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Kafana pod obručima


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@ uini

Ne otvaraj, opet se zalim.



Ima jedna "trafika" koja kad ti dupe zine za jos jedno pivo, obicno radi do 23h. E, pa, veceras sam ljubio resetke. "Who knows, maybe its a sign", prolete mi misao...

Ko me ter'o, pre toga, da kolegama sto grle stub sa sve maturantima 
pozelim: "Ziveli"?

U povratku, nema da fali: "Hey buddy, wanna beer?"

"Odakle, kad ni kafana ne radi?"

"Sad cu ja da sredim to, sa Ivanom, iako je ja zovem Lidija."


Next thing, samo sto nije orobio vrata. "Open up, it's me, you bitch!"

"Cekaj da probam ja...

...sam ipak kultivisana baraba, OK?" 


(BTW sve vreme je minus, zanotkice otpadaju!")

Sljus flasa o kombi, iz koje tresti "Celave ti gume, kume sondsAlike"

"Je l' ti znas ko sam ti?"   


"Ti imas 50 godina? Koje si ti godiste? Gde zivis ti? Pa, ja tebe znam. Ja planiram ubistvo 20 godina!" 

"uVat, again!"



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By 1824, Beethoven was almost entirely deaf, but still wanted to be part of the performance and was on stage while the piece was performed to indicate the tempos. Yet, Beethoven could not resist “helping” the musicians on stage by showing them the style and dynamics that he wanted.

The great composer’s actions were animated to say the least. One musician wrote, “he stood in front of the conductor’s stand and threw himself back and forth like a madman. At one moment he stretched to his full height, at the next he crouched down to the floor. He flailed about with his hands and feet as though he wanted to play all the instruments and sing all the chorus parts.” It was a good thing that the conductor had already instructed the musicians not to pay attention to the composer!


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