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Posted (edited)

Poraz Indjica od Shaka, ostali remizirali,

osvojili smo 20to mesto, nije los plasman

tesko je reci kakav splet okolnosti je potreban da budemo u top 10

ali Moldavci i Litvanci su pokazali da je moguce.

Crna Gora 22 mesto, isto jako.


Mladi Uzbeci orobili, ide solidan talas odatle.


Pogledao sam i sta je radio Karlsen, imao je 7.5 / 9 

sest pobeda i tri remija (i izgubio 3 boda) protiv igraca 

rejtinga 2400-2600. 

Ovo nije grupa igraca protiv koje on moze da popravlja rejting.

Ako hoce do 2900, nemam pojma protiv koga treba da igra 

Edited by KfJ
Posted (edited)

Da brani titulu keke.


Koliko je Kasparov imao najvise, 2860?


edit: 20 sekundi guglanja dalo je odgovor da je u pitanju 2851 xD

Edited by McLeod
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Igra se Sinquiefield cup, sa vecinom top igraca. Magnus je ozbiljnim problemima protiv Niemanna i to sa belim figurama.


EDIT:And it's gone. 😄 Egal.

Edited by Xpert

Sta se desava, ukljucio sam se kasno u ovej stream Hikarua, zasto Magnus ne igra danas, zasto je odustao od turnira / partije?

Hikaru hinting da je optuzio Niemana da je varao ? Jel moguce to ? (Mislim da Magnus reaguje tako)


Boki @P-51D,

Sta mislis o ovoj chess drami ? Na osnovu partije koju su igrali.


And also, ako je to smor, da li je ovaj Hansov intervju najjaci motion picture uradak u poslednje vreme.



54 minutes ago, KfJ said:

Boki @P-51D,

Sta mislis o ovoj chess drami ? Na osnovu partije koju su igrali.


And also, ako je to smor, da li je ovaj Hansov intervju najjaci motion picture uradak u poslednje vreme.




Ja sam šah davno prestao da pratim, pogotovo ovaj vrhunski. Neki lokalni turnir gde igraju ljudi koje lično poznajem i protiv kojih sam nekad igrao, još ponešto i pogledam, ali ovo na samom vrhu, bukvalno kao golf da se igra. S tim u vezi nemam neko formirano mišljenje oko ovog skandala, upoznat sam šta se desilo i to je to otprilike.

Posted (edited)

Prvi čovek platforme Chess.com tvrdi da su pri zabrani predstavili detaljne dokaze Nimanu o količini i ozbiljnosti njegovog varanja na toj platformi i da su oni u suprotnosti s onim što je Niman izjavljivao ovih dana.


Niman im još nije pružio objašnjenje.






Turnir je pak angažovao i jednog od najpoznatijih šahovskih detektiva Keneta Regana (detaljnije o njemu), koji nije pronašao ništa sumnjivo.



Niman je odlučno negirao da je ikada varao u šahu koji se igra za tablom, ali je istovremeno priznao da je ranije varao na mreži.

Organizatori turnira su u međuvremenu uspostavili dodatne fer-plej protokole. Ali njihove bezbednosne provere, uključujući pregled Nimanove igre od strane jednog od vodećih svetskih šahovskih detektiva, Keneta Regana s Univerziteta u Bafalu, nisu otkrile ništa neobično.

https://www.wsj.com/articles/magnus-carlsen-hans-niemann-chess-cheating-scandal-11662644458 (prevod: Google Translate)

Edited by erwin
Posted (edited)

Karpov o partiji Karlsen-Niman:


"I watched the game last night, I have to say that Carlsen played poorly," Karpov said. - I heard some comments that he couldn't get out of the opening and that he didn't have a chance, but that's not true. Yes, he played poorly, his position was worse, but he didn't have to lose: if he hadn't sacrificed a pawn, then there would have been nothing to worry about in that position. With more careful play he would have been able to make a draw."

"But the pawn sacrifice turned out to be wrong, and, as everyone writes, he lost one-way, that's the truth," he continued. - I reject all versions [of an unfair victory]. Of course we can't confirm that Niemann definitely wasn't using cues, but Carlsen surprisingly played the opening with white so badly that he automatically got into a worse position. And then he showed a strange inability to cope with the difficult situation that arose on the board. I can't call it super-heavy, and the comment that White lost without a chance is complete nonsense.

At the same time, Karpov is surprised by Niemann's progress in the world rankings, where he now ranks 49th. "Such an increase in the ranking makes you think that something is not fair there, it's strange, surprising, out of place," he said.

https://tass.ru/sport/15686001 (prevod: Deepl)

Edited by erwin
Posted (edited)

Niman je po nekim analizama igrao osetno bolje od svog proseka kad mu je to trebalo za norme da postane velemajstor i na turnirima koji su strimovani uživo tj. u realnom vremenu, bez zakašnjenja na internetu.



Twitter user ATL_Kings posts a table of Hans' results in the US between 2019 and 2020, showing a strong correlation between Hans' performing much better when there are live DGT games. The tweet and accompanying chart:




FM Andrii Punin uploads a video analyzing "suspicious" games that Hans has played in the past year, in particular, with reference to his average centipawn loss (ACPL). One of the observations--among many--is that in tournaments where Hans was between 2450 and 2550 Elo, i.e. between 2018 and 2020, his ACPL is around 20 or 23 (depending on the Stockfish version), which is basically normal for IM, but in the tournaments where he got his second and third GM norms, his ACPL was respectively 3 and 7~9, denoting a high level of play.


Explanation here: 


and video here:





Edited by erwin
Posted (edited)

Skandal Carlsen - Nieman se podigao na novi nivo!


Upravo se igra online Julios Baer Generation Cup i na redu je bio duel izmedju njih dvojice. I sta je Magnus uradio? Predao nakon prvog poteza! Mislim da ce Magnus morati da da neko objasnjenje za ovo. Ili da dokaze da Hans vara ili da snosi posledice za ove postupke.



Edited by Xpert
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