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VN Turske (Istanbul Park) 13.-15. novembra 2020.


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Strol sacuvao pol:




Lance Stroll has secured the first pole position of his career after the stewards cleared him of failing to slow sufficiently for yellow flags during qualifying.


The Racing Point driver was under investigation for failing to slow sufficiently for yellow flags during his fastest lap in Q3. Stroll passed single waved yellow flags at turn seven where his team mate Sergio Perez had spun.


After examining video, telemetry and data from the marshalling system, the stewards ruled Stroll had slowed in response to the yellow flags. They noted that the rate at which the track was drying made it hard to judge how much he had backed off from his sector times alone.


“Car 18 [Stroll] approached turn seven with a single yellow flag showing for the sector due to car 11 (Sergio Perez) off track on the outside of the corner<" the stewards noted. "By telemetry, car 18 clearly came off the throttle, coasted into the corner, and then accelerated when clear of the incident. "Sector times do not clearly show this as the track was rapidly drying and each lap was quicker than the preceding lap."




Mercedes i dalje perfektan na pol pozicijama ove sezone, malo s ovogodisnjim malo s proslogodisnjim bolidom... 😐

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1 hour ago, Radoye said:


Uvedeno 2014, u sektoru sa zutom zastavom mora se usporiti 0.2 s a sa duplom zutom (kao danas) 0.5 s




Latifi je izleteo u krivini 8, definitivno ne u prvom sektoru.


Ima jos i ovde - Strolov pol pod znakom pitanja:







Mozda je uvedeno 2014, ali nisam nasao u pravilniku da se spominju ti brojevi. Pravilnici su razbacani na sve strane, ali uspeo sam da nadjem:


Appendix H b) 

b) Yellow flag 

- Double waved: Reduce your speed significantly, do not overtake, and be prepared to change direction or stop. There is a hazard wholly or partly blocking the track and/or marshals working on or beside the track. During free practice and qualifying, it must be evident that a driver has not attempted to set a meaningful lap time; this means the driver should abandon the lap (this does not mean he has to pit as the track could well be clear the following lap).


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Noris +5 na startu zbog ignorisanja duple zute u Q1. Jos uvek vecaju o Raselu.

Ovo je kljucno u ovom slucaju, svako ko je naisao na duplu zutu morao je da odustane od brzog kruga.


24 minutes ago, momohyoideus said:

During free practice and qualifying, it must be evident that a driver has not attempted to set a meaningful lap time; this means the driver should abandon the lap (this does not mean he has to pit as the track could well be clear the following lap).




Onih .2 i .5 sekundi su instrukcije za trku, objasnjenje ovog gornjeg pravila onomad izdato od Vajtinga sta ce se smatrati "znacajnim" usporavanjem. Dakle, ko u trci prodje zuti sektor (jedna zastava) i bude unutar 0.2 od svog prethodnog brzog vremena u istom sektoru, u slucaju duple zute 0.5, smatrace se da je u prekrsaju. U FP i kvalifikacijama jedna zuta se tretira isto kao u trci, dupla zuta je instrukcija da se odustane od brzog kruga.

Tehnicki, trebali su odmah da pobrisu vremena za taj krug svakome koga je uhvatila dupla zuta i to je to, ali zasto jednostavno kad moze komplikovano, a moze i da se pusti Q2 dok je dizalica jos na stazi.

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26 minutes ago, Radoye said:

Ovo je kljucno u ovom slucaju, svako ko je naisao na duplu zutu morao je da odustane od brzog kruga.


Tu nema diskusije, samo me je zanimalo kako je pravilo napisano.


+5 je i malo, treba odmah na zacelje.

Edited by momohyoideus
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6 minutes ago, Nicklord said:

Rasel izgubio po prvi put u kvalifikacijama? 😄


Nisam siguran kako se ovo racuna. Vec je startovao iza timskih kolega zbog kazni na startu zbog promena komponenti ali su mu tada racunali plasman pre kazne.

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