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Odlično je što su se Rimljani dozvali pameti i otkazali publiku, sad još samo Parižani da se urazume...

Mada se bojim da u Rimu i ovako neće moći da dobro zaštite igrače, ali ovo je svakako napredak. :thumbsup:


i sledi:

'The bubble life isn’t totally what we’re used to…but I think when you weigh up the pros and cons these sacrifices are very small things to me to try get the sport back going. I think the USTA has done an incredible job to get things rolling.’



a sad dolazi zanimljiv deo:

One of the reasons he entered Kitzbuhel is because he isn't sure he'd be able to land in Paris. 'I’ve got to get letters right now to say that that’s my itinerary to play tennis and I have to get exempts from all these different governments.’ He'll be flying into Munich.

‘I’ve got invitation letters, I’ve got health insurance letters, I’ve got travel insurance letters…it’s the 1st time I travelled with a folder like I had at school when I was doing school music in primary school' but ‘I’d rather be having this work to do to be able play’


momci iz privilegovanih zemalja sad imaju priliku da osete kako je to njihovim kolegama iz manje privilegovanih zemalja koji su ovo morali da rade celu karijeru (pa jos i ne dobiju vize  i ne mogu da ucestvuju na turnirima).


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"Perovih 7" su sad bukvalno u zatvoru do 11.9.! Ne smeju da izadju iz sobe uopste! Apsolutno nigde!





According to our information, the group of players having been in close contact with Benoît Paire, who tested positive for Covid-19 last Saturday, learned this Friday morning that they were now prohibited from leaving their room.

The situation is further deteriorating for the group of players who have been in close contact with Benoît Paire, who tested positive for Covid-19 last Saturday. Already stranded in New York until September 11 inclusive, they can no longer leave their rooms!

This Friday morning, when they thought they could train on clay, as the American federation had promised them the day before, the French Richard Gasquet, Grégoire Barrère and Édouard Roger-Vasselin, as well as the Belgians Kirsten Flipkens and Ysaline Bonaventure, received the very bad news over the phone.
The French offered to book a jet themselves to return to France

Several had reserved cars for 10:30 or 11:00 to go to the site: they were canceled. A sheet slipped under their bedroom door and stamped by the New York State Department of Health formalized their quarantine.

The reason ? Players who have been eliminated from the tournament can no longer benefit from the exception regime which allowed them to continue playing and training with significant restrictions. Adrian Mannarino, who faces Alexander Zverev in the third round this Friday evening, and Kristina Mladenovic, still involved in doubles with Timea Babos, are therefore not concerned.

The French even offered to book a jet flight themselves to be repatriated and quarantined in France, or to rent a house, but everything was refused. The USTA (United States Tennis Federation) and ATP are said to be negotiating with the American authorities to change the situation.




Ovo je sramota. Propisi su propisi, ali svi igrači su morali o ovakvim mogućnostima biti obavešteni unapred, pa da sami izaberu hoće li dolaziti u Ameriku pod tim uslovima, a ne ovako kao uhvaćeni u mišolovku.

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Najgore je što će verovatno biti još takvih slučajeva :classic_sad: videćemo za šljakaste turnire šta su smislili, nadam se nešto bolje, ili makar sve odredbe lokalnih vlasti da se znaju na vreme.


znas sta meni nije jasno. ako su rekli da se maske nose svuda osim na treningu, na mecu i u teretani, kako su onda one koji su igrali karte proglasili kriticnim kontaktima (ako su svi nosili maske i bili na javnom mestu, negde u nekoj prostoriji za druzenje u hotelu)? koji je to andrak?

Medvedeva su stavili "na posmatranje" jer je nekad bio negde u istoj prostoriji s Perom  iako uopste nije komunicirao s Perom! Kako je to uopste i uzeto u obzir ako su nosili maske i bili na propisanom rastojanju?


Na stranu to sto svaki dan rade PCR testove, rezultati su koliko taj dan gotovi. Ovim testovima otkriju kad se vrlo mala kolicina virusa pojavi u grlu, mnogo pre nego sto je koncentracija dovoljna da bi inficirani poceo da siri zarazu.


Protokol za generalnu populaciju je da kontakti idu u karantin, ali se oni ne testiraju svaki dan da se vidi da li imaju virus. Kod nas su npr. ljude iz jedne fabrike mesa sve strpali u karantin na 2 sedmice. Odradili su jedan skrining da nadju ko je zarazen, ali su svi ostali ostali zatvoreni. Tek posle 2 sedmice su im odradili test da vide da li da ih puste napolje.

Ovde ove kontakte testiraju svaki dan, znaci mogu tacno da nadju kad (ako) nekome pocne da raste koncentracija virusa u grlu i da onda reaguju i izoluju tu osobu na 6 dana (pa onda se radi testiranje dok se ne dobiju 2 negativna testa za redom). U medjuvremenu su mogli sve lepo da ih puste da igraju (tenis nije kontaktni sport) i treniraju, uz sve ostale mere predostrznosti (maske, distanca itd.).

Ovo je cisto izivljavanje i demonstracija sile (u predizbornoj kampanji).

  On 9/6/2020 at 6:35 PM, wwww said:



Ovo je cisto izivljavanje i demonstracija sile (u predizbornoj kampanji).



Sustina je ovde... 

Uz kontraproduktivan strah organizatora 'samo-meni-da-se-sad-ne-desi-skandal', koji dovodi bas do istog. 

Kako tumaciti sto je Manarino igrao, a Kiki ne? Mucka, dominantnost muskog tenisa, singl konkurencije ili sindikalno udruzivanje 🙂


Već me strah :default_sofa:

  On 9/6/2020 at 7:28 PM, Geronimo said:

Sustina je ovde... 

Uz kontraproduktivan strah organizatora 'samo-meni-da-se-sad-ne-desi-skandal', koji dovodi bas do istog. 

Kako tumaciti sto je Manarino igrao, a Kiki ne? Mucka, dominantnost muskog tenisa, singl konkurencije ili sindikalno udruzivanje 🙂


Mislim da je pre stvar u tajmingu, Manarino je uleteo u zadnji dan kad je to još nekako moglo da se dozvoli, Kikin meč je planiran sutradan i to je bilo to.

A u ovom slučaju nije dominantan muški nego singl tenis, jer je realno ljude mnogo manje briga šta se događa u dublu, izbacivanje prvih nosilaca u ženskom dublu nije ništa pri izbacivanju prvog nosioca u singlu, kao što nažalost evo sad imamo prilike da vidimo :classic_sad:

Posted (edited)

a ako ja razumem dobro prevod ostalih njenih twitova, 2 hotela u kojim ce igraci biti u Parizu nece biti iskljucivo za tenisere, znaci nece imati "mehiur" kao USO, vec je sve na igracima.


5000 gledalaca za 2 glavna terena i 1500 za onaj novi.

cela povrsina kompleksa ce biti podeljena na 3 medjusobno izolovana dela, s posebnim ulazima.


Edited by wwww




Roland-Garros: details on the organizational conditions

The FFT specifies the conditions of organization of the autumn edition of Roland-Garros, which will take place from September 21 to October 11.

The FFT, enlightened by a committee of scientific experts, acts responsibly and in close collaboration with the State services, in order to design a strict health protocol to guarantee the health and safety of all the populations present on the site. the Roland-Garros Stadium for the tournament. The FFT has already taken a series of measures, notably concerning the reception of the public as well as that of the players and their entourage.

The FFT favors a responsible organization option by limiting the number of spectators.

The Roland-Garros stadium, with a total surface area of nearly 12 hectares, will be divided into three distinct and independent sites, each integrating a major numbered court and the surrounding courts. Their capacity will be limited to 5,000 spectators for the Philippe-Chatrier and Suzanne-Lenglen sites and to 1,500 spectators for the Simonne-Mathieu site. This exceptional device thus makes it possible to adapt to the health situation.

In this unique framework:

- Spectators will only have access to the stadium area corresponding to their numbered ticket. They will be able to attend the matches on all the courts of the site, including annexes attached to them. Only the Simonne-Mathieu site does not include short annexes.

- Placement in the stands will be subject to a precise protocol: for numbered courts, a gap of one seat, on each row, between each group of buyers, which will be composed of a maximum of 4 people wishing to remain seated side by side . For the short annexes, one seat in two will be physically condemned, the placement being free on the seats which remain available.

- No side tickets will be sold during this 2020 tournament.




As for the qualifying rounds, they will be played behind closed doors to facilitate the movement of the players from the different tables, many of whom are training on the stadium during this first week. The latter will therefore be able to prepare serenely for the tournament in a stadium which will therefore be entirely reserved for them.

Regarding ticketing, this necessary adaptation leads us to the automatic reimbursement of qualifying tickets, side tickets and certain tickets for the 3 main courts. In compensation, their holders will be offered a preferential and exceptional price on tickets still available. Of course, those concerned will be contacted by e-mail in the next few days. The last seats will be put back on sale from Friday 11 September on the ticket office site. The FFT customer service is mobilized, so that these changes can be made in the most agile and fluid way possible.

In order to guarantee the health and safety of all, the wearing of a mask will be compulsory for all people over 11 years old, in all circumstances. The FFT will do everything in its power to ensure compliance with barrier gestures and the rules of physical distancing within each of the sites and will adapt the management of flows. The cleaning and disinfection of the different areas will be intensified. Hydroalcoholic gel dispensers will be deployed throughout the stadium.

Thus, the exceptional autumn edition of Roland-Garros will, through its organizational conditions, make it possible to reconcile the shared emotion of the most beautiful tournament in the world on clay and strict respect and responsibility for health protection rules. The FFT thanks the constant support provided by the Minister Delegate, in charge of sports.




A protocol dedicated to sport with strict and exceptional measures

In addition, the FFT is happy to organize a tournament, which will take place in its usual sporting format, with almost all events being held. The best players are thus expected at Porte d'Uuteuil, the lists of registered players were communicated last week on the official website of the tournament.

They will then discover a metamorphosed stadium, the two major innovations of which will be the entry into function of the retractable roof on Philippe-Chatrier court and the installation of lighting on 12 courts.




The lighting is ready for this 2020 edition!

We are reminded to all, and in particular to the players and to all the accredited persons who work on the tournament that, to date, our best weapon against the virus is the wearing of the mask in all circumstances, the respect of physical distancing and hand washing. The players, their entourage and all accredited members who work on the tournament will be subjected to a strict biological protocol before and throughout the duration of the tournament.

To respect health and safety constraints, all players must stay in one of the two hotels offered by the tournament organization. The spaces and services for players will be adapted to the health conditions linked to the Covid-19 crisis. Online services, thanks to the RG Players application dedicated to them, will be privileged whenever possible.

In order to comply with health measures, the tournament also sets up different routes for the players and their entourage, depending on the schedule. Thus, players will only have access to the stadium on the day of their match with two separate living bases equipped with the same services. On days without a match, players will only have access to the Jean-Bouin training center. These measures will make it possible to better distribute the players by zone, limit crossings and reduce the density of this population in the spaces dedicated to them. In addition, all press conferences will be organized by video conference.

On the court, the organization of the game will also be adapted to the health context (systematic cleaning of contact surfaces, wearing a mask compulsory for collectors and line judges, no collection of towels, etc.).




A solidarity “Prize Money”

Through the endowment for the 2020 tournament, Roland-Garros wished to show its solidarity with the players who are going through a particularly complicated year. This is expressed in particular by a significant reduction in the gap between the winners of the singles and the losers of the first round. The endowment of the losers of the first round will thus increase by 30% compared to last year, to reach € 60,000.

A significant effort has also been made in Qualifications with an endowment up 27% compared to 2019. The losers in the first round of qualifying will receive a check for € 10,000. The players participating in this event have indeed been particularly affected financially by the crisis linked to Covid-19.




U pripremi za pocetak teniskih meceva nemacki ES ima uvek emisiju u studiju. Sad je gost jedan iz nemackog dubla koji je osvojio GS prosle godine. Elem, Barbara Ritner prica s njim i pita ga kako ce to biti igrati RG bez gledalaca! :ajme: Pa, j* ga andrak, mogla je da se informise pre prosipanja bisera na tv. Jos najbolje za 2,5 sedmice ce ona ponovo da bude u tom istom studiju da komentarise RG! Kako li ce da se iznenadi kad vidi gledaoce!


  • Ha-ha 1
Posted (edited)

pa nije bas nesportska komentatorka, samo je neinformisana (i ovo nije prvi put).


Evo sad i da je pohvalim: kritikuje Serenu zbog preteranog vristanja/urlikanja da zaplasi protivnicu.

Edited by wwww
Posted (edited)




"Under what we expect the restrictive conditions to be, 25 per cent crowds would be the bottom end and 50 per cent [crowds] would be the top end," said Tennis Australia chief executive Craig Tiley.




"Players, if they come to Melbourne they'll stay in Melbourne for 14 days and we'll create a bubble between the hotel, transport and the courts. They can't leave that environment.

"If they arrive in Sydney it will be the same thing.

"And then after those 14 days, by then we expect the borders to be open. Obviously if they're not, we compromise and come up with plan B.

"But the idea is that whatever city they arrive, they will quarantine for 14 days in that city. But it won't be sitting in a hotel room by themselves.

"We'll create a quarantine bubble that will be highly secure and monitored and measured and tested with a great of more frequency than the general public."


dakle, 14dana zatvora pre turnira u Australiji...

Edited by wwww

Serena je komentarisala odluku organizatora RG o smestaju iskljucivo u hotelima, svidelo mi se sta je rekla, parafraziram "svi se trude, koriste razlicite nacine ali nema skroz ispravnog modela". 


ma ima Serena puno dobrih komentara (ali ne uvek). Kao, uostaalom, i Novak. Oboje su kontraverzni na nekako slican nacin. Mnogo paralela.

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