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[USA] SJEDINJENE AMERIČKE DRŽAVE - unutrašnja politika i uticaj na svetska kretanja


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[mention=892]Hromi Daba[/mention]
Ne možeš da bacaš ovakve bombe bez debelog pokrića. Dakle, izvoli pa postuj facts u prilog tvoje optužbe da je US under TRUMP hapsila legalne imigrante i slala ih doma. 
edituj si post(ove). 

Hapsila je i USA rezidente i drzala ih u kampovima 3 nedelje iako im je decko pokazao Texas ID i birth certificate.

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5 minutes ago, Sprivel said:


Hapsila je i USA rezidente i drzala ih u kampovima 3 nedelje iako im je decko pokazao Texas ID i birth certificate.


Uhapsili su ga jer je bio u pratnji brata koji je ilegalan. Ali mu nisu uzeli dete i deportovali ga - zar ne?

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8 minutes ago, Sprivel said:

Uhapsili su ga zasto? Ajde opet.

Ajde opet, uhapsili su ga jer je bio u pratnji brata koji je ilegalac, a imao je US vizu koju je majka uradila, znaci fejkirala, da je rodjen u Mexiku, da bi mogao da putuje za Mexiko, iako je US born, pa su sa pravom smatrali da su njegova dokumenta lazna. A inace je i majka ilegalac.

Znaci zadrzan je dok je vrsena istraga, jer je imao kontradiktornu dokumentaciju.


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The “Assisted Voluntary Return” program has paid for buses or flights for 2,170 migrants who either never reached the United States or were detained after crossing the border and then sent to Mexico to await U.S. immigration hearings, according to Christopher Gascon, an official with the U.N.’s International Organization for Migration (IOM).

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Dozens of Central Americans who had been returned to the border city of Juarez to await the outcome of their U.S. asylum claims were being bused back to their countries Tuesday by Mexican authorities, a first for that size group in the program commonly known as “remain in Mexico.”

In a statement, the Foreign Relations Department described it as the beginning of a “temporary program of voluntary return” for migrants in northern Mexico who wish to go home. It said 69 people — 40 Hondurans, 22 Guatemalans and seven Salvadorans — were involved, and 66 of those were returnees under the U.S. program.




Pogledaj statistiku razloga zbog čega su krenuli ka američkoj granici:


Sve suprotno od onoga što si ti pretpostavila.
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26 dana logora da se provere papiri. Ok.


Nadam se da ce ih decko ojaditi za pretrpljenu nematerijalnu stetu.


A pazi ovo (iz angelijinog linka):


The returned migrants have not been interviewed by U.S. asylum officers. But Gascon said his agency screens all participants to ensure they are not seeking U.S. asylum and want to go back.


Nisu ih intervjuisali ali znaju da ne žele da traže azil i da žele da se vrate kući.

Što bi se reklo: išli da im dupe vidi put.

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3 minutes ago, melankolic said:



Pogledaj statistiku razloga zbog čega su krenuli ka američkoj granici:


Sve suprotno od onoga što si ti pretpostavila.



Sta suprotno - 82% bi htelo bolji zivot?


3 minutes ago, Sprivel said:

26 dana logora da se provere papiri. Ok.

Nadam se da ce ih decko ojaditi za pretrpljenu nematerijalnu stetu.

Jbga sta da ti kazem, majka lagala na birth certificate, izvadila laznu vizu .... oni mu uzeli otiske prstiju i videli lazne papire.

Da su papiri bili pravi....onda bi imao slucaj.

Interesatno, da je brat mladji godinu dana - ilegalac

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8 minutes ago, melankolic said:


Nisu ih intervjuisali ali znaju da ne žele da traže azil i da žele da se vrate kući.

Što bi se reklo: išli da im dupe vidi put.

Pa zar nisi upravo okacio link da jesu intervjuisani?

Mislim kako je taj izvestaj napravljen ako nije bilo screening 

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Pa i nije baš.
Glavni razlog je ekonomska nesigurnost i nejednakost. Drugi po redu razlog je nasilje (koje se ukršta sa onim prvim). A pogledaj šta su sve ti ljudi trpeli na putu za američku granicu i šta ih čeka kada ih vrate.
Pri tome, samo 3 % navodi da im je cilj spajanje porodice.
A uz sve to, da ponovim, nije se imalo vremena za intervjue koje će obaviti na Sveto Nikad jer su se ovi, je l’ te, već odlučili da se vrate tamo gde su ih maltretirali, ucenjivali i sl.
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:lol_2:  koji licemeri:

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A coalition of 19 states and the District of Columbia, led by California and Massachusetts, said on Monday they will sue the Trump administration to stop a sweeping new rule to indefinitely detain migrant families seeking to settle in the United States.

The lawsuit, which is to be filed in federal court in California, will be only the first of what is expected to be a flurry of lawsuits aimed at blocking the rule, officially published on Friday, from taking effect in October.


Obamu nisu tuzili za isto 

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Just now, melankolic said:


Pa i nije baš.
Glavni razlog je ekonomska nesigurnost i nejednakost. Drugi po redu razlog je nasilje (koje se ukršta sa onim prvim). A pogledaj šta su sve ti ljudi trpeli na putu za američku granicu i šta ih čeka kada ih vrate.
Pri tome, samo 3 % navodi da im je cilj spajanje porodice.
A uz sve to, da ponovim, nije se imalo vremena za intervjue koje će obaviti na Sveto Nikad jer su se ovi, je l’ te, već odlučili da se vrate tamo gde su ih maltretirali, ucenjivali i sl.


75% navodi kao primarni cilj - bolji zivot. 

Ne mozes vala i grafikon izvrtati.

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75% navodi kao primarni cilj - bolji zivot. 

Ne mozes vala i grafikon izvrtati.


Bolji život? Pa naravno u sredini gde su konstantno izloženi nasilju i iznudama. Čuj, vraćaju ih u Tihuanu! Je li ti poznato to mesto po nečemu?

A šta su trebali da kažu: zavlačenje ruke u američki džep?


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Just now, melankolic said:


Ja sam samo preuzeo ono što su ti postavila.
To što su informacije kontradiktorne nije na meni da ih tumačim.


Uopste nisu kontradiktorne, nego nisi ti to lepo procitao:

The returned migrants have not been interviewed by U.S. asylum officers. But Gascon said his agency screens all participants to ensure they are not seeking U.S. asylum and want to go back.

Jel jasnije sad? Ili je problematicno sto ih intervjuise UN?


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35 minutes ago, Angelia said:

Uhapsili su ga jer je bio u pratnji brata koji je ilegalan. Ali mu nisu uzeli dete i deportovali ga - zar ne?


Da li to znaci da moze da se predje granica sa laznjakom ako oni to ne mogu da utvrde u kratkom roku?




Francisco Erwin Galicia is an 18-year-old United States Citizen born in Dallas who was detained by Customs and Border Protection and detained for three weeks despite presenting his state ID and social security card, his attorney told The Dallas Morning News.

Galicia was detained at a CBP checkpoint in Falfurrias, Texas on June 27, attorney Claudia Galan told the outlet. He was traveling with his 17-year-old brother, Marlon Galicia, and a group of friends to Ranger College in North Texas for a soccer event when they were stopped, his mother added.

Marlon, who is undocumented, only had a school identification card but Francisco Galicia had a Texas state ID and other documents. Both brothers were detained and Marlon signed a voluntary deportation form after two days of detention. Francisco Galicia told his mother that he was detained because he did not have his passport, even though he did not leave the country.

Galicia was not allowed to use the phone for three weeks, his mother told The Dallas Morning News, but was able to call on Saturday after he was transferred to the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). 

Galan told the outlet that she presented the agency with Galicia’s birth certificate and other documents but has not been able to get him released. 





CHICAGO, IL — Three children who are U.S. citizens have been released after being held by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol at O'Hare International Airport until their parents, who are undocumented, could pick them up. The incident started around 3 a.m. Thursday, when immigration officials rejected the tourist visa of a cousin who was traveling with the children from Mexico, according to Anna Maran, organizing director at PASO, the West Suburban Action Project.


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Just now, Angelia said:

Legitimno, ali to su znaci ekonomski imigranti, u pokusaju, posto to pokusavaju ilegalno.


Zato sto neki ljudi nemaju osnov za dobijanje viza, to i dalje ne znaci da nemaju prava da zele bolji zivot. Zato prelaze ilegalno. Ne znaci da mislim da sve treba pustiti, ali mi je jezivo osudjivati neciju zelju za boljim zivotom. Zar to svi mi ne zelimo?

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A samo 18% navodi bilo kakvo nasilje?

Da ali i u tih 75 % je razlog nedostatak posla i nejednakost. U kombinaciji sa nasiljem šta ti to govori?
Ako sam Trump kaže da u Meksiku hara kriminal zašto onda ima protiv toga da spasi te ljude koji beže od kriminala? Pogotovo tu mislim na porodice s decom (koja i da nisu njihova moraju biti zaštićena).
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1 minute ago, Baby said:


Zato sto neki ljudi nemaju osnov za dobijanje viza, to i dalje ne znaci da nemaju prava da zele bolji zivot. Zato prelaze ilegalno. Ne znaci da mislim da sve treba pustiti, ali mi je jezivo osudjivati neciju zelju za boljim zivotom. Zar to svi mi ne zelimo?

No-no izvrtati sta ja pricam sve vreme. Ne osudjujem ja niciju zelju za boljim zivotom, samo nacin na koji do toga pokusavaju da dodju. Vidis, to meni izgleda kao da mi objasnis da ne treba da osudjujem provalnika - on samo krade jer hoce bolji zivot.

Ne poredim ja ilegalce sa provalnicima :classic_biggrin: da se neko ne zaleti, nego ilegalnu radnju sa ilegalnom radnjom u kojoj je rezultat bolji zivot.

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