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A malo da pričekaju ne može? :classic_rolleyes:

Ovo me podseti na onu Novakovu monografiju "Moj prvi GS". Tri godine smo mislili kako je nabaksuzirao tim naslovom :classic_biggrin:


Bio je ogroman problem posle meca Rafa-Novak vezano za prevoz publike posle meca, metro koji je glavni gradski prevoz radi do 1h a mec je bio zavrsen posle (1h15) sto znaci da je publika kompletna ostala cekajuci taxi kojih naravno nije bilo dovoljno , usput naravno podigli cene beskonacno, kazu da su po sat-dva cekali taxi. Kaze Ameli da nisu o tome razmisljali, ali da ce sledece godine morati to da uzmu u obzir. Wimbldon zavrsava svoje meceve u 23h tako moraju valjda po gradskim pravilima, u Parizu tog pravila nema ali morali bi neki prevoz da obezbede


RG mora da pomeri vreme pocinjanja meceva na PC: prvi mec mora da pocne u 11, kao i na ostalim terenima, a nocna sesija ne moze da pocne u 9, mora ranije.

Posted (edited)


ALSO OUT: Fernandez (injured), Svitolina (pregnant), Vondrousova (injured), Cristian (injured)

Osaka is in for now.

Edited by wwww
Posted (edited)

Zverev ce tek u ponedeljak znati nesto vise





neki lekar komentarisao na osnovu tv snimka:


"What this looks like is a standard inversion, or lateral ankle sprain," he said. "This is the traditional low ankle sprain mechanism."

Sutterer MD then goes into more detail on the three "key ligaments" on the outside of an ankle. He states that the ATFL ligament is the "most commonly torn with an ankle sprain" with the other two being associated with more severe types of sprain.

"When the ankle is plantar flexed or pointed down and it goes into inversion, that makes it even more likely to injure that ATFL ligament that's most commonly torn as opposed to if the toes were pointed upwards," he added. "Everything about this position: plantar flexion, foot makes contact, goes into severe amount of ankle inversion - fits with the traditional low ankle sprain, likely involving that ATFL ligament."

The doctor went on to explain that Zverev may not need surgery if the injury is just a ligament tear.


"Even if there is a full grade three injury, we often don't need to do surgery," Sutterer MD added. "Treatment consists of rehabilitation and you only have to think about surgery if there's something else like a cartilage injury to the joint, a severe fracture or pain and symptoms just don't improve despite conservative care."


Edited by wwww


THIS is what real injuries look like and what happens if you play through pain. You can permanently damage your body





According to our information, the duration of unavailability of Alexander Zverev is estimated between six and eight weeks. Package for Wimbledon, he hopes to be back in early August with the United States tour. His goal: to be restored for the US Open.


ne znam odakle im informacije, nisam naisla na nesto u nemackim medijima.



Christopher Clarey   


BREAKING: The US Open will not follow Wimbledon's lead and will allow individual Russian and Belarusian players to compete in this year's US Open. That means No. 1 Daniil Medvedev should be able to defend his US Open title Our story, which will update



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jaoj bre, sto ga ovoliko isfeminizirali :ajme:





The House announces #JannikSinner as its newest Brand Ambassador. Wearing a selection of sartorial looks envisioned by #AlessandroMichele for #GucciLoveParade, he recently appeared in #ICONMagazine. Photographed by Stefano Galuzzi. Styled by Edoardo Caniglia.



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