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Posted (edited)

Mene na ovom videu više brine vozač tramvaja koji vozi ljude i slika prolaznike mobilnim telefonom, to je da se čovek smrzne, a trotinet ko trotinet.

Edited by DonJuan
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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Plavi Golub said:

Bogami, svaka mu cast. 🏆. Malo je dusa sa takvim entuzijazmom danas 


Sad si me podsetila na jednu zgodu koju je imao prijatelj, inzenjer, sa sinom.

Mali je imao oko 5 godina i neko ga upita sta hoce da bude kad poraste. A dete kaze: djubretar! Otac ga pogleda i pita, zasto?

A mali kaze: "Zato da mogu da se stojecki vozim na kamionu pozadi!"


Edited by zoran59
  • 1 month later...


Different portions of an Austrian army, which were scouting for forces of the Ottoman Empire, fired on each other by mistake, causing self-inflicted casualties. The battle took place on the night of 21–22 September 1788. The Ottomans took advantage and captured the city of Karánsebes (now Caransebeș in modern Romania).

The army of Austria, approximately 100,000 strong, was setting up camp around the town. The army's vanguard, a contingent of hussars, crossed the Timiș River to scout for the presence of the Ottoman army. There was no sign of the Ottoman forces, but the hussars came across a group of Romani people, who offered to sell schnapps to the weary soldiers. The cavalrymen bought the schnapps and started to drink.[citation needed]

Soon afterwards, some infantry crossed the river. When they saw the party going on, the infantrymen demanded alcohol for themselves. The hussars refused to give them any of the schnapps, and while still drunk, set up makeshift fortifications around the barrels. A heated argument ensued, and one soldier fired a shot.[citation needed]

Immediately, the hussars and infantry engaged in combat with one another. During the conflict, some infantry began shouting "Turci! Turci!" ("Turks! Turks!"). The hussars fled the scene, thinking that the Ottoman army’s attack was imminent. Most of the infantry also ran away; the army comprised Austrians, Serbs, Croats, and Italians from Lombardy, plus other minorities, many of whom could not understand each other. While it is not clear which one of these groups did so, they gave the false warning without telling the others, who promptly fled. The situation was made worse when officers, in an attempt to restore order, shouted "Halt! Halt!" which was misheard by soldiers with no knowledge of German as "Allah! Allah!".[dubious – discuss][citation needed]

As the hussars fled through the camps, a corps commander[who?] thought that it was a cavalry charge by the Ottoman army, and ordered artillery fire. Meanwhile, the entire camp awoke to the sound of battle and, rather than waiting to see what the situation was, everyone fled. The troops fired at every shadow, thinking the Ottomans were everywhere; in reality they were shooting fellow Austrian soldiers. The incident escalated to the point where the whole army retreated from the imaginary enemy, and Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II was pushed off his horse into a small creek.[citation needed]

Two days later, the Ottoman army arrived. They discovered dead and wounded soldiers and easily took Karánsebes.[citation needed]

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Kad je objavljeno da Mića prodaje Megatrend neka TV ekipa pravi reportažu, razgovaraju sa studentima, pitaju ih šta misle o aktuelnim dešavanjima. Odgovor većine njih može da se sažme u jednu rečenicu, otprilike, nije me briga, ja sam tu samo da uzmem papir, pa idem napolje. Reklo bi se da je većina tu svesna da kupuje papir, znanje ih ne zanima ni kao nusproizvod uz diplomu. Nažalost, nisu svesni da im ta diploma neće obezbediti egzistenciju napolju kao što očekuju, tamo se više traži znanje, mnogi će se vratiti ovde, postaće članovi, aktivisti, tražiće i dobiće pozicije u JP, upravi, vlasti. Umesto njih, van će da idu deca sa normalnih fakulteta, deca koja su naučila da rade, koja imaju znanja i želje da se usavršavaju. Strašno je što će ovi prvi biti i profesori i raktori na nekim drugim megatrendima. A, mi, mi ćemo trpeti naše zlatno doba, nije nam prvo, navikli smo se već.


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Kako bi zivot bio lep da je situacija u obrazovnom sistemu Srb tako jednostavna: deca sa diplomom drzavnog fakulteta vredna, pametna i normalna, a stoka sa privatnih fakulteta neradnici, lenstine i bogati tatini i mamini sinovi i cerke

On 12/6/2019 at 6:33 AM, Div said:

Kad je objavljeno da Mića prodaje Megatrend neka TV ekipa pravi reportažu, razgovaraju sa studentima, pitaju ih šta misle o aktuelnim dešavanjima. Odgovor većine njih može da se sažme u jednu rečenicu, otprilike, nije me briga, ja sam tu samo da uzmem papir, pa idem napolje. Reklo bi se da je većina tu svesna da kupuje papir, znanje ih ne zanima ni kao nusproizvod uz diplomu. Nažalost, nisu svesni da im ta diploma neće obezbediti egzistenciju napolju kao što očekuju, tamo se više traži znanje, mnogi će se vratiti ovde, postaće članovi, aktivisti, tražiće i dobiće pozicije u JP, upravi, vlasti. Umesto njih, van će da idu deca sa normalnih fakulteta, deca koja su naučila da rade, koja imaju znanja i želje da se usavršavaju. Strašno je što će ovi prvi biti i profesori i raktori na nekim drugim megatrendima. A, mi, mi ćemo trpeti naše zlatno doba, nije nam prvo, navikli smo se već.



Moj sestrić studira na državnom fakultetu- Rudarsko-geološkom. Usput i radi. Na poslu se upoznao sa profesorkom koja predaje na nekom od privatnih fakulteta. Žena mu je nudila popust za upis na taj fakultet, ali on je taj njen predlog ignorisao.


Posle nam je pričao o tome i čudio se..Ne pada mu na pamet da upisuje privatni faks. Fino ovde daje ispite, sada je druga godina, nije među najboljim studentima, ali i nema samo šestice- negde je zlatna sredina.


Ide na sve vežbe, uzima i privatne časove, dosta uči.


Kad završi fakultet planira da ode iz zemlje..   

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