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Jel on bese igrao neko polufinale/finale slema gde je dobio Milojevica ili Djerea ?
Znam da je i on bio tu u vrhu kada su i oni bili medju top juniorima


google prevod kineskog dela


After Lu Yanxun finished his doubles training today, when he returned to the player training area, he happened to meet the ball king Novak Djokovic and chatted with Lu Yanxun. Lu Yanxun told Novak that this is his last professional game and he will officially retire after playing. I should take a photo with you and keep it as a souvenir for my son to see later. Novak also said to Lu Yanxun: "Congratulations on your wonderful and complete career, of course there is no problem! We must take a photo together!]


In fact, Lu Yanxun and Novak Djokovic have known each other for a long time, and they also have many connections. Before he became famous, Novak Djokovic and Lu Yanxun participated in the 2004 winter training held by Dirk. The next year, at Wimbledon in 2005, he played all the way from the side games to the third round. The two were also ATP player representatives before, and they worked together in the ATP player conference for four years.


After Lu Yanxun and Novak Djokovic took the photos, Lu Yanxun also wished Novak Djokovic's next race smoothly. Novak Djokovic and Lu Yanxun also met with Lu Yanxun in the Tokyo Olympics...



23 hours ago, Boxy said:




Možda se ne sjećate ali @McLeod je i njegov krvnik. Bio mu je jedan od glavnih kandidata za uspješnu karijeru iz te generacije. Sjećam se da je maltene stavljao ruku u vatru da će imati uspješniju karijeru od Ćorića. Moram priznati da je i meni dobro djelovao u tim ranim danima, ali džaba, uništi ga čoek; Quinzi je u karijeri ostvario jednu (1) pobjedu na ATP Touru u karijeri, protiv PH Mathieua u prvom kolu Marrakecha 2017.


Jesam, s tim sto sam za Corica nevezano za njega bio u pravu. Rekao sam da nema sanse da bude stalni top 20 sa izletima u top 10 kako mu se predvidjalo. Neki su mu davali top 10 godinama uz sanse da osvoji Rolan Garos.

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