Radoye Posted May 5, 2020 Posted May 5, 2020 Cisto ilustrativno - za godinu dana Indikara potrebno je negde u rangu $12-15 miliona po bolidu (sasija, motor, gume, rezervni delovi & ostale potrepstine, plate za zaposlene, troskovi prevoza, timska baza itd - prvi bolid naginje ka gornjoj granici, sledeci zbog odredjenog medjusobnog pokrivanja troskova teze ka donjoj granici. Neravno, u Indikaru svi voze istu sasiju, nema razvoja aerodinamike, motori i menjaci se dobijaju gotovi (ima u odredjenoj meri razvoja ogibljenja, otud Penski i Andreti u prednosti nad ostalima), uglavnom se sva "nauka" usmerava u sto idealnije setapovanje bolida, pa su automatski troskovi manji; takodje, samo 6 mehanicara je dozvoljeno po bolidu (F1 ima po trojicu na svakom tocku, plus ostale) i jos gomila stvari zbog kojih ce F1 uvek biti skuplja. No da li mora bas toliko da bude skuplja - mislim da ne.
Hertzog Posted May 6, 2020 Posted May 6, 2020 Izgleda da se sport vraca, vecina fudbaliskoh liga bi trebalo krenuti do kraja maja, bez publike naravno. Za nadati se da ce i F1 po istom principu 1
Radoye Posted May 6, 2020 Posted May 6, 2020 Sa auto-sportom je dodatni problem prelazak granica a i ogranicenje broja okupljanja - fudbalska utakmica moze da se organizuje sa 50 ljudi uljucujuci igrace sa rezervama, strucni stab, fizioterapeute, sudije i delegate, u F1 toliko imas samo u jednom timu. No u svakom slucaju navijam da vise krene pravo trkanje, ucrvljah se vec od dosade. 🙂
Radoye Posted May 7, 2020 Posted May 7, 2020 On 5/6/2020 at 3:43 PM, Hertzog said: Ne sabotiraj mi misli 😆 Da ne bude da nosim samo lose vesti, Indikar je potvrdio da ce prva trka sezone biti 6. juna na Tekasu, bez publike. Naskar krece vec 17. maja na Darlingtonu, oni ce u narednom periodu voziti po dve trke nedeljno u rirmu nedelja-sreda, dakle prvo dva Darlingtona pa dva Sarlota a za dalje cemo videti.
Radoye Posted May 11, 2020 Posted May 11, 2020 Quote F1 one of the hardest sports to hold amid pandemic – Webber 2020 F1 season 10th May 2020, 10:47 Keith Collantine Formula 1’s global nature will make it one of the hardest sports to hold amid the pandemic, former driver Mark Webber has warned. The nine-times grand prix winner told Australian news channel 9now he expects F1 will be able to hold races this year, but “in a very, very different format, clearly with no crowds.” “Formula 1 is probably the worst sport in the world, to be honest, in terms of how we cross borders all the time and we have different countries that individuals are coming from,” said Webber. “It’s not just that we’re all based in the UK or out of Italy, there’s nationalities galore involved with the sport. You’ve got medical situations involved, you’ve got a lot of dynamics.” However he believes the championship can hit its target of beginning its season in July with the Austrian Grand Prix. “I think that if anyone can get through this, when they can find a way in a professional way with the right testing, I think Formula 1 will be back where they can, hopefully in July.” Webber defended the sport’s handling of the Australian Grand Prix, which was called off on the morning practice was due to begin, when fans had already begun arriving at the circuit. “It was so close to be happening,” he said. “We were dealing with hours at that point, weren’t we, on a global stage? “I think that having everyone here, they were trying to do what they could. There was a few unfortunate positive tests in the paddock at that point. And the sort of capitulation point was quite nasty, the fans had arrived of course.” Conflicting reports about whether the race would go ahead emerged after McLaren announced it would not take part in the race because one of its team members had tested positive for the Covid-19 Coronavirus. “It was hard to keep it quiet,” said Webber. “There was leaking media overnight through in Italy and BBC with the UK, the time zones over there so when we woke up over here. The media, as it is, we love them. But they were onto it. “They did what they could, the event, at that time. We needed Chase Carey, the CEO, the boss of Formula 1 to come down here and get boots on the ground and help call the event off with the Australian Grand Prix Corporation.”
Radoye Posted May 11, 2020 Posted May 11, 2020 Nove bezbednosne mere nakon pogibije Ibera na Spa prosle godine: https://www.racefans.net/2020/05/11/fia-announces-major-safety-changes-following-serious-and-fatal-crashes/
alberto.ascari Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 Toto Wolff Stepping Down as Team Principal of Mercedes F1: Reports https://www.essentiallysports.com/f1-news-toto-wolff-stepping-down-as-team-principal-of-mercedes-f1-reports/
Radoye Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 Ako je istina, verovatno znaci povlacenje Mercedesa iz F1 kao fabricke ekipe. Toto ce onda verovatno kod Strulovica u Fors... ovaj, Rejsing... ovaj, Aston Martin posto je navodno nedavno kupio neke deonice tamo. A u isto vreme bi to popravilo i situaciju za Meklaren jerbo vise ne bi bilo hendikepa musterije protiv fabricke ekipe. E sad, sta ce onda biti sa timom iz Braklija / trenutno fabrickim Mercedesom? Hoce li ga prodati nekome ili gasiti? Ko uopste danas ima $$$ da to preuzme? (Naravno ako Toto zaista odlazi.)
alberto.ascari Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 Jebiga, mogu da kupe Kinezi, hangdongkuracpalac, para imaju ko salate, ofarbaju bolid u zastavu i potpišu neke Sirotkine i Zhue... Samo špekulacija.
alpiner Posted May 29, 2020 Posted May 29, 2020 Zašto bi Totov odlazak značio i povlačenje Mercedesa? Sasvim moguće da Mercedes želi njegove akcije u timu pa se stvari sada tresu. Ne treba zaboraviti da je on vlasnik 30%
alberto.ascari Posted May 29, 2020 Posted May 29, 2020 Navodno Williams na prodaju. Otišao glavni sponzor a rezultat za 2019 minus 13Mio GBP.Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk
Zvezdinho Posted June 11, 2020 Posted June 11, 2020 (edited) Odlican podkast. Obavezno pogledati. Fantasticna prica. Svaka cast devojci. Lap 76 #11 | SPECIJAL: Dragana Petković, spoljni saradnik Meklarena za strategiju trka Edited June 11, 2020 by Zvezdinho 1 1
Alen13ASC Posted June 11, 2020 Posted June 11, 2020 Predobar podkast, stvarno se trude momci napraviti nešto u tom Studiju na kraju Univerzuma. Par puta su me spomenuli momci u drugim podkastima, stvarno nisam očekivao ali ispunila mi se želja. Mada sam svojevremeno razmenjivao mejlove s Mladenom Jergovićem. Nego, sad čitam nešto. Kaže Botas da ga uveravaju iz Mercedesa da nisu kontaktirali Fetela i da im nije nikakva opcija za 2021. Stvarno bi voleo da sam sad u glavi Dajmlera 😄
alberto.ascari Posted June 11, 2020 Posted June 11, 2020 Predobar podkast, stvarno se trude momci napraviti nešto u tom Studiju na kraju Univerzuma. Par puta su me spomenuli momci u drugim podkastima, stvarno nisam očekivao ali ispunila mi se želja. Mada sam svojevremeno razmenjivao mejlove s Mladenom Jergovićem. Nego, sad čitam nešto. Kaže Botas da ga uveravaju iz Mercedesa da nisu kontaktirali Fetela i da im nije nikakva opcija za 2021. Stvarno bi voleo da sam sad u glavi Dajmlera [emoji1] Čim ga uveravaju, znači da je već dobio pedalu. Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk 1
Alen13ASC Posted June 11, 2020 Posted June 11, 2020 Da to i meni prolazi kroz glavu, Botas im je samo figura. Iako poštujem Fetela, on nebi tako ugrozio Hamiltona kao što svi misle. I dalje bi Hamilton bio siguran, on je neverovatna vozačina i talenat je veliki. Tako bi se psihički složio da mu Fetel nebi mogao prići. Tako da Mercedes realno može dovesti Fetela, da postanu jedini tim s 10 titula i da spoje dve veličine u stilu Sena/Prost. A istovremeno Hamilton ne bude ugrožen. Onda bi Botas mogao u Reno da se malo resetuje, i da vidimo kako bi se snašao s Okonom. 1
autsajder Posted June 11, 2020 Posted June 11, 2020 8 hours ago, Alen13ASC said: Mada sam svojevremeno razmenjivao mejlove s Mladenom Jergovićem. Mladen Jergović i "njegovi dečki iz FOM-a". Nisam čuo za njega godinama, a vidim da više nema ni njegove stranice o F1. Sjećam se prenosa sa HRT-u, a bome i onog Blažičkovog teksta koji je štošta objasnio.
Alen13ASC Posted June 11, 2020 Posted June 11, 2020 Da posle kratkog veka boravka na GP1, gde smo ostvarili kontakt, otišao je i postao bloger nekog portala. Mladen je hteo da ja postanem novinar FE na GP1 gde bi pisao artikle na srpskom. A inače sam bio pseudo novinar GP1 od sredine 2014, odnosno VN Kanade. Pravio sam galerije slika a dok je bilo entuzijazma za FE on je to otkrio i hteo je da pišem vesti tamo. On je otišao, a GP1 potonuo u središte Zemlje. A verni korisnici GP1 su napravili F1 Pulsmediju da bi nastavili druženja, gotovo isto kao što smo mi pobegli od B92 na Vox92. Gledao sam dva puta kako se feniks rađa iz pepela.
Alen13ASC Posted June 12, 2020 Posted June 12, 2020 Quote Formula 1's sporting director Ross Brawn has confirmed that the traditional podium ceremony will be missing when racing restarts in Austria next month. The FIA, F1 and the teams have been working through all aspects of the race weekend in order to ensure compliance with new COVID-19 guidelines that the governing body has introduced. All the pre- and post-race ceremonies will look very different as contact between people is minimised, and social distancing implemented. “Because of the implementation of the procedures, we need to be safe and sure of the COVID-19 situation,” Brawn told F1.com. “The practises we have had in the past just can’t be done. “So every aspect from the time teams arrive to the time they leave has been thought through, and it’s not completely finalised, but we’re working with the FIA to polish it. “The podium procedure can’t happen, but we’re looking at doing something on the grid after the race. One option would be to line the cars up on the track and the drivers will stand in front of cars. “We can’t present the trophies, as you can’t have someone in close proximity presenting a trophy, but we have worked it out, we have plans and procedures, we’re looking at how we can present it on TV.” It's not just Formula 1's podium ceremony that will have a very different look. Several other features in Sunday's build-up to the race will have to be revamped. “The [Sunday morning] drivers' parade won’t happen as we can’t put 20 drivers on the back of a truck and take it round the track," Brawn added. "So instead we will interview with each one of them in front of the garage. There’s plenty of ways we can engage without compromising health and safety. “I’m 100% confident that we will make it an engaging and exciting product, it will just be different. This is the new norm. How long will this carry on? We don’t know, but this will be the new norm for the rest of the year for sure.” As previously reported the grid procedure will look very different, with a minimal number of people present and without the usual ceremonies. “Things like the national anthem, you can’t have all the drivers grouped together,” said Brawn. “And you can’t have our FIA Future Stars stood in front of them. “The FIA Future Stars will still be part of the show virtually. They will have the uniforms sent to them and they’ll send us videos of them with a message which we can play, so there are lots of things we can do to make it entertaining.”
Radoye Posted June 12, 2020 Posted June 12, 2020 A zasto bi uopste i pravili paradu vozaca pre trke kada nece biti publike? Kome da paradiraju?
Dzoni_m Posted June 16, 2020 Posted June 16, 2020 Nema nista od sezone. Necemo ni startovati. Kinezi opet zatvaraju, Nemci vec dizu paniku zbog R faktora koji je 1.05. Pitanje dana kada ce granice opet biti pozatvarane. Licno mislim do kraja meseca.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Alen13ASC Posted June 16, 2020 Posted June 16, 2020 Čujem neke glasine da će i nama posle izbora opet uvesti policijski čas. Iskreno ja u to ne verujem toliko, možda će biti pojačane mere. Tipa da se mora nositi maska te da se poštuje distanciranje. Svi se bojimo drugog talasa ali mislim da smo sada bolje pripremljeni, evo recimo NZ je održao pre neki dan tekmu sa punim tribinama. A glede toga, Liberti je jasno dala do znanja da su spremni za sve. Da čak i zaražen vozač neće prekinuti trku. No F1 ne može ništa ako države zatvore granice, ili pak može. Tipa testiraju se sva osoblja tima pre puta pa dobiju papire da mogu prelaziti granice u jednom vremenskom periodu. Hoću da kažem da će F1 biti, uveren sam. A da su sada države mnogo spremnije za drugi talas nego što su bile pre prvog gde niko nije znao kako da reaguje. I kada.
alberto.ascari Posted June 16, 2020 Posted June 16, 2020 Daj ljudi, yebao vas drugi talas, opet se sprema biznis sa strahom. U Italiji je bilo 2020 manje mrtvih od korone nego od gripa 2019. U Češkoj 300 mrtvih 20 korona, 1500 19 grip. Sve u kombinaciji sa rakom, dijabetesom i ko zna s čim još. Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk
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