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Everything posted by Asterion

  1. Che fatica essere uomini...
  2. Fenomenalna fotka. Najjači deo: Pitanje: Dali su takmičari bili upoznati prije takmičenja se mehanizmom (kako radi?) ove Omega mašinice? Znači nije bitno ko prvi dirne senzor nego koliko jako.
  3. Asterion

    SRBI u NBA

    NE PAMTI SE DA JE TEO IMAO OVAKO DUGU KOSU Srbin se pojavio u Bolonji i IZNENADIO saigrače izgledom /FOTO/
  4. Hvala što stemi na topiku Nesvakidasnje (Vox Populi> Drustvo) izbrisali sve postove (cca. 6 postova). Čestitke na fenomenalno radu! Samo tako napred! O čemu je topik: Ja sam se držao bolda. Šta sam ja kačijo: itd. --- Nikakvog objašnjenja....samo delete sa strane moderacije. Hajde bar objasnite šta sam naopako napravijo?
  5. Sad nastavi sa prvom i drugom sezonom The Missing. Nemoj gledati trailere. Veruj mi na reč, da je u pitanju odlična roba. Evo umesto trailera, malo muzike...
  6. *USSR (1925-1955), 2018: klik **phage therapy (review etc.), 2018: klik
  7. Love, What It Is I need to see you To see you and to touch you I'm already in hurry to sneak In your heart No, you have not understood I have not told you to undress I want to enter there now Even if you are dressed I want to get into your life Tell me what your are thinking See how beautiful is life Even only for a moment Love, love, what it is? This door that is open This wave that carries us Who knows where it takes us ...But love, what it is? Clever is the one who can understand ...But love, what it does? I only know that it makes me to die You feel love, this wave that comes and goes And it invades also the soul It makes us to born and to die more than you can A thousand times for second, do you love me or no? You feel love, this wave that dashes here It doesn't exist more strong than that Take and give this love more than you can And don't make me to go out from here To fall in love is a serious thing Greater than the sea In fact, our small heart, yes, Threatens to burst ...But love, what it is? Nobody can explain it ...But love, what it does It can do all, but not to hurt You feel love, this wave that comes and goes And it enters into soul It makes us to born and to die more than you can A thousand times for second, do you love me or no? You feel love, this wave that dashes here It doesn't exist more strong than that Take and give this love more than you can And don't make me to go out from here You feel love, this wave that comes and goes And it invades also the soul It makes us to born and to die more than you can A thousand times for second, do you love me or no?
  8. I turn off the tv and the hung butterfly falls down oh, it also happens to me it's one of my limits. I go down for a nothing if I think about it, it gives me the shivers. you were telling it to me... you were saying... I sent you away. I feel the smell of the city I don't do anything, I stay here. Here's another of my limits. I didn't know how to say that only thinking of you gives me the shivers even to an a**hole like me like me... But don't think of me anymore I've warned you LOVE BREAKS ONE'S HEART. Shoot! shoot! Shoot, Love! But don't think of me anymore What do you want to wait for? LOVE BREAKS ONE'S HEART. Shoot! Shoot! Shoot, right here... I know who I am even if I haven't read Freud. I know how I am made but I can't melt and that's why I'm here and you are so far away and you'll sleep with who knows who now, there, where you are... But don't think of me anymore I've warned you LOVE BReAKS ONE'S HEART. Shoot! shoot! Shoot, Love! But don't think of me anymore What do you want to wait for? LOVE BREAKS ONE'S HEART. Shoot! Shoot! Shoot, right here...
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