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Rat u Ukrajini

Doc Holiday
Message added by Lobotomija,

Ovim disclaimerom označavamo temu o Ukrajini kao "ozbiljnu". Sve što se od forumaša traži je da joj tako pristupaju. Zabranjeno je:


- Kačenje lažnih informacija.

- Relativizacije.

- Negiranje ukrajinske nacije.

- Izvrtanje činjenica.

- Floodovanje linkovima i tvitovima.

- Zabranjeno je kačenje uznemirujućih fotografija i videa.


Moderacija će zauzeti neutralni stav, što znači da su sva pisanja dozvoljena ako su u skladu sa tačkama iznad. Stavovi moderatora koji učestvuju u diskusijama se smatraju kao "lični" i nemaju veze sa obavljanjem moderatorskog posla. Potrudite se da vesti budu istinite i iz relevantnih izvora. Ako se desi da nešto imate neprovereno, samo naglasite to u postu. Zadržaćemo mogućnost nekih izmena ako bude bilo neophodno.


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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has renewed his appeal for more long-range weapons and air defences after a missile attack killed seven people including two children.

The Russian attack on the town of Vilniansk, near the southeastern city of Zaporizhzhia, also injured 31 others, Ukrainian officials said.

In total, at least 11 civilians were killed and a further 37 wounded in missile attacks across Ukraine on Saturday, Reuters reported.

"Our cities and communities suffer daily from such Russian strikes," Mr Zelensky wrote in a post on Telegram.

But he added that there were "ways to overcome this", including "destroying Russian missile launchers, striking with real long-range capability and increasing the number of modern air defence systems".

He posted images from Vilniansk showing a large crater near a smouldering building, as well as several bodies laid out on the ground.

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