Dracarys Posted February 27, 2021 Posted February 27, 2021 Kakav je ovo raspored Rodzera? Preskocice kompletnu sezonu sljake, nakon Dohe i Dubaija.
Dracarys Posted February 27, 2021 Posted February 27, 2021 Tako stoji na sajtu perfecttennis koji valjda uredjuje neki fan. https://www.perfect-tennis.com/roger-federers-schedule/
Boxy Posted February 27, 2021 Author Posted February 27, 2021 Ovi turniri koji su nabrojani su 100% potvrdjeni, ali jos uvek niko ne zna kakav mu je plan posle Dubaija, mislim da dosta i zavisi kako ce se osecati posle 2 nedelje tenisa, u kakvom ce stanju biti telo i koleno.
wwww Posted February 27, 2021 Posted February 27, 2021 kako sam ja razumela, i Dubai nije sasvim siguran, sve zavisi kako se bude osecao u Dohi. 1
Boxy Posted February 27, 2021 Author Posted February 27, 2021 Da, Paganini je izjavio u onom velikom intervju da je samo Doha 100% sigurna.
Boxy Posted March 1, 2021 Author Posted March 1, 2021 Pojavila se informacija da se povukao i da nece igrati Majami, nema jos uvek nista zvanicno. Po meni, ako je istina, nista cudno i dosta ocekivana odluka, posebno sto je najavljen jos jedan trening blok pred sezonu na sljaci, a onda se Majami nikako ne uklapa. A i bilo bi previse, Doha, Dubai pa put u Majami i to sve odmah po povratku...
alcesta Posted March 1, 2021 Posted March 1, 2021 Pitanje je ko će se od igrača uopšte cimati iz tog dela sveta da putuje u Ameriku samo zbog Majamiju, pa još sa smanjenim fondom.
Boxy Posted March 1, 2021 Author Posted March 1, 2021 Pa ovi mladi sigurno hoce, ipak je tu u opticaju 1000 poena
Boxy Posted March 5, 2021 Author Posted March 5, 2021 Ne znam da li ovo znaci da su napravili ON tenisku patiku, videcemo uskoro, ali i na ovoj slici koju je on postovao vide ce neke cudne patike, ne lice na nike
wwww Posted March 5, 2021 Posted March 5, 2021 pa zar nije on pre nekoliko meseci reklamirrao neke (njegove?) patike? bese on se u Dubaiu sprema(o)?
Boxy Posted March 5, 2021 Author Posted March 5, 2021 Te sto je reklamirao, to su klasicne patike za setnju, nisu ni sportske patike, sad su izasle i u drugim bojama, ne samo skroz bele A ON inace ima samo patike za trcanje, tako da bi patika za tenis bilo nesto skroz novo.
wwww Posted March 5, 2021 Posted March 5, 2021 je li on neki suvlasnik firme ili je to samo sponzorska saradnja?
Boxy Posted March 5, 2021 Author Posted March 5, 2021 Suvlasnik je on, usao je u taj biznis posle USO 2019., tj tada su obelodanili.
Boxy Posted March 5, 2021 Author Posted March 5, 2021 Nije bio ovoliko aktivan na drustvenim mrezama godinu dana
Boxy Posted March 7, 2021 Author Posted March 7, 2021 Danas je bila konferencija pred turnir, neke izjave Federer:“I hope to be 100 percent at Wimbledon. Everything else is not that important. In the last three weeks I was surprised how well it went though.“ Federer:““If I can pull off a couple of matches here in Doha, I'll be happy. The expectations are very low. I hope I can surprise myself.“ Federer:“I'm not sure my knee will hold up, but I'm confident, otherwise I wouldn't be here. » Federer:“When I wake up in the morning I feel pretty good. The pain is under control. I can play two and a half hours for five days in a row. There are many positive things. But matches are different. When the netves are also playing a part“ Federer:“«I just have the feeling that my career is not over yet. I will find out how I still like life on the tour now, with the quarantine, the difficult travel. I hope that I can play for tournament wins again Federer:“I have to get through Doha first, then see how things look in Dubai. Then a month of training, then we see how it looks for the clay season. The year is long. I still need a lot of answers before I know what the clay season looks like for me. " Federer:“I watched a lot of tennis - I wanted to know what was going on, and checked the results almost every two hours, including the results of Challenger tournaments and doubles. I was impressed with how high the level was. » Roger Federer:“I was down after the second operation, I questioned everything. Wimbledon was canceled and the pandemic was severe. But I knew whether I was coming back or not - and that was my goal -. I just wanted to get well again“ Federer:“I have to take it match by match. First Doha, then decide:what about Dubai? After Dubai there is a fitness unit of four to six weeks. I hope then I'll be even more explosive. For the time being I'm only planning until Wimbledon.“ Federer: „The opponent will feel it if you are not at a 100 percent. I feel that I am on a good level. But not in top form yet. When I wake up in the morning I feel pretty good. The pain is under control.“ Federer:“ The knee will dictate what my comeback looks like. It sure is rare to see a 40 year old back on tour after so much time. It is important that I am free of pain. I'm curious to see how it plays out. " Federer: „ It was very important to me that I could play points and sets for the last two months. First Stricker came to Dubai and most recently I played about 20 sets with Dan Evans. I am very happy with my knee.“ Federer:“I practiced with an On shoe here in Doha, let's see if I can play with it on Tuesday. So far it feels perfect. It's still a prototype. An exciting thing. " Federer on Djokovic:“. He does his best for the players. It just didn't fit when he was president of the players' association and founded the new organization at the same time. You don't always have to agree. But it is important that you exchange ideas together.“ Federer: “I just feel like the story’s not over yet. I would like to get that high again of playing against the best players in the biggest tournaments and hopefully winning them. Hopefully I’ll play long enough to see full crowds again.” Federer: "At the US Open Djokovic was unbelievably unlucky. Everybody knows that. You need to have self-control but it can happen to anybody." On Adria Tour chaos: "Was it too early? Probably yes. I have not been seeing Novak for a long time. He gives his best for the players." Federer: "To see the tennis tour start again after pandemic was great. I am in the Player Council so I know how tough it was. To watch Dominic Thiem win US Open without fans was heartbreaking. Nadal impressed me in Paris, Djokovic in Melbourne. I was struck by such a high level" Federer: "When I came back in 2017, I was fully healthy. Now the path is much longer. There are many more questions marks. All what happens until Wimbledon is a bonus. After my second surgery I had put everything in doubt. But I am confident." 1
McLeod Posted March 7, 2021 Posted March 7, 2021 Sta li mu je pa toliko lepih reci za Djokovica, zar ga ne mrzi kao i svi ostali zapadnjacki satanisti? 😛 1
Boxy Posted March 7, 2021 Author Posted March 7, 2021 Ne znam kako ce ovdasnji mediji sad da smisle cuvene naslove, a i forumaski hejteri ne znaju sta da rade. [emoji16]
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