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Rat u Ukrajini

Doc Holiday
Message added by Lobotomija,

Ovim disclaimerom označavamo temu o Ukrajini kao "ozbiljnu". Sve što se od forumaša traži je da joj tako pristupaju. Zabranjeno je:


- Kačenje lažnih informacija.

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- Izvrtanje činjenica.

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- Zabranjeno je kačenje uznemirujućih fotografija i videa.


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Nema nekih pomeranja na frontu, ali po onome sto se desava deluje da cannon fodder nije cak ni adekvatan naziv za ruske gubitke, pogotovo u vezi novih regruta.


Sigurno vise od 10 hiljada ljudi koji su regrutovani u proslom talasu je vec poginulo, ko zna koliko je ranjeno.


Valjda ce im doci iz dupeta u glavu, ako bude nekog novog talasa regrutacije.



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18 hours ago, ters said:


Hajde da ne mijesamo frogs and grandmothers jer: 

1.  Milosevic 1999. nije bio u polozaju Zelenskog nego u polozaju Putina,

2. staviti "drzavnicki" uz ime tog zlikovca u bilo kom kontekstu je nemoguce



1. Možemo ovako ili onako da vrednujemo šta je i kako bilo, nesporno.

2. A jbg, SM je bio predsednik države, nisam ja to birao. Za mene, koji živim u državi Srbiji, super je što se SM predao kad se predao, mog'o je i da nastavi, tkd - odlično što se predao.

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Italijanski dnevnik Republika piše da NATO smatra da treba pregovarati nakon što Ukrajinci povrate Herson pod svoju kontrolu.



Take Kherson and then negotiate: NATO now sees a window of opportunity
by our correspondent Claudio Tito

Confidential reports between Washington and Brussels identify a short-term negotiating window: get as far as the Dnipro shores and push for a ceasefire from a position of strength

BRUSSELS - Negotiate. Even in the short term. When the position of advantage is evident. After the recapture of the southern city of Kherson, where one of the toughest battles against the Russian army is being fought. In the latest analyses circulating in the NATO offices in Brussels, the confrontation in that area is taking on a value that is not only strategic from a military point of view. But also from a political and diplomatic one. And it is mainly the U.S. that is conveying to the allies the possibility of a breakthrough. Because beating the Russian army in one of the most important gateways to the Sea of Azov and Crimea can mean a real chance to engage in the first real negotiations with Moscow.

Indeed, in the reports circulating between Atlantic Alliance officials and EU interlocutors, one assumption is made: the Russian military is now under pressure. Unable to react successfully to the Ukrainian advance. Their reaction is focused defensively on destroying infrastructure - power grid, water supply, bridges, roads -, building a triple line of trenches and using natural barriers such as the Dnipro River. The goal is to slow the advance of Kiev troops. Kherson is not just any town: decisive for access to the sea and crucial for control of water resources and river transport. Recapturing it would mean permanently changing the direction of the conflict.

Precisely for this reason, a message is coming from the US-through Brussels-that is also an invitation to the Ukrainian government: if and when Kherson is recaptured, then negotiations can begin. From a position of strength and not weakness. The point is that the White House for the first time has begun to speculate on such a concrete path. Not without Kherson, however. Not now. Not least because starting negotiations at this stage would only mean giving Moscow's military time to reorganize. Some strategic cornerstones must, in short, be consolidated first. To then discuss having the upper hand. This is also why Washington and NATO have confirmed to Zelensky the forthcoming dispatch of more missiles with a range capable of inhibiting the action of Iranian-built drones. More weapons, then, will arrive in Kiev precisely with the goal of reaching the Kherson target.

What's more, there are two key aspects that the U.S. Administration is emphasizing in now-daily exchanges with NATO allies. The first concerns the Russian threat of the use of tactical nuclear bombs. While this is considered a form of deterrence that is not currently active, it remains a risk to be avoided. Not least because in that case not only would there almost inevitably be a wide-ranging reaction with conventional weapons, but it would become difficult to contain the nervousness of some allies such as the Poles, who now represent the EU's closest partner militarily to Washington (indeed, some reaction schemes involve precisely the deployment of Warsaw's troops). The other concerns relations with China. Having lost Kherson, the crisis in the former Red Army would be over. The solutions hypothesized a few months ago in connection with a possible "regime change" in the Kremlin have now been overcome. At this point, for the United States, the total defeat of Putin would result in a worse consequence: handing over control of Russia to China. It would be like going from the frying pan into the fire. Better, then, a hostile but bruised leader independent of Beijing. 

Of course, American plans for dialogue also depend on political factors: the first will take shape next week with the midterm elections. The possibility of the Democrats losing their majorities in both the Senate and the House (and the widespread victory of Trumpian candidates) may have different effects. Just as it is not yet clear whether the Biden-Putin talks at the G20 in Bali will take place. The war however enters a different phase thanks to a kind of "parellela convergence" of Kremlin and White House interests. A negotiation may certainly not lead immediately to peace but perhaps to a cease-fire in the Donbass. And also to the extension of the grain agreement.

https://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2022/11/07/news/kherson_negoziati_pace_ucraina_russia-373290370/?ref=pay_amp (Deepl prevod)

Edited by erwin
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Kod Svatova klasicno krvoprolice Rusa. Ima dosta snimaka gde lose irganizovane grupe se gomilaju i onda ih raketa direktno pogodi. Rusi samo salju nove regrute koji se verovatno useru od straha i tu je smrt neminovna. Ima doduse i tuce uhvacenih Rusa koji su imali srece.


Jezivo na sta lici ruska vojska i koliko lako salju neobucene ljude na teren.

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4 minutes ago, erwin said:

Italijanski dnevnik Republika piše da NATO smatra da treba pregovarati nakon što Ukrajinci povrate Herson pod svoju kontrolu.


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Take Kherson and then negotiate: NATO now sees a window of opportunity
by our correspondent Claudio Tito

Confidential reports between Washington and Brussels identify a short-term negotiating window: get as far as the Dnipro shores and push for a ceasefire from a position of strength

BRUSSELS - Negotiate. Even in the short term. When the position of advantage is evident. After the recapture of the southern city of Kherson, where one of the toughest battles against the Russian army is being fought. In the latest analyses circulating in the NATO offices in Brussels, the confrontation in that area is taking on a value that is not only strategic from a military point of view. But also from a political and diplomatic one. And it is mainly the U.S. that is conveying to the allies the possibility of a breakthrough. Because beating the Russian army in one of the most important gateways to the Sea of Azov and Crimea can mean a real chance to engage in the first real negotiations with Moscow.

Indeed, in the reports circulating between Atlantic Alliance officials and EU interlocutors, one assumption is made: the Russian military is now under pressure. Unable to react successfully to the Ukrainian advance. Their reaction is focused defensively on destroying infrastructure - power grid, water supply, bridges, roads -, building a triple line of trenches and using natural barriers such as the Dnipro River. The goal is to slow the advance of Kiev troops. Kherson is not just any town: decisive for access to the sea and crucial for control of water resources and river transport. Recapturing it would mean permanently changing the direction of the conflict.

Precisely for this reason, a message is coming from the US-through Brussels-that is also an invitation to the Ukrainian government: if and when Kherson is recaptured, then negotiations can begin. From a position of strength and not weakness. The point is that the White House for the first time has begun to speculate on such a concrete path. Not without Kherson, however. Not now. Not least because starting negotiations at this stage would only mean giving Moscow's military time to reorganize. Some strategic cornerstones must, in short, be consolidated first. To then discuss having the upper hand. This is also why Washington and NATO have confirmed to Zelensky the forthcoming dispatch of more missiles with a range capable of inhibiting the action of Iranian-built drones. More weapons, then, will arrive in Kiev precisely with the goal of reaching the Kherson target.

What's more, there are two key aspects that the U.S. Administration is emphasizing in now-daily exchanges with NATO allies. The first concerns the Russian threat of the use of tactical nuclear bombs. While this is considered a form of deterrence that is not currently active, it remains a risk to be avoided. Not least because in that case not only would there almost inevitably be a wide-ranging reaction with conventional weapons, but it would become difficult to contain the nervousness of some allies such as the Poles, who now represent the EU's closest partner militarily to Washington (indeed, some reaction schemes involve precisely the deployment of Warsaw's troops). The other concerns relations with China. Having lost Kherson, the crisis in the former Red Army would be over. The solutions hypothesized a few months ago in connection with a possible "regime change" in the Kremlin have now been overcome. At this point, for the United States, the total defeat of Putin would result in a worse consequence: handing over control of Russia to China. It would be like going from the frying pan into the fire. Better, then, a hostile but bruised leader independent of Beijing. 

Of course, American plans for dialogue also depend on political factors: the first will take shape next week with the midterm elections. The possibility of the Democrats losing their majorities in both the Senate and the House (and the widespread victory of Trumpian candidates) may have different effects. Just as it is not yet clear whether the Biden-Putin talks at the G20 in Bali will take place. The war however enters a different phase thanks to a kind of "parellela convergence" of Kremlin and White House interests. A negotiation may certainly not lead immediately to peace but perhaps to a cease-fire in the Donbass. And also to the extension of the grain agreement.

https://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2022/11/07/news/kherson_negoziati_pace_ucraina_russia-373290370/amp/ (Deepl prevod)

Sumnjambu to i USA je vise puta rekla da nikakva pobeda Rusa ne dolazi u obgir, to bi bio pucanj u noge NATO-u a i samoj Ukrajini. Pre ili kasnije, Rusi kad se regrupisu, napasce opet. Do tada ce sigurno ojacati vojnu industriju. Mozda u nekom slucaju da NATO udje odmah i daju im da udju u EU, sve ostalo je besmislica..

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Rusija je vec sad (minus nuklearke) izgubila mogucnost da bilo koga napadne u narednih 50 godina minimum.


Sa demistifikacijom ruskog medveda svi osim nas su shvatili da je ruska moc jedna budjava, prazna kutija, prekrivena lepim ukrasnim papirom.

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New report is warning that Ukraine is in danger of running out of the weapons it needs to stave off the massive Russian air attacks.

The report, from London-based think tank the Royal United Services Institute (Rusi), warns that unless Western nations maintain and step up their supply of air defences to Ukraine. then Russia is likely to use the same bombing techniques it used in Syria, to devastating effect.

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3 hours ago, Senn said:


Uf koliko ovo podseća na 90te. Flashback.

Beda, sirotinja, sivilo, depresivni pogledi s jedne strane i cringe "patriotske" pesme s druge strane.





Onaj prvi još kaže "priđite bliže" a njemu posuli seno da ne bude u blatu a vojnike poziva u isto 🙂


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Kod Pavlivke gde su Rusi imali prethodno ogranicenog uspeha, u kontraofanzivi desetkovani ruski marinci (elitna jedinica) koju su poslali tamo.


U Luhansku je klanica.


Ruski komandanti beze ili sede u podrumima, u presretnutim pozivima u skoro svakom kazu da su im komandanti pobegli, da pucaju artiljerci na slepo i da ubijaju i svoje.


Novi regruti imaju samo lopate i kalasnjikove i kopaju rov za rovom i ne smeju da izlaze iz istih, ako ovi ispred krenu da se povlace pucaju na svoje.


Potpuni raspad, Rusija u doktrini ratovanja nije za pedalj odmakla.


Ako se ovako nastavi, ruski gubici samo u novembru ce biti petocifreni.

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1 hour ago, McLeod said:

Kod Pavlivke gde su Rusi imali prethodno ogranicenog uspeha, u kontraofanzivi desetkovani ruski marinci (elitna jedinica) koju su poslali tamo.


U Luhansku je klanica.


Ruski komandanti beze ili sede u podrumima, u presretnutim pozivima u skoro svakom kazu da su im komandanti pobegli, da pucaju artiljerci na slepo i da ubijaju i svoje.


Novi regruti imaju samo lopate i kalasnjikove i kopaju rov za rovom i ne smeju da izlaze iz istih, ako ovi ispred krenu da se povlace pucaju na svoje.


Potpuni raspad, Rusija u doktrini ratovanja nije za pedalj odmakla.


Ako se ovako nastavi, ruski gubici samo u novembru ce biti petocifreni.

Petocifreni su vec blizu. Ono sta im rade je jeza. Ljudi neobuceni nemaju gde da se sakriju. Mada i Vagnerovci trpe gubitke, ali oni salju zatvorenike i tako mogu doveka, ali su oslabili dosta. Zreli su za kontraofanzivu ako padne severni deo uskoro

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24 minutes ago, shonke said:

Ako je samo deo ovoga tačan, posle Ukrajinaca, Putinu treba I Rusi da sude.

Sent from my SM-A525F using Tapatalk


Ja uzimam sa rezervom podatke koji dolaze do mene, ali ima previse presretnutih poziva, previse price od strane razlicitih ljudi iz razlicitih mesta koje veoma lice jedne na druge, previse videa koje su sami regruti postovali po mrezama odmah nakon dolaska na front, zardjalih puski, da nemaju municije, cesto ni hrane ni vode, da samo kopaju rovove, da bi to bilo laz. Moguce da je skala svega prenaduvana, ali daleko od toga da nije istina.

Uostalom, ima i izjava sa zvanicnih propagandnih kanala Rusa koji indirektno potvrdjuju ovu "doktrinu", poput one o regrutovanju muskaraca u pogranicnim oblastima da kopaju rovove 25% meseca, a 75% da rade u fabrikama.

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UA vojska su kiborzi. Dobro utrenirani po NATO standardima i brane svoju zemlju od nacista koji bi da ih pobiju i prisvoje.


Na desetine hiljada je na pravom treningu, Rusi nisu ni svesni da zima dolazi i da su najebali. 


Rusi vuku vojsku iz rualnih delova..koji su tu zbog par hiljada evra koje nikad nece dobiti.


Kad to shvate, sledi kolaps i opsta bezanija.

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Prvo je Zelenski stalno ponavljao kako Rusi bezumno salju ljude u smrt, svaki dan na isto mesto.

Ne znam koliko je ova prica prenaduvana, ali sada Gardijan prenosi kako su mobilisani Rusi 

izginuli u poslednjih nekoliko dana, kod Makiivke, u brojevima od 300-400.


Slicna prica, dovedeni da kopaju rovove celu noc, a onda zasuti granatama ujutru.


I sve to da bi za dan, nedelju dve, osvojili neku raskrsnicu sa tri kuce. Bezumlje.





Edited by KfJ
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35 minutes ago, KfJ said:

Prvo je Zelenski stalno ponavljao kako Rusi bezumno salju ljude u smrt, svaki dan na isto mesto.

Ne znam koliko je ova prica prenaduvana, ali sada Gardijan prenosi kako su mobilisani Rusi 

izginuli u poslednjih nekoliko dana, kod Makiivke, u brojevima od 300-400.


Slicna prica, dovedeni da kopaju rovove celu noc, a onda zasuti granatama ujutru.


I sve to da bi za dan, nedelju dve, osvojili neku raskrsnicu sa tri kuce. Bezumlje.





Salju ih istom linijom za svatove. Desetine snimaka, od dronova malih, to raketa koje pogadjaju vece grupe u pokretu. I tako svaki dan, bukvalno imas snimke po Tviteru i Telegramu. Predaju se u grupama. 


Nesto se desava u Hersonu, ali nema tacnih podataka sta. Rusi kazu po stoti put da Ukrajinci napadaju...tu nema nicega od dokaza sa obe strane za sad

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Interesantan snimak. Ono što je mnogo interesantnije je da Ukrajinci idu tim putem posle borbe. To znači da su Ukrajinci negde napredovali ili da su Rusi pokušali neki napad pa poklopljeni artiljerijom. Sad sam malo gledao vesti o ovome i ima samo jedan tekstualni twit da je ovo bilo južno od Snihurivke što je malo verovatno jer bi to značilo da je Ruski front tu slomljen ili da je u toku povlačenje Rusa.


Šon Pen u Kijevu. Ostavio svog Oskara da bude simbolično u Kijevu dok rat traje.



Krimski most je počeo konačno da dobija nove segmente :




Prognoze da će ga opraviti za 2-3 nedelje, a neki su najavljivali i brže su dakle bile skroz nerealne.


Ukrajina je promenila stav da se neće pregovarati sa Rusijom dok je Putin na vlasti. Ispravna odluka jer je to diplomatski bilo nepromišljeno. Doduše sudeći po onome što su i Stoltenberg i Zelenski danas rekli uslovi su i dalje neprihvatljivi za Putina tako da ne treba očekivati mir do sledeće godine. No ovo je svakako bolji stav Ukrajine za diplomatsku bitku po svetu.


Još jedna zanimljivo zapažanje a to je da unazad par dana Rusija više ne "zvecka" nuklearnim oružjem. Sve se poklapa sa izjavom "brata" Sija da je za Kinu upotreba nuklearniog oružja kao i pretnje istim neprihvatljivo.


Snimaka ruskog stradanja kod Pavlivke je sve više tako da je verovatno ono kukanje 155. Brigade bilo realno. Inače ova priča je izazvala haos na rusofilskim kanalima po netu. Kukanje je, iz meni nepoznatih razloga, veće nego kada su bili počišćeni iz Harkivske oblasti. Čak se i ministarstvo odbrane Rusije oglasilo povodom toga kažu sve je prenaduvano imali su "1% poginulih i 7% ranjenih" što nam ništa ne govori jer ne znamo koliko broji ta brigada. Takve brigade obično imaju oko 3k ljudi, da kažemo da je zbog gubitaka bila na 2,5k to znači 25 mrtvih i 175 ranjenih. To mu ga dođe 200 tako da i nije daleko od 300 koliko su ovi iz 155. brigade rekli. Videćemo da li će priča o ovome događaju da dobije nove detalje.



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Sve sto Rusi kazu o broju poginulih se mmozi sa 5 do 10. Oni bukvalno lazu cim zinu.


Ne mogu oni upotrebiti nuklearku jer bi im to bio kraj. Tu bi se i Kina umesala i Rusija se ne bi oporavila za 50g. To su budalastine.


UA je svela rat na manje vise deo kao i pre invazije.


Ni sam Putler ne zna sta ce vise?? Jel znaju oni dokle idu i sta hoce??


Nilo im nece dati te teritorije, to samo prolongira novi rat dok ne budu jaki opet. Sad ih treba dokrajciti i izbaciti iz Ukrajine. Svaki pregovori sa njima i ustpanje teritorije je poraz Ukrajine pa i NATO-a..previse su blagi prema Rusima

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