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Izvan i iza turnira


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Cudno je sto ne raspale po Novaku jer nije podrzao Ukrajinu i osudio Rusiju.

Ne secam se da je neko pozivao na bojkot americkih sprtista kada su, trazeci nepostojece hemijsko oruzje, kasapili po Iraku.

Edited by berti
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verujem da je to zato sto je ITF skup teniskih saveza drzava, te spada u nadleznost ITF gde je teniski savez Ukrajine clan, pa to ovaj moze da zahteva, a ATP je "firma" i ako bi ovi banovali Ruse onda bi ih ovi mogli da tuze zbog diskriminacije po nacionanoj osnovi itd. (sta znam koja je tacno formulacija) i dobiju zesce odstete.

u svakom slucaju mu je bezveze i argumentacija da eto moze da igra ostale turnire jer su oni kao profesionalni turniri ali ne GSove, kao da oni igraju GSove za klikere, a ne za pare i  kao da se bodovi s GSova ne racunaju za konacnu listu.

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Očigledno je to pokrenuo TS Ukrajine, kao verovatno i drugi njihovi sportski savezi, a onda igrači/ce prihvatili. Mada stvarno još nisam čula da je neko od ukrajinskih tenisera to tražio ovako izričito kao teniserke, ali možda se pojavi i od njih nešto.

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1 hour ago, Boxy said:

Kakve veze ima Nadal? :classic_wacko:


Pa ako Meda ne moze da igra kao ni Rubljov jer su rusi, Novak ne moze jer nije vakcinisan, Tim povredjen, Zverev kaznjen, deda Feki je deda, ko ce da osvaja slemove sem Rafe?

zezam se naravno, bio je vec neki post -twit na tu temu, ali logike nema za taj zahtev


PS Sto se tice tia on je neuporedivo veca budala nego sto je Srki

52 minutes ago, Darth Steva said:




Cek polako, jos malo dolazimo do toga da je Tio nagovorio Putina da zapocne rat :18::23:


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STATEMENT: ITF suspends Russian Tennis Federation and Belarus Tennis Federation from ITF membership and international team competition More information:




At this time, players from Russia and Belarus will continue to be allowed to compete in international tennis events on Tour and at the Grand Slams. However, they will not compete under the name or flag of Russia or Belarus until further notice.


Edited by vanjabarsa
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clanak iz 2016: https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/tennis/andy-murray-calls-therapeutic-use-9118478


Andy Murray calls for ALL Therapeutic Use Exemptions to be made public


The world No.2 feels that some drugs which help athletes overcome legitimate medical conditions are being abused


Andy Murray has called for all Therapeutic Use ­Exemptions to be made public to stop them being “abused”.

And the British No.1 revealed he had never been granted a TUE to take a drug during his career.


The use of TUEs hit the ­headlines when Russian hackers revealed Sir Bradley Wiggins had been granted ­dispensation to take a powerful ­corticosteroid to help his asthma before three major races.


“I don’t think every TUE is bad, but there are TUEs that are abused, for sure,” said the world No.2. “And I do think that now is the time when all TUEs should be transparent.

“Everyone should know, if an athlete is given a TUE, what it is they’re taking and the reasons for it. And also the medical reasons behind it, because we don’t always find
that out.

“Maybe that isn’t perfect and a lot of people like to keep their medical records confidential. But when things like this happen, it could clear a lot of stuff up.”




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