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Izvan i iza turnira


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Nije mi baš jasno kako je to Medvedev breakthrough, valjda je morao da osvoji slem da se primeti da je tu, pre toga ništa?

Meni bi logično bilo da posle olimpijske godine prednost dobiju olimpijski šampioni, ali videćemo, Brejdi je verovatno favorit u ovim okolnostima.


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58 minutes ago, alcesta said:


Naslov veze nema sa sadržajem pa može i na nesportske komentatore, u svakom slučaju ovaj je suspendovan na godinu dana zbog zloupotrebe ovlašćenja vezano za nekog od sudija, mada nije najjasnije šta se tačno desilo.

a septembra prosle godine izasao ovaj hvalospev na austrijskom sajtu:


"Tennis kann stolz auf solche Referees sein"

Tenis moze bti ponosan na ovakve sudije. - neki autor na tennis.com ovo napisao

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Thiem in a press statement: „Training was going well in Vienna and I am so happy that I’ve made a full recovery regarding my wrist. Unfortunately, I have suffered this minor setback in Santiago, which has forced me to temporarily stop training.“ 

„It’s never easy to come back after being away from competition for seven months. I will follow my doctor’s advice and after resting a couple of days, I will start training again next week. I need some consistent time on-court before making my comeback.” 

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