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Bastien Fachan



Michael Llodra: ‘If you were to face Rafa in the quarters, would you rather play in the day or in the night session?’ Djokovic: ‘All I will say is Rafa and I would make different requests’ (laughs)



Posted (edited)



This world-class athlete talks like Aristotle and acts like Confucius. We can all learn from him









(CNN)Sports, it's been said, reveals character. It also reveals something else: philosophy.

There's no better example of this than Rafael Nadal, the 35-year-old professional tennis player who's competing this week at the French Open. Nadal is not just a gladiator on the court -- he's a philosopher at heart.





You may know Nadal's tennis credentials. The Spaniard has won a record 21 Grand Slam titles and 13 French Open tournaments. He's revolutionized the sport with his ferocious topspin forehand, his freakish strength and his relentless drive. He is arguably the greatest male tennis player ever.

But it is Nadal's mind that may separate him from his greatest rivals. His ability to play with physical pain, to come back from devastating injuries, to problem-solve during a match -- all are part of his greatness. So is his attitude -- his visceral delight in competing, whether he wins or loses.

He also has a rare philosophical approach to tennis and life that one sportswriter described as a "model of humility, empathy and perspective."

It turns out that Nadal, who may be playing in his last French Open, embodies many of the virtues taught by philosophers and sages such as Aristotle, Confucius and the Stoics. Even if you don't play tennis, there are at least four lessons this great champion can teach.



J* ga, treba se takmicii s David Foster Wallace i "religijskim iskustvom" :wink2::lol_2:


Lesson 1: Embrace your suffering

Lesson 2: The importance of rituals

stavili ovu sliku:


a mogli su neku pred servis :wicked:

Lesson 3: Be humble

nisu stavili ovu sliku:



Lesson 4: Don't worry about what you can't control

stavili sliku s Wimbldona 2008, a mogli su npr. nesto da napisu o "krovu", da ne pricam o situacijama s malom kisicom i prekidanjem meca, ili sa nedozvoljavanjem da se kvasi teren itd. itd. ili npr. o kuknjavi oko WTF koji se nikad ne igra na sljaci...


Edited by wwww
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Auuuuu :Hail:

Sram da bude ovog Blejka, preskočio je Seneku i Marka Aurelija :mad: doduše zato je tu Toma Akvinski :Hail:

Ako ništa, makar u tekstu ne stoji da Rafa govori kao Aristotel, i to je nešto :classic_laugh:


ja sam se zagrcnula od smeha kad sam naletela na naslov. :lol_2:


hajde onaj tekst "Roger Federer as Religious Experience" - covek ga doziveo kao bozanstvo, svako ima pravo da veruje u sta hoce i sebi definise kog hoce boga i religiju (ne znaci da cemo se i mi ostali slozizi s tim). ali ovo je vrhunac gluposti: porediti Nadala s filozofima i misliocima! (zar to nismo rezervisali za Tsitsipasa- grckog boga i filozofa? :smiley33: Niche je za Tipsu :classic_biggrin: )

i to jos sve na CNN-u! :ajme: koje je ovo kolektivno blamiranje (kako Nadalovog PR tima tako i CNN-a)



Posted (edited)

Ovo nije za smesnu vec presmesnu stranu tenisa :lol_2:

Posle onog teksta u Supertenisu gde su Federera proglasili za Papu sad odrpanka promovisu u apostola :roflmao:

Ispade cupanje gaca iz d..ta i cesanje intimnih delova tela pred nosom maloletnih skupljaca loptica jedan velicaanstven i bogougodan cin :smiley22:

Sta sve mogu da operu medijske "ves masine" dvadesetprvog veka samo ako im se dobro plati :lol_2:

Znaci Fed bog otac, Nadal mudrac i prosvetitelj, Novak ne preostaje nista drugo nego da bude GOAT :thumbup:


Edited by Милица
23 hours ago, wwww said:

ja sam se zagrcnula od smeha kad sam naletela na naslov. :lol_2:


hajde onaj tekst "Roger Federer as Religious Experience" - covek ga doziveo kao bozanstvo, svako ima pravo da veruje u sta hoce i sebi definise kog hoce boga i religiju (ne znaci da cemo se i mi ostali slozizi s tim). ali ovo je vrhunac gluposti: porediti Nadala s filozofima i misliocima! (zar to nismo rezervisali za Tsitsipasa- grckog boga i filozofa? :smiley33: Niche je za Tipsu :classic_biggrin: )

i to jos sve na CNN-u! :ajme: koje je ovo kolektivno blamiranje (kako Nadalovog PR tima tako i CNN-a)



Ja sam prvo mislila da je u pitanju čist sarkazam :classic_blush:

A sad bih dala dvomjesečnu platu da čujem kako to Rafa čita naglas :lol_2:

  • Ha-ha 1

apropo menstrualnih tegoba  





Nadal would ask them not to schedule his match on the first day of his period. Federer would be upset because he can’t wear white and let’s just say I wouldn’t want to be a line person if Djokovic was flooded with hormones.


  • Ha-ha 1

pa valjda predvidjanje smaka sveta ako se ne uradi nesto povodom klimatskih promena. Ne znam bas odakle im ova cifa od 1028 dana (je li to neki djavolji broj ili sta?).

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