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Treba ostati psihofizicki zdrav i prav! :)
Asterion replied to kalistenika u rutini's topic in Društvo
Hebiga, ne živimo svi u Australiji. -
Sa FB: Zašto čevapi imaju sad drugačiji ukus? Jer zaposleni peru ruke.
Pošto je pravilnan oduzem uzorka/brisa jedan najbitnijh koraka u testiranju na virus, šta se desi kad neko (average Joe) što kupi test kit pogreši u toj fazi? Jel kompanija EverlyWell zna da je pogrešijo? Dobije av.Joe đabe novi kit?
Treba ostati psihofizicki zdrav i prav! :)
Asterion replied to kalistenika u rutini's topic in Društvo
Vagajate se svaki dan. -
Na temu evolucija virusa... koronavirus su RNA virusi evkarioti (npr. H.sapiens) Mutation rate versus genome size for bacteria and other biological entities The Two Mechanisms whereby Pandemic Influenza Originates. In 1918, an H1N1 virus closely related to avian viruses adapted to replicate efficiently in humans. In 1957 and in 1968, reassortment events led to new viruses that resulted in pandemic influenza. The 1957 influenza virus (Asian influenza, an H2N2 virus) acquired three genetic segments from an avian species (a hemagglutinin, a neuraminidase, and a polymerase gene, PB1), and the 1968 influenza virus (Hong Kong influenza, an H3N2 virus) acquired two genetic segments from an avian species (hemagglutinin and PB1). Future pandemic strains could arise through either mechanism.
Pa verovatno ako bude se ovaj trend nastavljajo, onda ide u smeri da odabiru manje zlo. Spasiti majku sa decom ili nekog 70+ penzionera sa jednom nogom u grobu. Inače kad pratite italijanske TV programe... - kod zabavnih programa sa ljudima u sali piše, da je program snimljen prije pandemije - kod tv dnevnika (i sličnih emisija)...na levoj gornjoj strani piše tekuči račun za donacije civilnoj zaštiti. Još brojeva od jučer... na special medical force task za coronavirus za S Italiju (Lombardia etc.) se je prijavilo oko 3,5k doktora iz cele Italije... trebali su ih oko 300.
Technically speaking NE. Oni su sredstvo za raznos (delivery system) biol.oružja. Inače... po donjem modelu, Italija stiže vrh/pik tek sredinom aprila. COVID-19 and Italy: what next? The most difficult prediction is the maximum number of infected patients that will be reached in Italy and, most importantly, the maximum number of patients who will require intensive care unit admission. This prediction is of crucial importance to plan for new facilities in Italian hospitals and to calculate the time period in which they need to be available. On the basis that the region of Hubei in China has a slightly smaller population than Italy (approximately 50 million in Hubei and 60 million in Italy), we tentatively assumed that the trend for the maximum number of patients who are actively infected would be similar in the two territories. In doing so, we cannot overlook the fact that the effect of travel restrictions on the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak and the extraordinary community measures taken within and outside of Wuhan are unlikely to be replicated elsewhere. Moreover, the current approach to these patients in Lombardy implies non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions, including antiretroviral medication, which might be different from the Wuhan outbreak, and could distort the calculation. We also realise that there is heterogeneity in the transmission dynamics between the city of Wuhan and elsewhere in the province, where the number of people who are infected remains lower. Therefore, it might not be unrealistic to assume that what is going to happen in Italy soon might mirror what happened in Hubei. Of course, it would have been more appropriate to directly compare Greater Wuhan (19 million people) with the region of Lombardy (9 million people), the most seriously affected region in Italy at the moment, but such data are not available. 6 We do not currently have additional evidence we can take into consideration to make more robust assumptions regarding the exact number of patients who will be infected in the future days or weeks. On the basis of the available data, 5 the number of infected patients reached approximately 38 000 at the end of February, 2020, in the Hubei region, when the number of new cases decreased to almost zero. Given that so far the percentage of patients requiring ARDS treatment is close to 10% for patients who are actively infected, at least in Lombardy, we can assume that we will need approximately 4000 beds in intensive care units during the worst period of infection, which is expected to occur in about 4 weeks from March 11. This is challenging for Italy, as there are now just over 5200 intensive care beds in total. The aim now is to increase this number to safely meet urgent future needs. According to our prediction, we have only a few weeks to achieve this goal in terms of procuring personnel, technical equipment, and materials. These considerations might also apply to other European countries that could have similar numbers of patients infected and similar needs regarding intensive care admissions.
bold: Verovatno je cell culture flask Inače gene izoluješ, uneseš u modelni organizam (npr. E.coli) sa ostalim genima, namnožiš u bioreaktoru, izoluješ taj dio proteina/antigena, i onda to unosiš u životinje, i meriš razna parametre. Inače postoje i tzv. DNA vakcine...
Peri ruke običnim sapunom. Ako zatreba dezif. sredstva onda sa 60% ili više etanola/izopropanola. Proveri one aftrshave/vodica po brijanju, ako ima toliki procenat (crveno).
Dali postoji aftershave sa bar 60% etanola/izopropanola? Kako se na engleskom kaže stručno respiratorima, koji se sada koriste u borbi protiv koronavirusa (pomažu da težko bolestni prežive)? Koje marke tih respiratora postoje na svetu? Koje firme ih proizvode?