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Roger Federer


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1 hour ago, sasha arsenal said:

Jedan od trojice najomiljenijih sportista,uz Anrija i Brajanta.Bilo je pravo zadovoljstvo gledati ga.Umetnik na terenu.Pravi uzor za klince koji tek treba da se bave nekim sportom.Ponašanje na terenu i van njega za svaki respekt.


Hvala na svemu,legendo.



Mali offtopic:


Zanimljivo mi je da ti je Kobi omiljen uz ovu dvojicu. Ne nista lose i meni je Kobi omiljeni kosarkas, uopste sportista a druga dvojica su mi Ronaldo i Nadal uz koje mogu da se povuku neke paralele. Talentovani svakako ali ne kao MJ, Messi i Federer ali su iscijedili i svaki dio svog talenta a radne navike su im legendarne

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Just now, Miki28 said:

Mali offtopic:


Zanimljivo mi je da ti je Kobi omiljen uz ovu dvojicu. Ne nista lose i meni je Kobi omiljeni kosarkas, uopste sportista a druga dvojica su mi Ronaldo i Nadal uz koje mogu da se povuku neke paralele. Talentovani svakako ali ne kao MJ, Messi i Federer ali su iscijedili i svaki dio svog talenta a radne navike su im legendarne


Čovjek voli poeziju u pokretu, ništa čudno.

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1 hour ago, Miki28 said:

Mali offtopic:


Zanimljivo mi je da ti je Kobi omiljen uz ovu dvojicu. Ne nista lose i meni je Kobi omiljeni kosarkas, uopste sportista a druga dvojica su mi Ronaldo i Nadal uz koje mogu da se povuku neke paralele. Talentovani svakako ali ne kao MJ, Messi i Federer ali su iscijedili i svaki dio svog talenta a radne navike su im legendarne


1 hour ago, gledan van, ludilo 1 said:


Čovjek voli poeziju u pokretu, ništa čudno.


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Iako su pravila LC da svaki igrac mora da odigra singl, sumnjam da ce se neko buniti ako Roger odigra samo dubl, a sve mi na to lici.

Izgleda da on ne moze da odigra ni skraceni singl mec, tako da je moguce da ce odigrati samo dubl sa Nadalom i da ce to biti to.




A ima i ovo :classic_biggrin:

Bas me zanima od koga, ko je to znao da on ide u penziju :classic_unsure:



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2 hours ago, Boxy said:

Iako su pravila LC da svaki igrac mora da odigra singl, sumnjam da ce se neko buniti ako Roger odigra samo dubl, a sve mi na to lici.

Izgleda da on ne moze da odigra ni skraceni singl mec, tako da je moguce da ce odigrati samo dubl sa Nadalom i da ce to biti to.




A ima i ovo :classic_biggrin:

Bas me zanima od koga, ko je to znao da on ide u penziju :classic_unsure:



Bice nikad veci hajp  i interesovanje pred LC.

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@Petar 91

Mozda on nije u stanju da odigra pravi ATP turnir, da eventualno igra dan za danom, zato je i izabrao LC, cak i ako bude igrao singl, to je skraceni mec. A i postavlja se pitanje da li ce igrati singl ili samo dubl, iako je u suprotno sa pravilima LC.


Inace, sto se tice ponuda da bude trener, to je Luti dobio, a ne Roger, sto vec ima logike.








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Intervju sa Ljubicicem, skroz je jasno da on moze da igra, ali bi ispadao u prvim kolima, a to bi bilo suludo da radi


▸ By the way, how did you know from Roger Federer that he was ready to say enough? 

Ljubicic: Obviously it was a shared, elaborate decision. A choice that Roger arrived at with great serenity when he realized that the recovery was not going in the right direction and above all the times were getting too long. Being a wise and very intelligent man he realized that at 41, and after such an incredible career it was time to say enough.

▸ Without the possibility of maneuvering?

Ljubicic: No. It wouldn't make sense to him. We're used to thinking of Federer as a classy, elegant player but let's not forget that he is a winner. One who doesn't take the court if he doesn't know he can compete at his level.

▸ Will we see him again after the Laver Cup?

Ljubicic: Certainly. Roger loves tennis too much, he lives off tennis. He will make performances if he is well, he will stay in his world because playing is what he has always loved to do. Even when I visited him with my son, the first thing he wanted to do was play. I think that if he could he would also sleep on the tennis court.

Can you tell us how he asked you to become your coach?

Ljubicic: We were at lunch and so, out of the blue, he made me the offer. I was amazed, I knew he was working well with Edberg. Obviously I was very happy, enthusiastic. Then in the evening I thought about it and panic broke out. What could I do for Roger Federer? A huge responsibility. We used to talk, we traveled... They were always talking about tennis and watching tennis. From juniors, to wheelchair, to legends, always... Then of course I had to be ready in moments of difficulty. Like that final lost at Wimbledon 2019...

Yes, but it wasn't the worst time. There we were sad and sorry because Roger had played better for all 5 sets, but in the end we toasted the umpteenth final played at Wimbledon. Of course, we didn't know it would be the last...

At Halle 2021, when he lost to Aliassime. He was in pain, he was dejected. He knew he was going to Wimbledon with no chance to win, and it was a great pain for him. We hoped for a physical miracle, but it didn't come. :classic_sad: (i na jednoj nozi je stigao do QF)

▸ How important was Mirka to Roger's career? Ljubicic: I've always heard unfair descriptions of her, of a tough woman. This is absolutely not the case. It was a constant, discreet point of reference.

She was there when she had to be, she was a tennis player and she knew the dynamics perfectly. It was crucial in difficult times. And she will be now, to accompany her husband in the new life.

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1 hour ago, Boxy said:


Koliko ce nedostajati, jos uvek mi je sve nerealno :classic_sad:

Realno, dugo nije ni igrao. Možda će se sada i više pojavljivati u javnosti. Tu su pre svega obaveze prema sponzorima. Moguće da će sada ići po nekim turnirima da promoviše brendove, da ga bude u javnosti, ne bi me čudilo da to stoji u ugovorima. Ako npr. Uniklo nije tražio tako nešto od njega a potpisao ga na 10 godina pred penziju onda stvaaaarno. 

Jedino ako si očekivala da igra kompetitivno na turnirima pa da si previše razočarana. Ili rekreativno da igra, i gubi pre finala, a to je ipak ispod njegovog nivoa.

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Nije igrao, ali sam mislila da je koleno u boljem stanju i da ce da izdrzi jos jednu sezonu sa par turnira. Jedno je kad je povredjen, u ljudskoj prirodi je da se nadas, a drugo je kad je definitivno i kad je kraj.

A sto se tice sponzora, Uniklo nije nista trazio od njega sto se tice tenisa, to je on vise puta naglasio i rekao da mu je to bilo ekstremno bitno.




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