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NBA 2022/23 b2b ili problemi u raju?

Miki28 Teoljub

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Just now, DameTime said:

Mislim da mu je prosek 43 pts na poslednjih 5 utakmica a dobili smo 4 od tih 5. Zver se probudila.

Da ti kažem iz iskustva: you don't want that. Želiš utakmice u kojima tvoj superstar plej ne mora da daje 50 poena da bi se pobeđivalo. Ali da je sjajno i zabavno - jeste.

2 hours ago, uini said:

daklem, sve matorce bi liferovao + thibsa ali se to nece desiti, jer ovaj FO je striktno crowd-pleaser i lozi narod na taj mediocre uspeh sredine tabele.

Vidi, gledao sam utakmicu. Dovoljno je da se liferuje Thibs, i to da se odvede u neku ekipu koju sponzoriše klinika Anlave da im namešta posliće, operacije mekih tkiva i ostalo i da ih stresira onim južnjačkim tenorom. Suva grana Popovića drveta.

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7 minutes ago, freethrow said:

Vidi, gledao sam utakmicu. Dovoljno je da se liferuje Thibs, i to da se odvede u neku ekipu koju sponzoriše klinika Anlave da im namešta posliće, operacije mekih tkiva i ostalo i da ih stresira onim južnjačkim tenorom. Suva grana Popovića drveta.


thibs jeste glavni problem, jer on empoweruje takvu igru brunsona i randlea;

na stranu retrogradna basket logika, jer thibs i u tom silovanju lopte dva igrača, ne poštuje osnovne principe 3na3 basketa u retkih 10ak mins u kojima ova dvojica ne igraju.


npr, nisam ove sezone još video situaciju u kojoj obi toppin pravi blok quickleyju, što je u dobrom procentu situacija, već pola posla za alley up, koji je između njih dvojice automacki.


baš jeziva košarka, puno neiskorišćenih igrača, dosadna i neefikasna.

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7 minutes ago, Barkley#34 said:

Ne znam, postavljeno je pa komentarišem. Ako nije tačno o da je druga priča.

Evo recimo faul Embiida nad Wbrk, kad mu je uzeo ruku je okarakterisano kao correct call. Isto tako i Wbrk udaranje po ruci Foxa prije par nedelja itd itd. 


Takodje taj L2M report uzima u obzir kada je vodjstvo nekog tima 3 poena ili manje u bilo kom momentu u poslednja 2 minuta 4/4 i OT tako da je i to mana. 

Edited by Miki28
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29 minutes ago, Barkley#34 said:

Tja, čak nije ni prvi koji je tako pretio.


Čekaj, onolika kuknjava Lejkers fanova a ispade da su u totalu najviše čašćavani od strane sudija.


Racunamo samo period nakon dolaska Mesije, znaci 2018 - 

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@freethrow pa prije bih rekao da su to momenti koji su ih digli na taj poseban nivo. 


Steph i taj sut protiv OKC, sve se moglo drugacije desiti u ligi. OKC titula, ostanak KD, GS nikad dinastija. 

Lebron i sam protiv Pistonsa.

MJ i the shrug, pocetak dominacije. 

Shaq, najava threepeat-a i najbolji alleyup ikada.

Magic i mini skyhook

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3 minutes ago, freethrow said:

Ne ne, nisam tražio tipične iconic momente, nego baš in-game plays koji su odredili mesto igrača na listama.

Pa vidi, za 3 od 5 su tipicni iconic momenti Steph najava dinastije od strane najboljeg sutera ikada.

Magic i najava legendarnih duela 2 najvece fransize. Ti dueli si i spasili ligu.

Shaq i najava dominacije, dinastije.


MJ ima mnogo momenata i the shrug je jedan od njih ali za mene je most iconic ikada u ligi the last shot. Toliko je legendaran da mnogi ljudi zaborave da je MJ ukrao loptu Malone-u, oteo mu iz ruku i onda zavrsio posao. 


Za Lebrona mi je the block protiv GS.

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Ma naravno, ja em visim na topiku a treba da radim, em nemam ba[ vremena da elaboriram. Ovo je nešto što mi je palo na pamet - momenat u kojem je Jordan prijavio definitivno kandidaturu za GOAT priču. Lebron koji pokazuje protiv tvrdog Detroita da nije samo ishajpovani klinac nego real deal itd.

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1 hour ago, freethrow said:

Samo da ponovim sliku najboljeg kucanja u istoriji lige. Imao sam neizmernu čast i tinejdžersko uzbuđenje da dobijem potpisanu majicu i kačket od Gradonačelnika, kao i da prvi i jedini put u životu vidim šta je fucking NBA superstar na terenu.

Uz Barkleya moj veliki idol tek kad sam krenuo pratiti i navijati za Sunse. Ali "bucko" je zapravo razlog zašto sam počeo navijati za njih. Toliko grinte  kao da sam vidio presliku sebe u njemu kad je sport u pitanju. 

Edited by bodo
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Stavljam u spoiler da ne gušim temu, ali ovaj komentar sa GSOM je dosta dobar i dolazi od lika koji je odgledao mnogo više mečeva od mene.



- Core getting older and being washed at the 4h because played too much

- Chemistry is damaged : there are many signs of selfishness (Klay overshooting, Poole dumb plays, emotional reaction of Steph, Dray not being the vocal leader anymore, or at least not as much)

- Then create inconsistencies : over helping, under switching, over shooting

- Kerr contributes to damage the culture : he plays the core even if they don’t deserve it. Benches Looney. Don’t punish Poole for repetitive dumb decisions (different from just mistakes). It’s little signs that creates fences in the cultures.

- Dray can’t be the catalyst again, and glue the whole, and hold accountable as before. https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/01/26/warriors-brass-draymond-agree-poole-punch-undercut-leadership-but-green-says-hes-ready-to-ramp-up/amp/

- The two timeline plan is becoming a two-clans team, and the old ones should integrate the young, but do the opposite, because they want win now, instead of wanting to win tomorrow

- Too much hero ball : young want to overthrow the throne, old don’t let it go and want to show they are still the top dogs (especially Klay). They sometimes do it but can’t on a consistent basis especially if they play too much. Hence btw the drop of efficiency and winning rate of the core, which was playing best at the beginning at the season but now are too tired.

- Not enough defense and grit : DDV and JMG are just far more offensive players than GPII and Otto. I can’t help thinking that trading now would help the team now to do a longer run in the playoffs but not to win it all this year, and would actually prevent the necessary transition in the following years between the 2 generations. A trade would hide the aging deficiencies of the core, and act as big barrer hiding from this truth to be revealed. On the long view, I feel like trading would be then for the worst.

- Kerr does not trust enough the young : look at Kuminga, who could help in defense, but is not playing. We need defense and he is not playing. It’s ridiculous. Kerr is trying to consistency by playing the same guys, but he is creating as such inconstencies by washing them

- The margin of error has lowered : before, there were so many garbages times. Look at now. Last year, somehow, the core being hurt was kind of positive, as Kerr was obliged to play other players. Creating vertuous circle, and therefore margin.

- Young lost confidence : look at Moody. Then creates vicious circle. Mistakes -> lose confidence -> play less -> lose even more confidence -> play less -> mistakes


The two timeline can only work if there is perfect harmony. It means that there a willingness from the old ones to give away some power also, from the coach to empower the young, and the young having the space and the discipline to listen and respect, within the right culture. Bribes of that are happening, but there are too many flaws. That’s why at the end, it creates inconsistencies, in all key areas : team playing especially defense, individuals dumb and selfish mistakes in offense, lack of discipline in turnovers.


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