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[USA] SJEDINJENE AMERIČKE DRŽAVE - unutrašnja politika i uticaj na svetska kretanja

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Srbadija uvek misli da ce ''propas' Amerike'' doci kad se udruze i odbace dolar, ''slobodni, antiimperijalisticki, bogougodni narodi sveta'', poput BRIKS zemalja i Libije pokojnog Gadafija, a zapravo doci ce od samih Amerikanaca koji ce da daju ovim pajserima kormilo najvece i najbitnije drzave na svetu ikada. 

3 hours ago, Helena said:

Gospođa je neka američka zavetnica ili još gora?

Vrlo zanimljiv bio ima u profilu i preko 2 m pratilaca.


Joj, gde si nju nasla, pa ona ima IQ broj cipela, a ovde su cipele do broja 15...



  • Tuzno 1

Rep. David Eastman (R-Wasilla) faced criticism from both sides of the aisle for his comments during a Monday afternoon meeting of the House Judiciary Committee, which featured a presentation from experts on adverse childhood experiences.

In response to a statistic that listed the lifetime cost of fatal child abuse at $1.5 million per victim, Eastman referred to a counterargument that the death of abused children is “actually a benefit to society.”

“It can be argued, periodically, that [fatal child abuse is] actually a cost savings because that child is not going to need any of those government services that they might otherwise be entitled to receive and need based on growing up in this type of environment,” he said.


:classic_ninja: Ne znam ni sta da kazem na ovo. S jedne strane ukidaju abortuse, brinu za bebe, sa druge... 

On 2/17/2023 at 9:17 PM, Helena said:

Gledala profil bivšeg najkovog direktora Nakadžime, aktuelno od juče, a u vezi Novaka...tamo sam videla 👀


Evo jos jedna zvezda republikanskog neba




Takve budale obeleze stranku i prave joj imidz. 

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Eddard said:

Cela planeta došla iz Mehika.... Bože kakav komad budale.

Samo upoređivanje te dve stvari je stunt za unutrašnju upotrebu.


Bukvalno svaki put kada otvori usta ispadaju biseri (pred nas svinje)



Borci za ustavna prava da pricaju gluposti i opasu se masinkama... a ostala, pa.. nisu bitna...


  • Like 1
  • Ha-ha 2

Po svemu što sam čitao, šanse da se to dogodi sa iole pristojno hlorisanom vodom za piće teže nuli. Dakle, nebriga za osnovnu infrastrukturu.

1 hour ago, fancy said:

Ajd malo zauzdajte konje i odložite oružje na trenutak i pogledajte:

(plus Twitter thread koji je zaista nothing short of spectacular :classic_biggrin:)


Every US president but they're all cool and they all sport a mullet!





Jo Biden - Mel Gibson

George HW Bush - Bill Murray

Ronald Reagan - Dustin Hoffman

Jimmy Carter - Steve McQueen

Lyndon Johnson - Willie Nelson

Donald Trump - David Lee Roth

Franklin Roosevelt - Robert De Niro

William Taft - Richard Riehle

James Garfield - William Hurt

Abraham Lincoln - Clint Eastwood

Ulysses Grant - Robin Williams

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