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Where is Peng Shuai?

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Statement from Steve Simon, WTA Chairman & CEO

“The recent events in China concerning a WTA player, Peng Shuai, are of deep concern. As an organization dedicated to women, we remain committed to the principles we were founded on - equality, opportunity and respect. 

Peng Shuai, and all women, deserve to be heard, not censored. Her accusation about the conduct of a former Chinese leader involving a sexual assault must be treated with the utmost seriousness. In all societies, the behavior she alleges that took place needs to be investigated, not condoned or ignored. We commend Peng Shuai for her remarkable courage and strength in coming forward. Women around the world are finding their voices so injustices can be corrected. 

We expect this issue to be handled properly, meaning the allegations must be investigated fully, fairly, transparently and without censorship.  

Our absolute and unwavering priority is the health and safety of our players. We are speaking out so justice can be done.”



Nažalost oni mogu samo da protestuju i to je otprilike to.

Da sad ima turnira u Kini mogli bi možda da pritisnu s te strane, ali u ovoj situaciji nisam optimista :classic_sad:

Ali makar je neko reagovao, red je bio.

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Andrea Gaudenzi, ATP Chairman: "There is nothing more important to us than the safety of our tennis community. We have been deeply concerned by the uncertainty surrounding the immediate safety and whereabouts of WTA player Peng Shuai. We are encouraged by the recent assurances received by WTA that she is safe and accounted for and will continue to monitor the situation closely. Separately, we stand in full support of WTA’s call for a full, fair and transparent investigation into allegations of sexual assault against Peng Shuai."



kao je kineska teniska federacija uveravala WTA da je ona bezbedna i da joj nista ne fali :classic_dry: (ako je verovati kineskoj teniskoj federaciji :classic_dry: )


Djokovic je izrazio brigu zato sto su ga pitali, nije iz cista mira kao Osaka, tako da njoj svaka cast, a nadam se da ce i ovo troje da se jave.


Svaka čast svakome ko se pridružio kampanji, ali iskreno ne mislim da će to biti od neke pomoći. A koliko god ATP i WTA pričali o bojkotu, ne verujem da su spremni da se odreknu tolike potencijalne zarade u budućnosti. Posebno je nezgodno što sada ionako nema tenisa u Kini, a i iduća sezona je pod znakom pitanja, tako da ne mogu neki neposredni pritisak da vrše oduzimanjem licenci ili tako nešto. Ne znam, nisam optimista, samo se nadam da će Peng da se izvuče nekako :classic_sad: najbolje bi bilo da je proteraju iz Kine, s porodicom ako je moguće, pa makar potpisala sve moguće demantije.


Meni se čini zbog ove pandemije da je tenis u Kini na dugačkom štapu, uopšte mi ne deluje da su spremni da se vrate koliko-toliko normalnom životu iduće godine, u smislu puštanja da stranci cirkulišu bez strogih karantina i slično.

Inače možda je off ali žalila mi se drugarica da su povratne karte za Kinu skočile na 6000 nečega, zaboravih u kojoj valuti. Biće i troškovi putovanja faktor svakako, pa još ako i dalje ostave karantin koji naravno plaćaš sam...

12 minutes ago, Boxy said:

Mogu da im zaprete oduzimanjem licenci, WTA i ATP, nema veze sto ce eventualni turniri biti tek za godinu dana.


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