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Everything posted by djura.net

  1. djura.net

    Izbori 2022

    DW Republička izborna komisija objavljuje rezultate uživo, putem Jutjuba. Za sada tamo stoji da je izlaznost 62,52 odsto, a najpre su stigli rezultati sa najmanjih biračkih mesta koja su zatvorena na vreme te za sada SNS odnosno Aleksandar Vučić imaju uverljivu prednost.
  2. djura.net

    Izbori 2022

    prvi rezultat iz Niša koji su Južne vesti dobile je iz seoske sredine u Opštini Palilula gde je, od 1.290 birača, oko 35 % na parlamentarnim izborima podržalo SNS, a sa jednog biračkog mesta u Čairu javljaju da veći procenat glasova ima opozicija.
  3. djura.net

    Izbori 2022

    po svemu sudeci ceka nas duga, duga noc, nemojte da padate na to sto ce doci prvo rezultati iz manjih mesta gde su orkovi sve 'zatvorili'
  4. djura.net

    Izbori 2022

    kako stvari stoje, Beograd ce tesno prebaciti izlaznost od 50%, verovatno izmedju 51%-52%, mislim da to nece biti dovoljno za promene.
  5. djura.net

    Izbori 2022

    Kad vam ponude milostinju...
  6. djura.net

    Izbori 2022

    [/url] Komentari na tvit da je Marinka pobedila u NY
  7. djura.net

    Izbori 2022

    Ruske stranke vladaju Cikagom, sta ti je ta demokratija...
  8. djura.net

    Izbori 2022

    Nisam mogao da proverim da li je tacno, ali je iz prilicno pouzdanog izvora
  9. djura.net

    Izbori 2022

    slobodarski London 🙂
  10. vidim da ovde postoji konsenzus da se NATO nece 'umesati', ali ja u to vise uopste nisam siguran. priznajem da sam na pocetku invazije i ja tako mislio, ali sad mi se sve vise cini da je i 'javno mnjenje' dovoljno 'skuvano' da prihvati ozbiljan rat sa Rusijom i Belorusijom. U principu, sto pre isprovociraju Putina da se lati nuklearnog arsenala, pre ce NATO i krenuti u rat.
  11. Sir Richard Shirreff, the former Nato deputy supreme commander in Europe, says "like most people" he has deep suspicion about Russia's pledge to reduce its attacks on Kyiv and Chernihiv. "This is almost certainly a recognition that the attempt to advance on multiple axis has failed and is most likely to presage a concentration of force in another area," he says - describing it as a recognition that there is no point reinforcing failure. "I also wouldn't rule out some form of deception," he says. "While Putin is in the Kremlin there cannot be peace in Europe," Sir Richard says, describing him as a "bloodstained autocrat". He says Nato must ensure the war "remains a cold war and not a hot war" with Russia, and says that means Nato preparing for war in every respect. "We have not yet seen that ramp up in Nato capability which I think is going to be essential if Nato is going to deter any further aggression."
  12. ne bih rekao Russia's focus on an offensive in the Donestk and Luhansk region is a "tacit admission" that it is struggling to maintain more than one axis of advance, the UK's Ministry of Defence says. Units which have suffered heavy losses have been forced to return to Russia and Belarus to resupply and reorganise which has placed pressure on "Russia’s already strained logistics", it says. The MoD adds that Russian forces will likely compensate for reduced ground manoeuvre capability through mass artillery and missile strikes. The Ukrainian armed forces have said in a daily update that Russian troops continue to "commit illegal acts" against the local population in Zaporizhzhia in south-eastern Ukraine, and Kherson in the south. The BBC has not been able to verify the claims but Ukrainian forces said that: - Russia continues to deploy troops to Ukraine, - Russian forces continue to raid the homes of local residents, detain pro-Ukrainian activists and government officials
  13. jeste, pravili viceve o odrtavelom Bajdenu kako lupeta da ce Rusija izvrsiti invaziju na Ukrajnu. ono sto se desilo posle cemo da zaboravimo, jer iz Moskve nikad nisu lagali.
  14. da ne verujes, potpuno odbacili Putinov blickrig i denacifikaciju za nedelju dana.
  15. Pentagon: Russian troop movement near Kyiv area likely "a repositioning, not a real withdrawal" “We believe that this is a repositioning, not a real withdrawal, and that we all should be prepared to watch for a major offensive against other areas of Ukraine. It does not mean the threat to Kyiv is over,” said Pentagon press secretary John Kirby at a briefing. “Nobody should be fooling ourselves by the Kremlin’s now recent claim that it will suddenly just reduce military attacks near Kyiv, or any reports that it’s going to withdraw all its forces," Kirby said.
  16. Mislim da Ukrajinci nisu naivni kao 2014. i da vise nece verovati Putinu na 'majke mi', mora u Ukrajni da se rasporede neke mirovne snage (makar i kineske), bez toga je sve besmisleno. Agresija ce nastaviti cim se pregrupisu.
  17. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that he has not seen signs the talks between Ukraine and Russia are “moving forward in an effective way” because the US has not seen “signs of real seriousness” by Russia. “There is what Russia says, and there is what Russia does. We’re focused on the latter,” said Blinken at a joint press conference with Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita. Blinken cautioned that Russia saying it would be reducing hostilities around Kyiv could be “a means by which Russia once again is trying to deflect and deceive people into thinking it’s not doing what it is doing.” “If they somehow believe that an effort to subjugate “only,” in quotation marks, the eastern part of Ukraine and the southern part of Ukraine can succeed, then once again they are profoundly fooling themselves,” said Blinken. Blinken called for Russia to “end the aggression now, stop firing, pull its forces back and of course engage in talks.”
  18. treba biti objektivan, ne propusta se ovakva prilika. ali treba biti i realan, malo se mi ovde pitamo.
  19. bas dobri dueli, uz to momci su vrlo korektni u tim duelima.
  20. djura.net

    Izbori 2022

    ne moze :) mora da se glasa na glasackom listicu, ako si mislio na poziv za glasanje, moze naravno, uz vazecu LK ili pasos.
  21. da li je ovo proverljiva vest?
  22. a jbt, hoce li ikada vise biti ovakva atmosfera na nasim utakmicama.
  23. ovo sam primetio jos pre vise od mesec dana, i kad vidim da je u nekom preuzimanju pefi ostao na protivnickom pf ili c osecam se sigurnije nego kad mlatara rukama pored ovih protivnickih plejeva koji su dovstruko brzi od njega. inace, sinoc sam stekao utisak da smo padali u igri cim Kuzmic izadje, pa od jutros proverim statistiku Kuzmic +11 (najbolji u celom timu) Luka -19 (najslabiji u celom timu)
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