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VN Turske (Istanbul Park) 13.-15. novembra 2020.

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U jednom talasu novo/starih staza koje su došle u F1 nebili se popunila praznina, došla je na opšte iznenađenje VN Turske odnosno Istanbul Park. Mogu sad već govoriti da je čuvena F1 staza bez obzira na staž od 15 godina, jednostavno zavredila je instant kultni status a Tilke je zaslužan za to. Ako stavimo politiku sa strane, može se reći da F1 zajednica obožava VN Turske. Ono što sve interesuje je čuvena osma krivina te kako će se ova današnja čudovišta od bolida nositi sa njom. Već u petak ćemo to saznati.












Zone akcija


Prva krivina


2008- Udes Fizikele i Nakadžime.



Osma krivina


2005-...- Krivina koja sve stavlja na kranji limit.



Dvanaesta krivina


2005- Udes Mihaela Šumahera i Vebera.



2010- Udes Fetela i Vebera.



Pireli je doneo najtvrđe mešavine guma osnosno C1-C3.




Nekako smo svi navikli da Istanbul gledamo u početku sezone gde se tek zakuvava šampionat i gde su neke stvari poznate ali glavni akteri jurišaju prema titulama. Ovogodišnje izdanje je sve to ali suprotno, Mercedes je odneo 7. uzastopnu titulu a Hamiltonu treba da je samo par pozicija ispred Botasa i da osigura titulu te da se izjednači s velikim Mihaelom Šumaherom.




Iako deluje, nije sve tako negativno i površno, itekako ima borbi. Sredina poretka radi veliku stvar i spašava F1 i trke su itekako zabavne zbog toga. Reno ima 135 poena, a Meklaren i Rejsing Point su izjednačeni s 134. Pozitivno ludilo vlada između tog trojca. Ferari se mravljim koracima odvaja od AlfaTaurija.




Šteta što ipak neće biti navijača uoči trke, organizatori su najavljivali ali ipak novi talas koronavirusa je odneo nadu za to. Zapravo do kraja sezone a ima još dve staze do kraja (dva Bahreina i jedan Abu Dabi) se ne očekuje prisustvo gledatoca. Za Bahrein najavljuju samo posebne zvanice te bliže prijatelje i rodbinu medicinskih radnika te naravno medicinske radnike, u stilu Monce organizatori ćese zahvaliti vrednim medicinski radnicima i nagradiće ih na ovaj način.

Nego da se ja prebacim na Tursku, poznato je da Hamiltonu treba samo jako malo nebili u 4. trci do kraja osigurao titulu ali po Hamiltonovim rečima ništa nije zagarantovano i da ako recimo ima loš nastup te ne daj bože zahvati koronavirus tada je sve itekako otvoreno. Naravno mi navijači ne verujemo toliko u to i ja lično očekujem krunisanje Hamiltona ako ne u Turskoj onda u prvom Bahreinu.

Elem velika ludnica vlada iza, Daniel je uz dva podijuma osigurao lepu prednost od 10 poena ispred Leklera na 4. mestu. Lekler je peti a Perez u uzletu koji je najviše rangirana osoba bez podijuma samo tri poena iza Leklera. Onda malko poveći razmak od 13 poena pa na sedmom mestu je Noris, 4 poena iza je Sainc, 1 iza španca je Albon pa jedan iza Albona je Gasli pa mali razmak od 6 poena pa Strol. Sve je još uvek otvoreno ovde a samo 4 trke do kraja. Ništa još nije gotovo ako gledamo te borbe.




Dugoročna prognoza veli delimično oblačno celi vikend uz naznaku da bi možda moglo kišiti u nedelju.

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Drivers react to ‘strangest session’ after bizarre Friday in Turkey



Mark Sutton/Motorsport Images


By Chris Medland | November 13, 2020 8:34 AM



Carlos Sainz says Friday practice at the Turkish Grand Prix was “the strangest session I think I’ve ever done in my life” as low-grip conditions made the Istanbul Park circuit like an ice rink.


After nine years away from Turkey, F1 returned with great anticipation among the drivers for a track that has a number of challenging corners and elevation changes. However, a new track surface, cool temperatures and regular track cleaning left grip conditions extremely low, with lap times in FP1 starting off over 20 seconds slower than the expected pace despite it being dry throughout, something Sainz says he has never experienced before.


“The strangest session I think I’ve done in my life, the strangest Friday,” Sainz said. “You need to think that we were expecting here a 1m23s or 1m22s lap times and this morning we were doing 1m45s. So you can imagine how difficult it was and how tricky it was. So very strange, but at the same time a good challenge for the drivers, for the engineers — a different challenge that I’m ready to embrace and see what happens.”


The Spaniard was not alone, with his teammate Lando Norris — celebrating his 21st birthday on Friday — saying it presented a unique challenge.


“It was a fun day!” Norris said. “It was drift school today — that was my birthday present and it was my first day of drift school ever! It was nice. Tricky in a Formula 1 car — a lot of power, a lot of downforce and big snaps. So most laps you’re crapping yourself a bit, especially the high-speed Turn 8 and so on; so it’s tricky but it’s also a lot of fun.



Plenty of fun, but also plenty to figure out for McLaren’s Sainz (left) and Norris at Istanbul Park. Mark Sutton/Motorsport Images


“It’s fun to push the car and be on the limit like that all the time, but it’s not so much you’re on the limit, it’s trying to build tire temperature and so on. Which is the difficulty of it — trying to get the tires into the window — but once they’re in the window things feel a bit better. It’s just very difficult to do that in the first place.


“We have to try and figure out what’s the best plan for tomorrow in terms of laps put on a set of tires versus to build the tire temperature and not taking the life out of the tire, but I’m sure everyone’s going to be thinking about that and how to do it. So a bit of homework to do tonight, but not a bad first day.”


Pierre Gasly was in the top seven in both practice sessions as AlphaTauri looked strong, but he admits the whole team was caught out by the situation on Friday.


“I must say this morning was quite shocking,” Gasly said. “I enjoyed it, it was really fun, but it felt more like rallycross than F1. But yeah, it does feel different to what we used to feel in general. It was a pretty fun way to discover this track — the grip came a little bit up this afternoon and also with the soft (tire), but generally a lot slower and a lot more slippery than expected. So I think we need to revise a bit what we want to do for qualifying and for the race with the car with the simulator we ran as we expected to be quite a lot faster than that.


“I can tell you it’s going to be spicy, that’s for sure; we just need to make sure we do our thing properly. The tire is playing a big factor — we can see it with the gaps a lot bigger than usual. If you get the tires in the right window you can really extract the performance and I think there’s quite a lot more things we need to understand but hopefully we can make another step forward tomorrow.”


Another driver to shine was Charles Leclerc, who ended up second fastest in FP2, and while many of his rivals were complaining, the Ferrari driver is enjoying the situation.

“At first I was really not convinced by the grip of the track and I was like, ‘Oh, this is going to be a very bad day,’ but after a few laps I actually really, really enjoyed it,” Leclerc said. “It was actually very fun to have such low grip. We need to understand why though, to be honest, because it’s probably not great to have a Friday like this — we don’t learn much — but in terms of driving it was very fun and we’ve been very competitive too.


“I don’t think it will improve much during the weekend so it’s good that we’ve done quite a lot of mileage today to understand the conditions, and hopefully we can maximize the result tomorrow.”


Leclerc agreed with Sainz that he has never had a similar experience at any point in his career.


“No, I’ve had the contrary in karting. One race we were rolling because there was too much grip, so that was crazy! Now it’s a bit the other way around, so I’ve never had that low grip with slick tires — it really feels like we are on ice. But as I said it was quite a fun day in the end.”






Hamilton slams Istanbul resurfacing work



Charles Coates/Motorsport Images


By Chris Medland | November 13, 2020 8:47 AM



Lewis Hamilton says it is “terrifying” trying to drive on the low-grip Istanbul Park circuit, describing Friday practice for the Turkish Grand Prix as “s**t with a capital S.”


A new track surface was recently installed ahead of Formula 1’s return to Turkey following an absence of nine years, and the track was also washed before FP1 on Friday morning. That combined to give extremely low levels of grip that took a long time to improve throughout the day, with lap times dropping by 15 seconds but still being some six seconds away from the predicted pace.


“It was a bit of a disaster today, to be honest,” Hamilton said. “This track is such a fantastic circuit and I really don’t fully understand when they spend millions to resurface a track. I know it’s been sitting around for some time but they could have just cleaned it maybe, instead of wasting all the money.


“Now the track is worse than Portimao was when we had the brand-new surface there. So for us at least, the tires aren’t working. You can see it — it’s like an ice rink out there and so you don’t get the enjoying of the lap as you normally would at Istanbul, and I don’t see that changing.


“It’s terrifying the whole way around. It’s almost like there’s wet patches all over because you are on slicks, accelerating and it just goes so fast. It’s because you are way, way below the temperature window. These tires, they are so hard and only work in a certain window, so if you are 10 or 20 degrees (50 to 68 Fahrenheit) below, they are not working.


“For some reason this surface is so smooth — a lot of the older circuits are a lot more open between the stones, so it works the tire more. This one is super closed, flat and shiny and I guess there’s oil seeps from the tarmac. It’s s**t with a capital S.”


Hamilton ended FP2 in fourth place as Max Verstappen set the pace in both sessions, and he says Mercedes is facing a real challenge as a result of the difficult conditions.

“I’ve not changed a single thing with the car today because if the tires aren’t working you don’t really know what the balance is. It’s literally just the tires. You see other people are getting them to work. You can go from one lap to the other and you can find a second because the tire works in a couple of corners.


“You can the Red Bulls are doing really well with it and we’ve definitely got some work to do tonight to try and figure out what we can change. It will be difficult for the fans to understand but there’s fundamental things on the car you can’t change, so we’ve just go to work with what we have and try and do the best job we can.


“We’d probably still have the issues with the tires, even in the rain — they will just be stone-cold wet tires all the time but it will be exciting.”





Hamilton je najglasniji u kuknjavi jer se neće tek tako provozati do još jedne sigurne pobede. Nije u redu što je nazvao stazu "Sheet with capitol S". Baš bih voleo da ga vidim u npr. Ferariju sledeće godine, pa to bi bila kuknjava i plakanje svaki vikend jer ne može dobaciti ni do podijuma!


Ostali vozači ne deluju nezadovoljno onakvim stanjem staze jer je vide kao veliki izazov, a ne problem. 

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Naleteh na vest da su sinoc po sazi satima terali obicne automobile kako bi se malo gume utrljalo u stazu.
Ja sam video sliku i vest fa su išla auta za čišćenje sa metlama, da odstrane višak bitumena. Bilo kako, kiša je sve oprala, voze na full wet i vrte se kao na ringišpilu.

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