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Ma to oko okruženih Ukrajinskih vojnika je bila izmišljotina pa da to bude veliki ustupak putina da dobije nešto drugo. No to je bila očigledna laž iz aviona jer već tada Ukrajinci su se bili povukli na uzak pojas uz Ukrajinsku granicu i nije bilo šanse za bilo kakvo okruženje. Opasnost je postojala tamo negde 08. marta kada su se Ukrajinci povlačili iz Malaja Loknja ka Kazačja Loknja ali su uspeli da se probiju i povuku. 14. kada su oni krenuli da pričaju priču već smo bili na današnjoj liniji razdvajanja.


Za ovo u Engelsu kažu Rusi pogođena bolnica 🙂 , jedino ako u bolnici držite jedno 100-200 raketa. Ovo je sigurno neki magacin pogođen jer je ovo sekundarna eksplozija. Ukrajina nema ni jednu raketu koja ima takvu eksplozivnu moć. Neproverena informacija je da je pogođeno skladište Kh-101 raketa.


Rusi su ipak prekršili ovaj dogovor ali ne gađanjem bolnice nego su isto veče gađali elektroinstalacije u Slavjansku. Ukrajinci su odgovorili gađanjem gasne instalacije u Rusiji. Ako se nastavi ovo bombardovanje Rusa možemo reći da je Trampova politika prema putinu doživela fijasko. SAD sada predlaže da u SA indirektno pregovaraju Rusi i Ukrajinci preko njih. To je korak ka direktnim pregovorima no ako nije prihvatio ništa u pregovorima sa Trampom tek neće prihvatiti nešto sa Kelogom koji izigrava sekretaricu između jednih i drugih. Međutim u današnjoj izjavi vidim da Zelenski spominje da je dogovor "Energetska i civilna infrastruktura" ako je ovo drugo moralo da uđe u dogovor eto nam potvrde da su Rusi namerno gađali civilne objekte.


Norveška će utrostručiti pomoć ove godine. Planiraju 8 milijardi $ pomoći. Skandinavcima i baltičkim Republikama kapa dole, oni su po glavi stanovnika podneli najveći teret posle Ukrajine.


Priča se o upadu Ukrajinaca sada u Belgorodsku oblast ali po informacijama od Ukrajinaca to je bio samo prepad u selo Žuravljevka koja je odma uz granicu i predstavlja pozadinu za ruske jedinice koje su upale u pravcu Kozača Lopanj. Čisto sumnjam da su tamo još uvek iako neke mape tako pokazuju. Isuviše je to uzak prostor da se tu zadržavaju duže vremena. Tu je verovatno bila neka logistika ili štab rusa koji su hteli da na prepad da zauzmu i to ima logike da je bio cilj. Takođe se javlja o napadima u pravcu Demikovke (jugozapadno od ove kurske teritorije što drže Ukrajinci) ali ovo je mnogo bolja stvar jer je ovo pasivan deo fronta i treba raditi takve napade da se Rusi prisile da drže jedinice na celoj granici sa Ukrajinom kao što to i Ukrajinci moraju da rade od početka rata.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin would breach a peace deal with Ukraine if it is not defended, Sir Keir Starmer has said, after attending a meeting of senior military leaders in London.

Sir Keir said security arrangements would make clear to Russia there would be "severe consequences if they are to breach any deal".

The prime minister said the UK and its allies were moving from "political momentum" to "military planning", which he said had "to be done now" before a deal was agreed.

He said: "It is vitally important we do that work because we know one thing for certain, which is a deal without anything behind it is something that Putin will breach.

"We know that because it happened before. I'm absolutely clear in my mind it will happen again".

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The trap Vladimir Putin has set for Donald Trump




THEY TALKED by phone for over two hours, but Vladimir Putin left Donald Trump with almost nothing to show for it—a slap in the face that only a man possessed of unbounded chutzpah could pretend was a win. A week earlier, negotiators for America and Ukraine had agreed on a 30-day ceasefire in a conflict that has lasted for over three years. Mr Trump had said that if Russia did not sign up he might hit it with tough new sanctions. In the event, he rolled over. Even Boris Johnson, a former British prime minister who admires Mr Trump, declared that Putin is “laughing at us”.

Instead of an unconditional ceasefire, Mr Putin proposed only that both sides stop striking each other’s energy infrastructure, an area where Ukraine has been landing some weighty blows on the invader. For anything further to happen, says the Russian government, Ukraine must accept a freeze on foreign military aid and an end to conscription and training, although Russia proposes no such restrictions on itself. Mr Putin also wants a solution to the “root causes” of the conflict, by which he really means an end to the existence of Ukraine as an independent country. Those are not the words of a man who is eager to compromise.

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THEY TALKED by phone for over two hours, but Vladimir Putin left Donald Trump with almost nothing to show for it—a slap in the face that only a man possessed of unbounded chutzpah could pretend was a win. A week earlier, negotiators for America and Ukraine had agreed on a 30-day ceasefire in a conflict that has lasted for over three years. Mr Trump had said that if Russia did not sign up he might hit it with tough new sanctions. In the event, he rolled over. Even Boris Johnson, a former British prime minister who admires Mr Trump, declared that Putin is “laughing at us”.

Instead of an unconditional ceasefire, Mr Putin proposed only that both sides stop striking each other’s energy infrastructure, an area where Ukraine has been landing some weighty blows on the invader. For anything further to happen, says the Russian government, Ukraine must accept a freeze on foreign military aid and an end to conscription and training, although Russia proposes no such restrictions on itself. Mr Putin also wants a solution to the “root causes” of the conflict, by which he really means an end to the existence of Ukraine as an independent country. Those are not the words of a man who is eager to compromise.

Optimists can extract a little comfort. A pause on attacks on energy targets, agreed on in a call with Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, is a small advance. Mr Trump also suggested that nuclear power stations come under American ownership, for their protection, and said he would try to source some Patriot missiles from Europe. In public he has refrained from endorsing Mr Putin’s harsher demands for Ukraine.

The real danger lies ahead. Mr Putin wants the American president to believe that, as statesmen, they have bigger fish to fry than squabbling over a forlorn place like Ukraine. So long as it does not get in the way, Russia and America can accomplish almost anything together. Russia could help resolve crises in the Middle East and beyond, perhaps leaning on its friend Iran to forgo the bomb. American investment in Russian businesses, such as exploring for gas in the Arctic, could steam ahead. Sanctions would be lifted and Russia could rejoin the G7. Imagine if Russia were detached from its “no-limits partnership” with China. “World war three”, an abiding worry of Mr Trump’s, would have been averted.

All this is a fantasy designed to tempt Mr Trump into giving Mr Putin what he wants in Ukraine in return for empty promises. The reality is that Russia now depends more on China than it ever will on America, and will not be separated from it. Russia’s leverage over Iran is limited. Russia’s economy is smaller than Italy’s and subject to a despot’s whims, so business opportunities are slim.

On the contrary, if in pursuit of this chimera Mr Trump eases the pressure the West has imposed on Russia, America will lose. For a start, it will drive a further wedge between America and Europe, which will not follow Mr Trump. Ukraine will be destabilised, posing risks to all of Europe. The alliances and values that America has championed for decades will be degraded, and America itself will be weaker as a result. Mr Trump may care little about those things, but he will surely be troubled by the risk of looking weak, as his predecessor Joe Biden did when the Taliban overran Afghanistan.

The Putin-Trump call came as an American-brokered ceasefire in Gaza was breaking down amid Israeli attacks. Mr Trump’s personal style of diplomacy can break logjams, but peacemaking seems too gruelling and detailed for him to see through. The White House readout from the call with Russia talked of “enormous economic deals and geopolitical stability when peace has been achieved”. It is clear what Mr Putin wants. It is odd that Mr Trump seems so ready to give it to him. 



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On 3/21/2025 at 11:21 AM, Klotzen said:

Pa sad ukrajinci imaju alibi da unište sve gasovode i naftovode na liniji fronta jer ih Rusi koriste za napade.


Mala ispravka mogu da koriste samo cevi koje su prazne. Npr ovaj cevovod koji su iskoristili je prazan od početka godine.

On 3/21/2025 at 1:52 AM, 033zero330 said:



Njima će eksplodirati stomaci od prevelikog pritiska.




Kažu Ukrajinci da je false flag.




Russian strikes on Ukraine overnight have killed three people in Kyiv and left several injured, local officials say. One witness has said "everyone started screaming and running" as debris hit an apartment block.


Ukraine's air force says it has shot down 97 of 147 drones launched into the country.


Ovo za Demidovku nije provereno. Ima neki Ruski kanal koji je objavio video ali ja tu ne vidim nista sto bi ukazivalo da Ukrajinci kontrolisu selo.


Selo je 3km od granice, nije nemoguce, ali tu su borbe jos od cetvrtka. Valjda bi do sada Rusi prebacili neku jedinicu od Sudze da pokriju ovaj sektor. Sudza je 30km od ovog sela do sada bi peske stigli.




The safety of shipping in the Black Sea is a focus of the talks between Russian and US delegations in Saudi Arabia today, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov says.q


“This was President Trump’s suggestion, and President Putin agreed to it,” Peskov said at a daily briefing.


Speaking to Reuters, Ukrainian Navy spokesman Dmytro Pletenchuk says as of now, Ukraine is "in control of the situation at sea", adding that the talks would "not really change anything".


Ukrainian opposition MP Oleksiy Goncharenko tells the BBC a ceasefire at sea would bring benefits to Russia.


"But if we will include the stopping of attacks on port infrastructure, stopping of launching missiles from Russian military vessels in the Black Sea, that can be a good step," he says.




Ukraine reports a Russian missile attack hit a hospital, homes and children's institutions in Sumy, local officials say, injuring 65 people including 14 children.

  • Tuzno 3


4:00 tell it how it is 


Ne znam kako je moguce, neka mutantska transformacija u nesto najgore, ali dogodilo se - Zvanicna spoljna politika Amerike se pretvorila u Takera Karlsona, glavom i bradom. Ili obrnuto? Ma birajte, sve jedno je.


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WASHINGTON, March 23 (Reuters) - U.S. special envoy Steve Witkoff expressed optimism on Sunday ahead of high-stakes talks in Saudi Arabia over the war in Ukraine and said he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to end the three-year-old conflict.

"I feel that he wants peace," Witkoff told Fox News Sunday.


RIYADH, March 24 (Reuters) - A Russian missile strike damaged a school and a hospital in Ukraine on Monday, wounding at least 74 people, as U.S. and Russian officials discussed a narrow proposal for a ceasefire at sea in the hope it could lead to wider peace talks.


Ovi ljudi su kupljeni, nema drugog objašnjenja. Ostaje samo da se nadamo da će američka demokratija da pokaže svoju snagu i da će im za nekoliko godina suditi za izdaju. 

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10 minutes ago, djura.net said:

Nesto izgleda zapelo sa ovim primirjem na moru, nema zajednickog saopstenja USA i Rusije, a USA delagacija razgovara i sa Ukrajincima sada.

Saopštenje je najavljeno za danas, znači tokom popodneva ili večeri.

43 minutes ago, Beonegro said:

Saopštenje je najavljeno za danas, znači tokom popodneva ili večeri.

Bilo je najavljeno za prepodne, ali za sada nista od toga. U medjuvremenu je zavrsen i US - Ukraine sastanak.




A Kremlin spokesperson says both Russia and the US are currently analysing the outcome of talks in Saudi Arabia yesterday.

Dmitry Peskov adds that the content of what was discussed will not be published.

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18 minutes ago, djura.net said:

Bilo je najavljeno za prepodne, ali za sada nista od toga. U medjuvremenu je zavrsen i US - Ukraine sastanak.




A Kremlin spokesperson says both Russia and the US are currently analysing the outcome of talks in Saudi Arabia yesterday.

Dmitry Peskov adds that the content of what was discussed will not be published.

Vidim sad, izgleda da ic not gona bi grejt i još manje da ic gona bi fentestik. peskov je rekao i da se za sada ne planira telefonski razgovor između putlera i dnevne doze. 

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The White House says Russia and Ukraine have agreed to ensure safe passage for commercial shipping in the Black Sea and stop military strikes.


Ukraine agrees to stop military force in the Black Sea, but says any movement of Russian naval vessels would be a violation of the agreement.


The Kremlin has now published a statement on Saudi talks with the US, and there are a number of conditions it says the Black Sea deal comes attached with.


It says the agreement will only come into force after sanctions are lifted from Russian banks involved in international trade in food and fertilisers, and they are fully reconnected to Swift - a network that facilitates secure financial messaging between banks.


This means Russia is effectively saying sanctions must be lifted from its banks, food producers and exporters, as well as insurers involved in food exports, before a ceasefire in the Black Sea comes into effect.

1 hour ago, Maharaja said:

Svaka čast narandžastom gangsteru. Dao je Putinu svašta a dobio je ništa za Ameriku. I još manje od ništa za Ukrajinu.

Sa takvim saveznikom ne treba ti neprijatelj.


No dobro, vec smo od MAGAsa dobili objasnjenje kako su to genijalno dobri strateski potezi i kako je ovo bezglavo divljanje stabilne budale i zabijanje noza u ledja - zapravo sjajno za Ukrajinu. 🙄

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Ako im skine sankcije zbog primirja  u Crnom moru to je neviđena glupost. Crno more je izgubilo bilo kakav značaj u ovom ratu od kada je Ruska mornarica oterana sa Krima. Čak i da luke budu uključene u taj dil pa da Ukrajina bar može žitarice da izvozi iz Odese u većem obimu to je i dalje vrlo mali dobitak a skidaš sankcije agresoru i gubiš "karte" u daljnjem kartanju.


Tramp je idiot ako to uradi. Sankcije treba skinuti samo kao deo krajnjeg mirovnog sporazuma.

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