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Wimbledon to remove ‘Miss’ and ‘Mrs’ from honours boards in move to modernise


They will also change the tradition of listing the female champions who are married with the initials and surnames of their husbands.




Wimbldon ulazi u 20. vek! :classic_ohmy:




Three years ago, the All England Club ditched the requirement for women’s players to be introduced on court by either ‘Miss’ or ‘Mrs’.

But it is believed that Wimbledon will continue to use the terms ‘Gentlemen’ and ‘Ladies’ to describe the action.



mozda im za 50 godina podje za rukom i da  udju u 21. vek :wink2:


kazu Ozmo i koleginica (instagram "U penjanju") da je Francisco Cerundolo u pritvoru u Parizu jer je navodno osamario taksistu koji nije hteo da vozi 5 ljudi u autu za 4.


  • WOW 2

negde je neko kao komentarisao (na ES/tennis ch?) da su Enkvist i Tsitsipas prekinuli saradnju (verovatno jos jedna vest tipa "skandalozno!").




Toni Nadal for star plus or espn latin america



toni nadal said that felix is really respectful, has good manners and that he is really focused on his work. he said that when he asked felix what his objective was felix answered "to be number 1" and toni told him that he thought he wasn't ready yet

he said that felix has great conditions but that he wasted time

toni says that felix played "stiff" meaning that he wouldn't go for the ball, he would stay in the same place. and that now that has changed, now felix is moving more

"do you think felix is ready to beat nadal?' toni: "i hope not" (laughs) "but felix improved a lot and he has got a great serve. rafa is still the favourite."



Posted (edited)

ne znam bas. ja pre neki dan cuh "prognozu" Gilla Grossa da ce Alcaraz da osvoji 15 GS titula... znaci, vise od Samprasa.

a koju god tv da gledam (tennis ch, engelski ili nemacki ES) samo se o Alcarazu prica.

Edited by wwww
  • WOW 1
Posted (edited)

I meni se čini da je hajp manji  kod novinara, ali publika ga voli, na IG ima 1;2miliona, duplo više od Mede a svega 400k manje od Cicija i Saše.

Edited by Helena
15 hours ago, wwww said:








Nikad nisam mogla da smislim Tonija i njegove vaspitne mere. Bilo je tu još koječega, ovo je samo par primera.


  • Tuzno 1

A jedna moralna upitnica dana-kako je Feliks spremao taktiku za meč danas, da li je imao plan B etc ako striko nije htio protiv nefjua?

7 hours ago, Helena said:

I meni se čini da je hajp manji  kod novinara, ali publika ga voli, na IG ima 1;2miliona, duplo više od Mede a svega 400k manje od Cicija i Saše.

Što se tiče društvenih mreža, trebalo bi imati u vidu da je šire poznat manje od godinu dana, tek se od USO kada je pobedio Cicipasa počelo govoriti dosta ozbiljnije o njemu. Ovi su poznati ipak 4-5 godina.


Sada Alkaraz ima 1.4m pratilaca na instagramu. Popularnost mu dosta raste, a ne smem ni da zamislim šta bi bilo kada bi osvojio RG.

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