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Miruj, srce moje, miruj...


Ein kleiner Mensch stirbt nur zum Schein
Wollte ganz alleine sein
Das kleine Herz stand still für Stunden
So hat man es für tot befunden




In September 2022, the now 31 year old baby featured on the cover lost his lawsuit claiming that the image constituted child sexual abuse. In the suit, Spencer Elden claimed the album cover, which depicts him at four months old and was taken by a family friend, caused him “permanent harm” and a “lifelong loss of income-earning capacity”.

The family were originally paid $200 for use of the image. Elden’s suit claimed: “Defendants knowingly produced, possessed and advertised commercial child pornography depicting Spencer.” Elden said that as a child, he had been unable to consent to the photo being used and sought $140,000 in damages. US judge Fernando Olguin dismissed the case with prejudice, ruling that it was filed past the 10-year statute of limitations.

Elden first filed against Dave Grohl, bassist Krist Novoselic, Courtney Love and the estate of Kurt Cobain, photographer Kirk Weddle and several record labels in 2021. The suit was thrown out after he missed a deadline to respond to the defendants’ motion to dismiss, which described Elden’s claim as “not serious”.


‘The cover is supposed to be provocative’: the daunting task of redesigning Nirvana’s Nevermind. It continued: “A brief examination of the photograph, or Elden’s own conduct (not to mention the photograph’s presence in the homes of millions of Americans who, on Elden’s theory, are guilty of felony possession of child pornography) makes that clear.” A defence lawyer welcomed the ruling, describing the case as “meritless”. The defendants had previously argued that Elden had “spent three decades profiting from his celebrity as the self-anointed ‘Nirvana Baby’”, including recreating the image for the album’s 15th and 25th anniversaries. Elden also has a tattoo of the word Nevermind on his chest.


Šta mislimo?


Juče je preminuo Peter Brötzmann, legenda free jazza, otac soničnog & audio terorizma i prava avangarda. Nekada je jedan časopis imao tekst u kojem je pisalo, parafraziram, ako ste mislili da je Motörhead najtvrđi bend na svetu niste čuli Metallicu, a ja bih rekao ako ste mislili da je Metallica zajebana niste čuli Machine Gun. Ne mogu ni da zamislim kako je ovo zvučalo ljudima koji su čuli ovo te 1968. kada je album izdat.



Pa bih s tim u vezi pokušao da dam odgovor  @DameTime, mislim da je umetnicima dozvoljeno (rekao bih čak i poželjno) da idu u ekstrem, bilo to u vizuelnom, audio ili literarnom formatu. Mislim da je naročito štetno učitavati norme trenutnog zeitgeista u umetnost ranijih dekada (ili još gore, epoha). Mada se u ovom slučaju radi o još većem apsurdu, jer je omot koji je predmet rasprave neizbrisivi deo sadašnjeg zeitgeista, gde je maltene simbol jednog muzičkog žanra i generacija tinejdžera u čije je umove neizbrisivo utisnut . Mislim da je u pitanju jedno klasično lešinarenje (hehe), gde je čovek pokušao da izvuče ćar na osnovu tuđeg umetničkog dela. Jednom kada je ta fotografija postala neotuđivi deo dnk pop-kulture, na specifičan način je prestala da bude njegova fotografija. Priča me podseća na Leonard v. Pepsico, stručnjaka koji je tužio Pepsi jer mu nisu poklonili Harriera kada je sakupio 7 miliona Pepsi poena. I, naravno, izgubio je na sudu. 



"I have hope for the very young people, that they can change the music. They still call me avant-garde, but I’m 74! What kind of shit is that? That’s terrible. People who are 24 should be the avant-garde!"


Peter Brötzmann, 2016

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Ne da mi da kopiram Vilsona iz Kestaveja i da mejk ej fakin point...

Enivej, 1883, epizoda dva je cisto zlato ( Tu sad treba Vilson da uleti, ali nema slika i tacka) Tesi te, Tom, pa onda pejsazi sa Elsom, pa muzika, pa ce biti samo jedan killer in town... Sa Bilijem..I na kraju samo uzdahnes... Pfffft!



A, kako je kisa stala, eto ti iz Pika 369 muva... U nos, u uvo, pa majku mu, samo da znam adresu vlasnika, da mu istresem septicku. 

PS. I to dva puta, da se zapati.

Slino, Slino!


Imam, na Soniki Folder sa kvakom i ostalim barabama, i ja joj pustim:

Otrca majka unutra a usput, cini mi se da sam cuo: Koji sam te moj tako emotivnog rodila!

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