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54 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Lako je, čim vidim da piše Bogdan Obradović :default_sofa:


Meni je to ekstra zanimljivo, da vidim koliko covek moze da lupa gluposti :lol_2:


Ali ali ne moze vegan da ima toliko snage ali on ima snage, jer je ipak Djokovic, ali nece to doveka trajati (bravo!) zakljucak - mora da jede meso, sve jasno. Nisu car Dusan i njegova garda bili visoki 3 metra od cija bobica, nego od prasetine!

  • 2 weeks later...


Dan Evans goes into MELTDOWN as he labels officials in Sydney a 'f***ing EMBARRASSMENT to the sport' in a row over Aslan Karatsev's five-minute bathroom break


Dan Evans unleashed a furious tirade in which he accused officials of being 'scared' and a 'f***ing embarrassment' to the sport as he lost a three-hour semi-final epic at the Sydney Classic.  

British No 2 Evans lost control of his emotions early in the third set when he questioned the amount of time Aslan Karatsev was allowed to take for a bathroom break.

New rules on the ATP Tour allow three minutes for a toilet break and a further two minutes for a change of clothes, which Karatsev chose to take up after being pegged back in a thrilling second set tie-break.


Evans, who lost 3-6, 7-6, 6-3, was furious and vented his fury towards the chair umpire and court supervisor at what he felt was malpractice.


IJU! PA i reket je razbio! :classic_ohmy::classic_ohmy::classic_ohmy:



'That's a f***ing embarrassment to the sport, embarrassing. F**k him,' Evans screamed, before being called for unsportsmanlike conduct.

He then chose to direct his anger at Karatsev's box and said, 'even you were asking where he is!'

Evans could not be placated and he continued to rage, adding: 'You guys sit there every week and do nothing.

'Keep the same f***ing clothes! No-one on this tour plays tennis without running. 

'You (chair umpire) sit there on your walkie-talkie, why do you have that? I want an answer. Have you got an answer? How long was he off the court? Tell me, I want to know.'

Evans was called back to court and as he ran the risk of defaulting he successfully claimed back his break to go 3-2 behind in the deciding set. 


When there was a change of ends, taking him away from the supervisor, he went on: 'I think you're scared to make decisions. Every week. That's not the rule. Five minutes to change his shorts and t-shirt? Five minutes? Good effort.'


The Russian raced into a 5-1 lead, in which time Evans was able to scream out 'f***ing hell, c**t', which was unclear if it was directed at himself or his opponent.  




Ne verujem da bi se bez Cicipasa ovoliko gledalo koliko je ko ostao u WC-u :ajme:

Koliko sam shvatila sad svako ima pravo na ta tri minuta plus još dva za presvlačenje. Šta je u konkretnom slučaju bio problem? Osim što je Evans izgubio, naravno.


A je li ikad rekao tako nešto kad su ga pitali o odsustvu Federera? :classic_rolleyes:

Ovde očigledno ni PR tim ne pomaže, sve je jasnije koliko mu je težak bio onaj poraz na RG.


Mislim, on generalno daje glupe izjave na engleskom, verujem da je hteo da kaze nesto u stilu Medvedeva - ako igra i ako postoji razlog da igra - ok, ako ne postoji razlog da bude ovde i ne treba da igra, opet ok.


Ovako se zapetljao bezveze.

2 hours ago, McLeod said:

Mislim, on generalno daje glupe izjave na engleskom, verujem da je hteo da kaze nesto u stilu Medvedeva - ako igra i ako postoji razlog da igra - ok, ako ne postoji razlog da bude ovde i ne treba da igra, opet ok.


Ovako se zapetljao bezveze.

zar i ti, sine Brute? :lol_2:

NIje valjda da pravdas Nadala?

Just now, wwww said:

zar i ti, sine Brute? :lol_2:

NIje valjda da pravdas Nadala?


Ne, samo kazem da je on imao koliko hoces ovakvih izjava.


Meni nista ovde nije preterano skandalozno.


Kao sto mi nije skandalozno ni ono ponasanje australijskih voditelja recimo, jeste neprofesionalno, ali je potpuno ljudski iz ugla ili si falsifikovao test ili si isao zarazen medju ljude, tako da je reakcija potpuno prirodna.

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