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Izvan i iza turnira


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Nadal. "Against a player like Zverev, in these conditions, I needed to play my best".


sad mu ni (suva) sljaka ne valja. :classic_rolleyes:


Nadal: “I think for most of the first set, I was playing better than him. And this is the negative part; while playing better than him in the first set, I still lost 6-4.




Nadal: “This is very difficult to understand, especially for me.  When this happens to me, it’s usually in the opposite way – I find a way to win sets even though I’m not playing my best or as good as the opponent.”


Nadal: “It’s not that I wasn’t able to find my ‘minimum level’, it’s that you’re playing against someone whose serve gets you into big trouble,” Nadal said. “Every serve goes above 220, so in conditions like these I have to return like six metres behind the baseline and even then I’m still hitting the returns at shoulder height.”



Edited by wwww
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Opet problemi sa levom pertlom.

Kakav jadan gubitnik.


A gde moze da se prokomentarise Laureus nagrada? Bukvalno najnezasluzenija nagrada ikad, sa jednom titulom za celu sezonu, plus nije bio ni broj jedan.


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Sulle settimane passate fuori dal circuito, Thiem conferma il ruolo rivestito dalla pandemia e dall’obbligo di vivere in una bolla, ma spiega la ragione principale di questo break: “Il fatto di aver vinto il mio primo Slam. Avevo raggiunto il mio obiettivo di una vita. Quindi, ovviamente, era difficile continuare come prima. Questa è la ragione principale per cui ho ritenuto necessario fermarmi a riflettere e riorganizzare la mia vita. Ci è voluto un po’ di tempo”.

Tim naveo glavni razlog malo duzeg odsustva sa terena, bilo je to osvajanje prvog slema.

Nakon ostvarenja tog cilja nista vise nije bilo isto.. Morao je da stane, razmisli o svemu i reorganizuje zivot. Bilo mu je potrebno dosta vremena za to. 

Ako se Tim ovako osecao posle osvojenog prvog slema u 27. godini zivota, pitam se ja, kako li se osecao Novak kad je u istim godinama podigao trofej na RG i u istoj godini bio vlasnik sva 4 GS!  Kakva li je tek njemu reorganizacija trebala nakon tog velikog podviga..

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