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Za nekoliko generacija više neće ni učiti pisanje rukom , ali to za njega nije opravdanje. Dominik:thumbdown:.


Isto ne kapiram opsesivno igranje igrica kod tenisera. Kakvo traćenje slobodnog vremena na još jednu u osnovi asocijalnu aktivnost a koja ne doprinosti ničemu. Cccc


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Nije uobicajno da se tako drzi olovka ali nije ni toliko cudno, neki ljudi u mom okruzenju su tako drzali olovku.


A umereno igranje igrica nije asocijalno niti je nesto lose, bas naprotiv.


Izgleda da nece biti poena na turnirima u Engleskoj, a neki igraci nisu nikako zadovoljni i kazu da nisu ni pitani.

Doduse, Dona Vekic ima drugacije misljenje







Posted (edited)


google prevod:


Binaghi, Federtennis, against Malagò: "Atp Rome records record despite him, he didn't want Djokovic and the Russians to play" by Marco Calabresi The president of Federtennis attacks the number 1 of Coni: "he asked the government to intervene in the autonomy of sport, after he complained that the government had done so in the past". Record of spectators and receipts (16 million euros)


A river in flood. On the day of the traditional budget press conference of the Internationals of Italy at the Foro Italico, the president of Federtennis Angelo Binaghi severely attacked the president of Coni Giovanni Malagò. After having listed the record data relating to the takings (16 million euros) and the ticket office (exceeding 230 thousand paying spectators), Binaghi went with a straight leg. «Do you remember the press conference where I told you about the + 11% presale trend? - He said turning to reporters -. We realized that five days later, that 11% had become + 23%: we went to think about those data and we realized that the involuntary merit of that growth was the statements of President Malagò. I called it the Malagò effect. He tried not to let us play the number one in the world (Djokovic, today in the final, ed), then he didn't want the Russians to play. We analyzed his words: "Tennis follow the instructions of the IOC, I say no to the Russians in Rome". But it was enough, to comply with the IOC indications, to do immediately what ITF, ATP and WTA did with a circular to which we followed. The ITF suspended Russia and Belarus from team competitions, canceled tournaments in those territories, while Russian and Belarusian players were allowed to play without the name of their country and without the colors of the flag. It is not true that the IOC had made different declarations to those to which it adhered. And it is not even true that all the major international federations have followed those indications not to let their athletes play ».



The speech, from tennis, then moved on to sports policy: "Ultimately, the president of Coni asked the government to intervene in the autonomy of sport, after he complained that the government had done so in the past. He tried to get Draghi to intervene on a decision that would have irreparably damaged an event like the Internationals of Italy, which is a heritage not only of our country but of all Italian sport. You know, and he who was president of this tournament will know that not letting the Russians and Belarusians play would have had a series of consequences ranging from the players' strike to the possible revocation of the license. Thanks to the Government and Premier Draghi who understood everything: we are guilty of expressing our thoughts, a thought of great approval towards the reform of sport and towards the work of Sport and Health (alongside Binaghi, President Vito Cozzoli, ed. ). And we are victims of Malagò's obsession with Sport and Health. We have decided to donate 1% of the proceeds from the ticket office, therefore around 160 thousand euros, to the Ukrainian federation to support young tennis players, many of whom had to go abroad. The IOC will appreciate this gesture more than the interview with President Malagò ".



Predsednik Italijanske teniske federacije kritikuje predsednika Olimpijskog komiteta Italije koji je zahtevao i urgirao kod predsednika Italije da se s mastersa u Rimu suspenduju Rusi, Belorusi i Novak.

Edited by wwww



The Internationals of tennis were a success "despite the Malagò effect. The president of Coni first tried not to let the world number one Djokovic play in Rome, then he didn't want the Russians and Belarusians to play, including Medvedev and Rublev ”. This was stated by the president of Federtennis, Angelo Binaghi, during the closing press conference of the Internazionali d’Italia. "Malagò asked the government to intervene in the autonomy of sport, the very one who had complained about it in the past. He tried to steer Prime Minister Draghi towards a decision that would have seriously and irreparably damaged a heritage of Italian sport ”, added Binaghi. The president of Fit continued: “I must say thanks to Prime Minister Draghi and the government, who fortunately understood everything: 40 million in turnover and an estimated turnover of around 150 million euros are not just numbers. Growing turnover means growing our economy, having more spectators means having more well-being for the community and more work. Malagò also knows that not letting the Russians and Belarusians play in Rome would have consequences ranging from the players' strike to the possible definitive revocation of the license for the Internationals. I therefore wonder how it is possible that the one who holds the presidency of a public body can give a distorted reading of the IOC, capable of jeopardizing the very existence of the event. The truth is that we have respected the real decision of the IOC and we are victims of its obsession with Sport and Health. " INCOME RECORD - “We have established the absolute record attendance for a sporting event in Italy by exceeding 16 million in receipts, with the ticket office stopped last night, and 230,000 spectators. We did better than the 2019 Monza Grand Prix, the previous record ”. 1% TO UKRAINE - Together with Sport and Health and also with the Russians and Belarusians on the pitch we have decided to allocate 1 of the proceeds from the International ticket office, for a sum equal to 160 thousand euros, to the Ukrainian Federation to support young tennis players . We believe that the IOC will appreciate this initiative perhaps more than Malagò's words ". TOURNAMENT EXPANSION TO 10 DAYS - "Only the last piece is missing, which should be the easiest one, everything must be defined within Roland Garros which is the last useful date. We have Sergio Palmieri who will represent us, I told him that our position must be clear and clear. We want to bring Rome to 10 days. If we fail to do so, I will be forced to fire Palmieri ”, Binaghi commented with a joke.



Tim vise nema fizickih problema, nego mentalnih, a svaki poraz to jos vise produbljuje.

Nadam se da ce u Zenevi konacno da pobedi...


Dok ne prođe Rolan Garos, neću se složiti da je ovo jedan od najlošijih RG. Hoću da vidim Alkaraza, jer on ima potencijal da ima veći nivo igre od Vavrinke ili Tima iz najboljih dana na šljaci. Možda mu ovo bude slem sa kojim kreće u dominaciju. Svi smo videli koliko je Čarli fizički spreman i koliko dobre udarce ima. Na to sve za razliku od prošlih godina, Zverev i Cicipas su postali redovni učenisnici završnice najvećih turnira na šljaci.

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