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Interview with Nadal after his 20th Grand Slam: "On the court I had a feeling of almost perfection"

The Majorcan returns home happy for not having failed himself and equaling Federer at the top of world tennis


His voice is calm and his tone is satisfied. Rafael Nadal speaks through a videoconference from the car that transports him to the airport, back to Manacor. After 20 days he comes back with another Musketeers Cup in his suitcase. The number 13 of a story that seems endless. He's happy. With the peace of mind of having met his challenge. He did not see it at all clearly when he arrived in Paris 20 days ago to play the most atypical Roland Garros that he had never played before.


He feels happy and proud of the victory, for having beaten Novak Djokovic, the world number 1, the toughest rival, but above all for not "having failed himself". He repeats it whenever he can and is happy that he kept a positive attitude during the tournament. Yesterday, Sunday, he was able to eat for the first time with his family "in a quieter dinner than usual."


-How does this tournament leave you?

A great feeling. First of great joy for what has been achieved, but also of sadness for the general situation. Seeing the plant empty and with so few people is disappointing.

-How have you lived these days in Paris?

I have spent 20 days from the slopes to the hotel. Boring. When he wasn't training he read, watched a lot of series and followed current events, which is worrying. He brought me the 'play station' and played with Charly [Moyà] Rafa [Maymó] or Parcheesi. We killed the hours

-The final was not the battle that was expected?

I am the first surprised. 6-0 and 6-2 to Djokovic… nobody expects that. On the track I had an almost perfect feeling. He saw the ball well, his shots, he overtook me. It was a special day in a very difficult game. It was what I needed to win and I did it that day.

"I had a great attitude, determination and intensity to find solutions to my game"

-It was an almost perfect match.

I played especially well, very well. In Australia two years ago everything was the opposite. It was Djokovic who played perfect. But such is sport. In Melbourne he felt like a favorite because it's his tournament, here in Paris it's mine. He had that feeling of almost perfection.

-He has said that what he is most proud of is his attitude.

Yes a lot. The situation was very difficult due to the conditions of the track, the balls, the weather… everything was against him. It is not usual in Roland Garros. But I had a great attitude, determination and intensity to find solutions for my game and I am very satisfied because I got it.

"I am the first surprised. 6-0 and 6-2 to Djokovic... Nobody expects that"

-Do you train that mental strength, with yoga or some other practice?

I don't do any of that to train mental toughness. Neither yoga, nor psychologists, nor anything. I work in another way.


The daily effort. Force yourself every day to do things right, especially the ones you don't feel like doing. I've always done it since I was little. Self obligation to be better.

"In these years I have lost things along the way, but I have added others to balance the balance"

-And it can be better, still?

You can always be better. In these years I have lost things along the way but I have added others to balance the balance. I train with the illusion of improving things. That is one of my most important virtues and I believe in anyone who wants to progress. And that, like me, also has Federer and Djokovic. The desire to be better every day has helped us in our progression. The three of us have a great self-demand.

-He said that in confinement he suffered. He had trouble getting back into training. To pick up the intensity that he needed. Have they been worse than on other occasions?

There are worse times and better times. The mileage adds up. I would never have imagined ten years ago that at the age of 34 I could continue to compete at this level.




Rafael Nadal: 'I practice yoga and meditation to be able...'


ovaj sam s  sobom ne moze da se dogovori da li prektikuje jogu i meditaciju ili ne. :twak:




"When you're on court, it's important to control your emotions," Nadal said. "In my case, I practice yoga and meditation to be able to control my emotions when I am playing.

You always have to enter the court with positive feelings. It is important to maintain confidence, even when conditions are not ideal."














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ukratko : zabava za zenu,tatu,mamu i neke osobe od poverenja . ulozio / "donirao"  recimo 170000 eura a zaradio 5 miliona, oslobodjen poreza a plate redovno primaju uza familija i ovi ostali likovi i likuse koje su nabrojani .... dakle , on kaze da je sve to jedna velika kradja jer oni na osnovu fondacije dobijaju dozvole i za druge poslove gradjevinske :s_w: i td.sve u svemu / prejebotina teska ako je ovo sve istina .

najkrace receno, da se ne mlatim sa ciframa ....

samo da dodam da je i sestra na platnom spisku fondacije i da je sve sto radi lepi upakovano u "legalni kriminal" tj. zakonski je skroz pikriven i bezbedan...


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I profiteri :classic_smile:


a mozemo da dodamo da se ne bi osetio zapostavljen i cetvrti iz big4 Makicu - posle visegodisnjeg procesa vezanog za njegov projekat teniske akademije pre nekih mesec dana je proces okoncan (proces sa okolnim stanovnicima) i Endi je dobio definitivno pravo da gradi svoju akademiju u Skotskoj, link o dozvoli je vec kacen



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