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NBA 2020/2021 - Lejkersi b2b ili neko drugi???

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12 minutes ago, MrTripleDouble said:

Nisam imao pojma za ovo, samo sam procitao pre par dana da je povredjen. Ispada da mu je ovaj trade spasio zivot, ko zna kada bi ga kasnije otkrio, jer bi ladno nastavio da igra u Netsima kao da se nista ne desava... sreca u nesreci.

Ako se sve završi kako treba, a držim finge, Levert je pobednik trejda. 

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11 new players have tested positive for COVID-19 since Jan. 13th, the NBA announced. 

January has been a tough month around the NBA but this number indicates that the league still has a firm handle on things. The NBA has postponed a total of 16 games so far with more bound to happen, but the games will be made up at a later date and there's no indication that a pause will

20 minutes ago, freethrow said:




kapiram da imaš neke veze sa Dalmacijom ili Mađarskom?


imam veze sa madjarskom ali ovu frazu sam pokupio od jednog lika na nekom drugom forumu ;D

Posted (edited)

Kakva rampcuga momka iz Bruklina! Evo krenuli malo i promasaji, Irving bacio jednu ciglu.


 EDIT : Totalni zaokret od kad je Allen stupio na scenu, kakav zastitnik obruca. Netsi gube lopte, Cavsi poceli da pogadjaju, solidna tekma

Edited by delgado
Posted (edited)

Dramond cim igra protiv centra od koga nije osetno fizicki snazniji, odmah krecu problemi.
Sto se Bruklina tice, ovde samo fali jos jedan dobar defanzivac kao osigurac i oni su spremni za pohod.

Edited by Oštricom brijača

svaka čast seji sextonu. kaže velecasni da mu se razvukao osmeh kad je sejo poubacivao svoje, uprkos svemu. nash vidim takođe podelio lepe reči princeu i allenu 


Harris has also moved into 8th place ALL-TIME in 3-pt shooting percentage. He is now at 43.13 percent for his career. In 7th place? Steph Curry at 43.3 percent. He’s also closing in on Drazen Petrovic for best Nets 3-pt percentage. Drazen shot 43.7 percent as a Net while Joey Buckets is at 43.5 percent as a Net. Petrovic played for the Blazers before joining the Nets; Harris for the Cavaliers.

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