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pa uvek mogu da odigraju zatvoreno prvenstvo Australije :classic_dry: tad ce konacno da dobiju svog sampiona.


stvarno sviraju. ako ih vec stavljaju 2 sedmice u apsolutni karantin koji lici na zatvorsku kaznu gde su zatvoreni u samicama, imaju izlazak 1 sat trening i 1 sat teretana, kontakt samo s jednim clanom tima na terenu i jednim u teretani, plus igranje na otvorenim terenima samo s jednim te istim kolegom, kog klinca sad ogranicenje na 1000 osoba? sta se to specijalno time dobija? ovo je cisto izivljavanje i treniranje strogoce, verovatno da se lokalno poberu politicki poeni, sta li.


Zamislite kakav animozitet izmedju igrača može da se razvije  karantinu ovakve vrste ?  Trenirati samo sa jednim , pa enentualno u drugoj nedelji karantina sa dva igrača umanjuje kvalitet treninga u smislu spremanja za razne stilove igre ,a time možda i kvalitet tenisa na celom turniru. Kako izabrati odnosno dogovoriti se ko sa kim da trenira?


Treba psihicki izdrzati te 2 nedelje :classic_ninja:


  • A maximum of 1000 people (players and teams) will be allowed into Australia, which means players (not all of them) can be accompanied by a maximum of 2 team members
  • Players must arrive in Melbourne on Jan 15 or Jan 16
  • Players and one team member can train for up to five hours, but all team must stay in the hotel for the remaining 19 hours per day
  • Players must have six negative tests in all before being allowed to play (including one before arrival in Australia)
  • Players can have a second test if they test positive for Covid-19
  • If a player tests positive before the tournament (and is unable to play because of regulations) they can receive 50 percent of their prize money
  • Australian Open qualifying will be played outside Australia, details of which are to be confirmed.
  • The ATP Cup, two ATP 250 events and two WTA 500s will take place in Melbourne the week before the Australian Open
  • One WTA tournament will happen during the second week of the Australian Open
  • First-round losers in the singles events are set to receive AUD $100,000

A ovo sto se tice treninga mi je najekstremnije


Once a player has tested negative for Covid-19 on day one of their stay, they and ONE team member will be allowed on site for a maximum of five hours per day, two of which can be spent on the court with one other player, and 90 minutes in the gym. The remaining 19 hours of the day must be spent in their hotel rooms. In the second week of their quarantine, players’ choice of practice partners will be expanded from one to three.


No wiggle room: Tighter protocols for players at Australian Open




-It will be possible to send an email to the organisation to be accompanied by one or two additional people (kine, physical or mental trainer, etc.) but only
1/ if other players have given up being accompanied (against a "cheque" of 7,000 Australian dollars, or about 4350 euros, corresponding to the cost of travel, accommodation and food for one person)
2/ if one is willing to finance the same 7,000 Australian dollars in full.





U onom clanku iznad pise da je moguca samo prva opcija, ali ako je moguca i druga, onda je jasno da ce najbolji da povedu ceo tim, bez ikakvog ogranicenja.


Al' su skarabudžili

Dva Melbourne u istoj nedelji+ ATP Cup koji traje 5 dana pa dva dana pauze pa GS :77:. Kako če entry liste da naprave za ove 250ce, odnosno ko če se prijavljivati za 1 a ko od igrača za 2.




Aha sad pročitah najnovije 48 žreb za oba. 


Otprilike su potvrdili sve ono sto se pricalo prethodnih par nedelja, samo je Antalija nesto skroz novo.

I dalje su oni uslovi karantina najnaporniji i najekstremniji, ovo sve ostalo je ok


Zanima me šta će na ovaj karantin da kažu Francuzi, oni su se i na USO najviše bunili. Doduše najgore su i prošli, bez dileme, osim onih koji su diskvalifikovani pre početka.

A slažem se da je ATP kup preblizu, ja bih stavila prvo njega pa pred AO ove manje turnire.

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