Najbolji dio (bar meni):
How can such a primitive virus know not to kill too many people?
“The people who are transferring the virus most these days are children and the virus knows how to take advantage of them. On the one hand, children’s immune systems are underdeveloped and their immaturity protects them from a deadly phenomenon called Cytokine release syndrome, in which the body produces too many white blood cells. On the other hand, children are in more direct contact with each other, they play and touch and thus serve as a perfect vessel for the transference of the virus to their family members. It is an amazing strategy by the virus: children’s immune systems enable widespread infection, while at the same time not affecting them too violently. Another advantage is that children have many more years to live, so the virus has found itself long-term living arrangements.”
Will traces of the virus remain with us forever?
“The chances of that are pretty high. Any disease that attacks us can change our genetics and, in a way, affect evolution. Pandemics influence evolution in two ways. One way is by killing off many people. Those who managed to survive due to a genetic advantage pass it to their offspring. The other way is by actually altering our genetic code. Around 8% of the human genome is made up of the remnants of ancient viruses that spread, infused into human cells, and left their genetic payload within them.
“There are reports of men who contracted coronavirus and concentrations of it were discovered in their testicles, which means it could reach their offspring. It is possible that the changes to our genetic code are a type of correction that will grant us previously unseen traits, but we will only find out about them in the distant future. When that happens we may be able to understand why some people got sick while others did not. It may be the case that some of the people who died from the virus, particularly the younger ones, had an immune system that was good at coping with germs, but overreacted when it encountered the virus.”
Is there a difference in how male and female bodies respond to diseases?
“More men contract Covid-19 than women. People do not understand the differences between the sexes and immediately say it is a result of behavior, that men smoke more or wash their hands less often. This may be partially true, but the fundamental reason is that women have a stronger immune system than men. It is an evolutionary trait, with the goal being that women survive to care for the children.”
blue: imunološki testi (verovatno ELISA ili npr. ovaj)
green: genetski testi (RT-PCR)
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