Borko Posted April 28, 2019 Posted April 28, 2019 Sto je nezgodno otvarati topik o timu usred sezonu.. Posto nemam pojma sta da napisem, bicu kratak - molim vas, pobedite Mercedes sto pre, vec danas ako je moguce
Borko Posted May 3, 2019 Author Posted May 3, 2019 Jacques Villeneuve says Ferrari promoted Charles Leclerc one year too early because it is not ready to manage the competition between the Formula 1 driver and his team-mate Sebastian Vettel. Leclerc came close to victory in the Bahrain Grand Prix and has been subjected to team orders in favour of Vettel three times this season. Ferrari's season has been made more challenging by the fact its pre-season promise, in which it looked the pick of the field, was then followed by four consecutive Mercedes one-twos. Villeneuve stressed that Leclerc was ready to graduate to Ferrari but that his form has unbalanced Ferrari. "Leclerc is quick, he personally is ready," Villeneuve told Autosport. "It's Ferrari that's not ready for this kind of situation. "If you take Leclerc's perspective, it's great to be there this year, for him it's amazing, and he's shown that he's super quick." Villeneuve added that Ferrari could have delayed Leclerc's arrival in the team in favour of an approach similar to Mercedes. "They [Ferrari] already had Leclerc, so they could have given him a contract for 2020 and '21, and kept Kimi for just one year because this was the year to fight," he said. "Then everybody's happy because you give them time in advance, it doesn't unbalance anything. "But the way Ferrari operates, the way Seb is, he needs this kind of love around him, and it was just not the right move. Look what they did at Mercedes, and look how strong it is this year. If they had put [Esteban] Ocon there, Lewis would have reacted the same way - he would have wanted to eat him alive straight away, and destroy him. "But there's respect with Bottas, and even if they both have two victories, Lewis doesn't seem to be upset about it. "That wasn't the case with Nico for example, and that really allows the team to perform at a level that it almost hasn't performed at before." Vettel's recent mistakes have been criticised and the four-time F1 world champion explained he is not fully comfortable with the 2019 Ferrari. Villeneuve says criticism of Vettel is having an impact on Ferrari. "If you listen to any fan or go on the forums, even the qualifying accident, Leclerc doesn't get criticised," he said. "If it had been Vettel, he would have been destroyed by the media and everyone, for the same mistake. "Ultimately I think that's having a negative effect for the team. "Seb's spin in Bahrain came because of that, then the team orders in China, it all comes from there. And Leclerc's accident in qualifying also, wanting to prove that he's the number one of the team. "Ultimately that's damaging the whole team. "I hope it rebalances out, because they should have been the one that's being chased by Mercedes, and instead they've got three podiums, and that's it."
DASUBO Posted May 3, 2019 Posted May 3, 2019 Hm, Vilnev obično lupeta k'o Maxim po diviziji, ali nije da nema nečega u ovome što priča. Ferari nikako da stabilizuje Vetela, čovek je grešio čak i uz Kimijevu bezrezervnu podršku. Nešto tu ozbiljno nije u redu, jer je Vetel u RB dokazao da je zajebana mašina kad sve fercera kako treba. Ne osvajaju se 4 titule za redom slučajno i samo zbog dobrog auta. 1
Romantik Posted May 3, 2019 Posted May 3, 2019 Mislim da je Vettel to samopuzdanje crpio iz istorije, drugim recima, kad je uzeo prvu titlu, pobedivsi direktno Vebera, on je verovatno ubedio sebe da je bolji od istog i nije ga se vise plasio, a imao je i potpunu podrsku u timu. Svaki put kad je menjao timskog kolegu, on je u prvoj sezoni bio mnogo nervozniji, podlozniji greskama, ocito u strahu. E sad ova moja teorija ne moze objasniti proslogodisnja brljana, a ona su realno najveca ako gledamo kroz celu karijeru
Radoye Posted May 3, 2019 Posted May 3, 2019 Velik je pritisak voziti za Ferari, mnogo veci nego za RBR i mnogi bez sumnje veliki vozaci su tu sagoreli. Plus je tu jos i Hamilton u Mercedesu sto je kombinacija skoro pa u rangu Sumahera u Ferariju onomad, nije lako ni tome na crtu stati. Puno stvari je protiv njega, on je do sada pokazao da funkcionise dobro kada ima cistu situaciju bez puno pritiska, sad vise nije tako. Da ume da vozi to nema sumnje (samo 5 ljudi je do sada osvajalo cetiri ili vise titula, u taj klub se ne ulazi samo tako!), sad treba da dokaze da ume i da se nosi sa pritiskom kada mu stvari ne idu sve na ruku. Ako to uradi i uzme titulu i sa Ferarijem definitivno ce se upisati u istoriju kao jedan od najvecih ikada. Ali, to je jedno veliko "ako"...
Hertzog Posted May 3, 2019 Posted May 3, 2019 On je sve dalje od titule sa nama. Usudio bih se reci da je prosao i zadnji voz za to
DASUBO Posted May 3, 2019 Posted May 3, 2019 Ne znam ljudi, Leklerk mi je zilion puta simpatičniji jer me na neki lud način podseća na Severa (u pozitivnom smislu naravno), ali bi bilo lepo da Vetel uzme titulu u Ferariju. Sve što sam ga gledao van kokpita pokazuje da se radi o vrlo simpatičnom i inteligentnom liku, a vala bilo bi super i za F1. Samo, tanko je počeo ove godine, baš baš tanko. 1
Dzoni_m Posted May 3, 2019 Posted May 3, 2019 Ja licno mislim da Vetel “trosi” svoje vreme, energiju i paznju na experimente i sa setup-om a bogami i strategijom. Mislim da radi vise posao koji niti je njegov niti ga je radio pre. Pokusava da se bude integralni deo tima, a ne profi koji dodje, zahteva i isporucuje. Mislim da Hamilton mnogo bolje radi to. To nema veze sa privrzenosti timu, vec prosto nivou profesionalizma gde se zna ko sta radi. A posto je sada tranzicioni period u Ferrari-ju, kapiram da je podmetacina i vatanja krivina toliko da svako vuce na svoju stranu. Vise brine o kontroli da mu ne zajebu nesto nego o samoj voznji. Zato i brlja. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
alberto.ascari Posted May 4, 2019 Posted May 4, 2019 On 5/3/2019 at 11:23 AM, DASUBO said: Ne osvajaju se 4 titule za redom slučajno i samo zbog dobrog auta. Tačno tako. A ne mogu da zaboravim na team radio kad je prošao kroz cilj i počelo slavlje i čestitke a on je rekao timu, radujte se sad momci, ovo neće trajati večito.
Filthy McNasty Posted May 5, 2019 Posted May 5, 2019 (edited) On 5/3/2019 at 7:47 PM, Radoye said: Velik je pritisak voziti za Ferari, mnogo veci nego za RBR i mnogi bez sumnje veliki vozaci su tu sagoreli. Plus je tu jos i Hamilton u Mercedesu sto je kombinacija skoro pa u rangu Sumahera u Ferariju onomad, nije lako ni tome na crtu stati. Puno stvari je protiv njega, on je do sada pokazao da funkcionise dobro kada ima cistu situaciju bez puno pritiska, sad vise nije tako. Da ume da vozi to nema sumnje (samo 5 ljudi je do sada osvajalo cetiri ili vise titula, u taj klub se ne ulazi samo tako!), sad treba da dokaze da ume i da se nosi sa pritiskom kada mu stvari ne idu sve na ruku. Ako to uradi i uzme titulu i sa Ferarijem definitivno ce se upisati u istoriju kao jedan od najvecih ikada. Ali, to je jedno veliko "ako"... Nemojte smetnuti da uma jednu VRLO bitnu stvar, dve titule nije Vetel osvojio vec su Weber i Alonso izgubili titule. Prvi tako sto je 4 trke pred kraj sezone slomio kljucnu kost i podbacio u svim narednim trkama vozeci pod inekcijama. Alonso zaglavivsi se iza Rusa u poslednjoj smor vozic trci iako je bio i 2 sec brzi po krugu.... Vetel je over rated vozac. Cim je izgubio aerodinamicki grip starog bolida , poceo je da redja nevidjene gluposti. On je za pola klase ispod Alonsa i Hamiltona... Edit: jos da dodam da ga je Ricardo unistio u onoj sezoni u RB. Plus Leclerc ga je nadvozio u svim trkama u ovpj sezoni. Vetel se nevidjeno bruka sa timskim naredbama. Edited May 5, 2019 by Filthy McNasty ..
alberto.ascari Posted May 5, 2019 Posted May 5, 2019 Pa ybg, po toj logici nije ni HAM prvu titulu osvojio, nego ju je Massa + Ferrari pit crew izgubio. Dasubo je u pravu, ne uzima se to slučajno.
Filthy McNasty Posted May 5, 2019 Posted May 5, 2019 26 minutes ago, alberto.ascari said: Pa ybg, po toj logici nije ni HAM prvu titulu osvojio, nego ju je Massa + Ferrari pit crew izgubio. Dasubo je u pravu, ne uzima se to slučajno. Opet zapostavljamo jos jednu veoma bitnu varijabilu u jednacini ... Ferari je tih sezona sa Kimijem i Masom imao daleko bolji bolid. Ne znam da li je Desaubo u pravu ili ne ali Vetel je slucajno uzeo dve titule u raketi od bolida. Slicno kao sto su dvojkasi Hil i Vilnev imali rakete u poredjenju sa ostatkom bande. Pokusaj da zamislis box mec izmedju sicusnog Pacquiao sa svega 168cm/60-tak kg i gromade Lennox Lewis od 196cm/200+ kg u kojem Lenox dobija mec u zadnjoj rundi odlukom sudija 115:113 ..... koji je bolji boxer?
alberto.ascari Posted May 5, 2019 Posted May 5, 2019 5 hours ago, Filthy McNasty said: Opet zapostavljamo jos jednu veoma bitnu varijabilu u jednacini ... Ferari je tih sezona sa Kimijem i Masom imao daleko bolji bolid. Ne znam da li je Desaubo u pravu ili ne ali Vetel je slucajno uzeo dve titule u raketi od bolida. Slicno kao sto su dvojkasi Hil i Vilnev imali rakete u poredjenju sa ostatkom bande. Pokusaj da zamislis box mec izmedju sicusnog Pacquiao sa svega 168cm/60-tak kg i gromade Lennox Lewis od 196cm/200+ kg u kojem Lenox dobija mec u zadnjoj rundi odlukom sudija 115:113 ..... koji je bolji boxer? Ferrari je 2007. uzeo 195 bodova prema 218 McL a 2008. je imao cca 15 bodova više od McL za koga je vozio Kovalainen. Gde je ta superiornost? Ovo sa bokserima, ne znam, ne razumem... apsolutno irelevantno.
Radoye Posted May 10, 2019 Posted May 10, 2019 Quote Ferrari intends to keep its power to veto changes to the Formula 1 rules if it remains in the sport beyond 2020, team principal Mattia Binotto has said. In response to a question from RaceFans in today’s FIA press conference, Binotto said the power serves to “protect” all the teams, not just Ferrari. The existence of Ferrari’s decades-old veto has been controversial. In 2015 the FIA claimed Ferrari, under Binotto’s predecessor Maurizio Arrivabene, used it to block changes to the engine regulations intended to reduce the cost of power units. FIA president Jean Todt, himself a former Ferrari team principal, said the team’s veto will be discussed within the negotiations surrounding whether Ferrari commits to the sport beyond the 2020 F1 season, after which its current commercial agreement expires. Binotto confirmed they are beginning these discussions and Ferrari’s preference is to retain its veto. “Certainly the veto right is something important for Ferrari,” said Binotto when asked by RaceFans today. “But I believe it’s something important for F1 overall as well because somehow it’s not only protecting Ferrari but is protecting all the teams maybe against some decisions that could be against the interest of the teams themselves. “[It’s] something that we are starting discussing with both FIA and F1 and I think that we are doing well in that respect and hopefully we can keep the same rights.” Jebem ti sport u kome jedan takmicar dobije krug fore pre nego sto trka i pocne (i opet nekako uspe da izgubi). Daj onda svima pravo veta, pa da bude nemoguce dogovoriti se oko bilo cega. 1
Radoye Posted May 13, 2019 Posted May 13, 2019 Ferrari accepts its “car concept” may have to change after another heavy defeat
alberto.ascari Posted May 13, 2019 Posted May 13, 2019 Ferrari accepts its “car concept” may have to change after another heavy defeat New car conceptOdesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk
DASUBO Posted May 13, 2019 Posted May 13, 2019 Max kaže da je samo MGP "otključao" auto, ostali se svi muče.
alberto.ascari Posted May 25, 2019 Posted May 25, 2019 Šuška se sve više da se vraća Simone Resta iz Saubera/Alfe.
Radoye Posted July 17, 2019 Posted July 17, 2019 Quote Simone Resta, currently technical director of Alfa Romeo, will be starting work back at Ferrari after the summer break and will work on the design of the 2021 Ferrari. He will spend his gardening leave working with Ferrari on road car development. This will be the fourth change of technical direction at Maranello since 2016 when James Allison departed. Mattia Binotto took over initially, but he would move on to become team principal at the end of 2018, since when there has been a group of technical managers running the technical side at Maranello. The move shows that the influence of Ferrari with FCA is still considerable, even if they are separate entities on paper and it is expected that a new appointment at Sauber be someone coming from Ferrari’s F1 programme. If this occurs, which I am told it will, it will underline the tight links between the Alfa Romeo and Ferrari teams. The team itself is still the old Sauber, but there is a deal for the Italians to have a measure of control without ownership, as the active involvement of the real owners appears limited as the day-to-day decision-making is done by Frederic Vasseur, who was in a strong position to negotiate the terms of his appointment when he was hired. Thus far, this seems to serve everyone well. The owners don’t have much to do but are holding on to the asset; Ferrari has a B team where it can train up its staff and which has a vote when it comes to politics and Alfa Romeo (FCA) has a presence in F1 which it hopes will help to sell more road cars. At the moment Alfa is struggling in the markets, despite having good products in the Giulia and the Stelvio.
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