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Everything posted by wwww

  1. wwww

    Novak Djokovic

    ako je verovati ovome, Novak je u Beogradu i trenira: Mogli bi Viskovic i Govedarica da ga pozovu u goste u ponedeljak
  2. wwww


  3. wwww

    ATP turniri 250&500

    Djere je bas u losoj formi vec duze vreme, ne znam o cemu se radi, da li je imao neku povredu ili je nesto drugo u pitanju. Ovde je imao srece sto je naleteo na Delbonisa koji u jos ocajnijoj formi. Hajde, mozda bude bolje u Santjagu sledece sedmice, nije prejaka konkurencija. Ako sam dobro ispratila ovo bi trebalo da budu nosioci: 1. Garin 2. Per 3. Djere 4. Anduhar 5. Tjafo 6. Caruso 7. Delbonis 8. Cekinato pa su tu jos Coria, Joao i Pedro Sousa, Mager, CarballesBaena, Munar, Martin, Galan, Kovalnik, Bagnis, Altmaier.
  4. wwww

    Novak Djokovic

    znam da je WTA to sve organizovao (nisu ta dvojica samoinicijativno), a valjda u cilju dobijanja vece medijske paznje za WTA.
  5. wwww

    Novak Djokovic

    za WTA znam da su vec neko vreme (koju godinu unazad) uveli KZS za trenere, mislim cak i pred SF GS-ova. Nisam sigurna za ATP, moze biti da je ovo prvi put.
  6. wwww


  7. wwww

    Novak Djokovic

  8. wwww

    Novak Djokovic

    Ivaniseviceva KZS posle finala AO: http://www.asapsports.com/show_interview.php?id=162226 Q. What impressed you most about Novak today in the final? Q. The criticisms and all the controversy around Novak, the media coverage, what was he like? How did he handle it? Q. Did he struggle with it? Q. You mentioned the tactics, following the plan. Can you expand on that? Q. You said Novak wanted to win this match, this victory badly because of what happened in New York and Paris. I was wondering, did you guys have that kind of conversation or did you feel from the way he practices or how did you feel about this? He is a champion. He always find was the way how to perform the best. He did it here, especially with all this crazy things what was happening. First you have spectators, then suddenly you have no spectators. Atmosphere for two matches was like in a funeral, with these birds. You know, I thought I was in a cemetery, you know. Injury, but he showed again how strong and tough he is in the head and prove everybody wrong. Q. Did it seem harder, more than before? Q. He said on Eurosport afterwards that as he's getting older, he wants to spend more time with his family, that he would try and really hone in on the majors. How does he approach the next period of his career? Q. What you said about Novak needing this one, needing rather than wanting, is that purely because of what happened in New York and in the Paris final? How low did it get then? How bad were the doubts? Q. You've experienced and seen personally what it takes to be a major champion. How would you describe Novak, Rafa and Roger, what they've done for history and how they've improved over the years to sustain their levels? Q. How worried were you after the third round? Did you think that Novak could get through the injury and win the title? GORAN IVANISEVIC: Listen, knowing him, being with some injuries that he had before, I know that he has mind to overcome the pain and everything. But when I heard what it is, I was not easy to hear the news. With him, you never know. He overcome the pain, he overcome everything. Yes, we did a test every day before the match because you need a test before you fly. Then at the end it became like a lucky charm. We did before Raonic match. We did before Zverev match. We did before Karatsev match. We did tonight. Okay, tomorrow we flying. But, you know, he's amazing. Shows you that the guy is just unbelievable. Mentally I never met somebody like that. People criticize him, they saying this and that. I witness something that this is amazing. This victory with what he had is unbelievable, just amazing. Q. The COVID tests? GORAN IVANISEVIC: Yeah, yeah, yeah, COVID tests. Q. When Novak produced his best-ever serving performance in the second round, he was asked whether he thought it was better. He said, Goran is my coach, so yes, my serves got better. He mentioned he worked on it specifically with you. Are there any specifics you have targeted over the last few months to try and add something to his serve? GORAN IVANISEVIC: I can't tell you that. But he work. He work. I actually have to say thanks to all the team. Marian and me, we worked on the serve. Marian is not here. We are sharing half tournament, me half, him. He did work on some things. You can see. But people underestimated his serve through the years. His serve let him out of the trouble lot of times in his career. He just now improve even one step more. He's not afraid to go for the big one, also for the second serve. Also today served unbelievable when he needed. Like that's the question what the person ask me before. He is not afraid and scared to try something new. That's why you see improve his serve, improve everything. That's why these three guys are the best, because they always trying something new and they not scared to try, not scared to even input in the matches. That's you see the results. Q. You mentioned you thought Rafa is going to be winning one or two French Opens at least. For Novak to pass that total, we're talking about 23 slams minimum. Are you thinking why not go for Margaret Court and Serena's totals, the all-time record rather than just the men's?
  9. wwww

    Novak Djokovic

  10. https://www.sportskeeda.com/tennis/news-tommy-haas-speaks-career-indian-wells-2021-big-3-says-never-count-federer-djokovic-time-side
  11. wwww

    ATP turniri 250&500

    ne secam se za Djordja, ali Marko je valjda dobijao WC u Dubaiju.
  12. wwww

    ATP turniri 250&500

  13. wwww

    Teniska statistika

    Federer: Top Ten debut: 20-05-2002 Opening match defeats in next five years: 9 Average opening match defeats/year: 1.8 Nadal: Top Ten debut: 25-04-2005 Opening match defeats in next five years: 2 (* Two further occasions due to retirements) Average opening match defeats/year: 0.4 Djokovic: Top Ten debut: 19-03-2007 Opening match defeats in next five years: 5 Average opening match defeats/year: 1 Zverev: Top Ten debut: 31-07-2017 Opening match defeats in next five years: 13 (he hasn’t completed the five year period we allowed yet) Average opening match defeats/year: 3.7 Thiem: Top Ten debut: 06-06-2016 Opening match defeats in next five years: 21 (* Three further occasions due to retirements) Average opening match defeats/year (approx.): 4.2 Tsitsipas: Top Ten debut: 04-03-2019 (he hasn’t completed the five year period we allowed yet) Opening match defeats in next five years: 8 (* One further occasion due to retirements) Average opening match defeats/year (approx.): 4 Medvedev: Top Ten debut: 15-7-2019 (he hasn’t completed the five year period we allowed yet) Opening match defeats in next five years: 5 Average opening match defeats/year (approx.): 3.3
  14. wwww

    Roger Federer

    je li on neki suvlasnik firme ili je to samo sponzorska saradnja?
  15. wwww

    Roger Federer

    pa zar nije on pre nekoliko meseci reklamirrao neke (njegove?) patike? bese on se u Dubaiu sprema(o)?
  16. wwww

    ATP turniri 250&500

    a verujem da ce i Gaske da odustane (bese on vuce neku povredu?)
  17. wwww

    Novak Djokovic

  18. wwww

    ATP & WTA lista

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  20. wwww


    sad prikazase tribine, ima nekih 20-tak gledalaca, totalno rastrkanih (na nekih min. 5m medjusobnog rastojanja)
  21. wwww

    ATP turniri 250&500

    ma nek saceka on 2023, sto je sigurno - sigurno.
  22. wwww


    meni nesto u glavi nekih 20% publike (a kao da ih u regularnoj godini ima vise)
  23. wwww


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