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Izvan i iza turnira


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Secam se kako su pojedinci bukvalno srusili stari forum zbog vode na Serbian Openu koja se zvala "Novak" tamo negde 2010 ili 2011. Kakve bre postenske marke ili kovanice.:classic_laugh:

Ali kad je Fed vec utisnut na svajcarskom novcicu,  moze i taj Novakov muzej sada valjda na Knez Mihajlovoj.:lol_2:

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In some bad news for Japanese fans, the US is reportedly considering a ban on travellers from Japan and Korea. This means that no Japanese or Korean player will be able to participate in the two ATP 1000 events coming up in the USA.

We are talking about Indian Wells and Miami Open. Reportedly, Nishikori will be in Japan next weekend. This means that his return back to the US will become really difficult.



Ovo bi moglo postati prilično nezgodno i za turnire, a tek je mart počeo...

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Samo sto bih ja ovo uvela za stalno, a ne samo zbog virusa




ovog vikenda se igra DC, pa u nekim zemljama klinci ne donose peskire ili kao u Japanu, donose u kutiji ali imaju i rukavice





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Pretpostavljam i nadam se da ce corona i sve u vezi biti zavrseno i takoreci zaboravljeno do pocetka RGa inace moze da se desi glup problem : sada je zbog virusa u francuskoj zabranjeno okupljanje vise od 5000 ljudi u zatvorenom prostoru. Stadioni RG su otvoreni i znaci moze RG nema zabrane, medjutim, sta bi se desilo ako zabrana ostane na vaznosti, a padne kisa? Toliko cekani krov nece smeti da se  koristi? Ili  da izbace publiku da bi teniseri mogli da igraju? :smiley33:

Edited by ciao
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Organizatori u Californiji reaguju:



March 6, 2020

Following the direction and guidance of Dr. David Agus, Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Southern California, and Martin Massiello, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Eisenhower Health, the BNP Paribas Open is taking action to continue prioritizing the health and safety of the fans, athletes, and everyone involved with the tournament.

First and foremost, any patron that has purchased tickets directly from the tournament may request a refund for the 2020 tournament, or a credit for the 2021 tournament. Patrons can click the button below to request a refund or credit.

Additional actions include:


  • More than 250 hand sanitizing stations have been placed throughout the facility
  • Players will be required to manage their own towel on court and ball kids will not touch or move player towels. A chair will be placed at the back of the court for them to place their towel on for usage during the match.
  • Ball kids will wear gloves
  • Restaurant and food supply workers will wear gloves
  • Volunteers taking tickets at entrances will wear gloves
  • N95 masks are being secured for first aid and health personnel to be prepared for any circumstances that would necessitate the use thereof
  • Organized player and fan interaction will be limited at the tournament
  • All common areas throughout the facility will be cleaned daily with an antiviral application
  • Coordinating with local hospital and CDC approved testing for all individuals with symptoms

Further actions are being considered and evaluated on a daily basis in order to continue to ensure the safety of everyone associated with the event. The 2020 BNP Paribas Open is scheduled to proceed as planned. [/quote]


Jbm li ga, sutra putujem u LA na nedelju dana i bas sam nameravao da probam i u Indian Wells na dan-dva. Sada ne znam.

Sa druge strane, mozda bude manje guzve i lakseg ulaza na vazne meceve?

Nisam dovoljno pametan da odlucim.

Edited by zoran59
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Trebalo je odavno da uvedu ovo s peškirima. S druge strane, onda bi bilo fer i da dodaju bar još 5 sekundi između poena, da se uračuna vreme koje igraču treba da ode po peškir i vrati se.


Pitanje je šta će stvarno biti s turnirima ove godine. Mislim da je poprilično neodgovorno sada podsticati međunarodna i interkontinenatalna putovanja koja nisu neophodna. IW radi pravu stvar što nudi refundaciju karata.

1 hour ago, ciao said:

Pretpostavljam i nadam se da ce corona i sve u vezi biti zavrseno i takoreci zaboravljeno do pocetka RGa inace moze da se desi glup problem : sada je zbog virusa u francuskoj zabranjeno okupljanje vise od 5000 ljudi u zatvorenom prostoru. Stadioni RG su otvoreni i znaci moze RG nema zabrane, medjutim, sta bi se desilo ako zabrana ostane na vaznosti, a padne kisa? Toliko cekani krov nece smeti da se  koristi? Ili  da izbace publiku da bi teniseri mogli da igraju? :smiley33:

Valjda postoji i opcija da se turnir komplet odigra bez publike? Generalno to bi važilo i za OI i ostale sportske događaje. Ne znam koliko je izvodljivo, Tv prava bi otišla u nebesa sigurno, ali čini mi se kao bolja opcija od totalnog otkazivanja. Naravno, treba uzeti u obzir i zdravstveni rizik za igrače i osoblje turnira. Ako je rizik prevelik neka se otkaže, šta da se radi...

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