor. No čak je i Muskova kći, koja se dugo pokušava distancirati od oca, izgubljena. Objavu je odmah nazvala "odvratnom".

Ona ima pravo. Sloboda izražavanja treba biti povezana sa sadržajem, za humor je potrebna inteligencija. A odvratne ponude ostaju odvratne bez obzira na to jeste li anarhist, milijarder, slobodni trgovac ili makijavelist. No, sve dok većinski vlasnik X-a svoju platformu koristi za vlastitu korist, imat će publiku za svoje gafove.



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За љубав Божију, стави ово у спојлер. 😅


И није баш вјешто убацио тај твит Драган, иначе постоји, може се видјети.



Edited by Big Ticket
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