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Liberty Media says it is facing an antitrust investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice over its rejection of Andretti Global’s
Formula 1 bid.


Liberty Media told investors that it “has received notification from the Department of Justice, Antitrust Division that an investigation has been opened with respect to Formula 1’s conduct concerning the application by Andretti Formula Racing to enter the FIA Formula One World Championship.”





The United States Department of Justice has notified Formula 1 owners Liberty Media that it has begun an antitrust investigation following their decision not to approve Andretti’s bid to join as an 11th team.


In an investor call, Liberty Media CEO Greg Maffei confirmed the group had been contacted by the Department of Justice over the matter.


“This morning, we announced that there is a DOJ investigation,” he said. “We intend to fully cooperate with that investigation, including any related requests for information.


“Our determination, F1’s determination, was in compliance with all applicable US antitrust laws, and we’ve detailed the rationale for our decision vis-a-vis Andretti in prior statements.


“We are certainly not against the idea that any expansion is wrong. There is a methodology for expansion that requires approval of the FIA and the F1. We’re certainly open to new entrants making applications and potentially being approved if those requirements are met.”



Ko je njihova firma za lobiranje? Zna li se? Imaju ogromnu sansu da na*ebu ne sa peckom po ruci, nego ih otkinu k’o jagodu. Ova gospoja (https://www.ftc.gov/about-ftc/commissioners-staff/lina-m-khan) ozbiljno gazi po svima i ne ‘hebe zivu silu, mrze je svi iz big tech-a, svi mergeri, uslovljavaju kandidate za predsednika da je sklone a zanimljivo da se i republikanci i demokrate slazu da radi dobar posao. Znaci ako ostane a ovo padne pod njihovu sapu, obrali su zelen bostan. 


Big Tech su nekoliko desetina puta veće i vrednije kompanije od LM tako da mislim da im lobira i sv. Petar lično, neće im pomoći.


Ako je FTC mogao da nagazi velike igrače u US industriji, setimo se da je valjda AT&T morao da se podeli zbog monopola, pa u poslednje vreme najveći slučajevi sa big tech monopolima, pa sad mi pada na pamet prošle ili pretprošle godine da je FTC stopirao kupovinu ARM-a od strane Nvidia.


I treba...


Jos je ovo bas zicer, Andreti ispunjava sve uslove, bukvalno ne mogu da udju jer ostali clanovi otvoreno kazu da treba da ih ima 10, a ne 11 da bi se pare delile na manje delova :lol_2: kakav udzbenicki primer oligopola....

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Nije Libertiju ovo jedini cirkus trenutno:





Liberty Media Corporation (commonly referred to as Liberty Media or just Liberty) is an American mass media company founded by John C. Malone in 1991. The company has three divisions, reflecting its ownership stakes in Formula One Group, Sirius XM, Live Nation Entertainment, and by December 31, 2024, Dorna Sports.




On May 23, 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice announced it was suing Live Nation Entertainment over what it alleges are anti-competitive practices. The DOJ was joined in the lawsuit by 29 states and the District of Columbia

Ovo je u vezi mesetarenja sa prodajama karata za koncerte gdr su prakticno monopolisti a karte umesto u slobodnoj prodaji na Ticketmasteru zavrsavaju na sajtovima za aukciju (opet u vlasnistvu Libertija) gde ih preprodaju visestruko skuplje.


Voleo bih da vidim Palua u F1 ali prvo pominjanje ove "vesti" doslo je sa jednog podkasta ciji autori nikakve veze nemaju ni sa Paluom ni sa Audijem / Zauberom a ostali mediji su samo preneli odatle.

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  • Thanks 1

Izgleda da se Njui sve dogovorio i potpisao sa Aston Martinom i da se samo čeka nastavak sezone da se objavi.
100 milki za tri godine i potpuna kontrola nad razvojem bolida.


Big $100m Adrian Newey deal now ‘finalised’ with ‘major input’ granted – report


‘Independent’ Adrian Newey ‘intel’ emerges ahead of reported huge $100m deal

Magarići su opet ispali mazgetine i cicijašili. Sad mogu samo da šutaju u dupe naredne dve decenije koliko će im trebati da ponovo uzmu titulu. 17 godina je prošlo od poslednje titule i deluje mi da će im trebati bar još toliko do sledeće...

  • Like 3

Ovo može da znači i da se Hamiltonu nije isplatila kocka, s obzirom da je kod njegovog prelaska u Ferari bilo priče da je Njui deo celog paketa, to jest da su informacije bile da će i on među crvene.


Bilo kako bilo, Aston Martin ima ogroman potencijal, ali je zabrinjavajuće kadriranje vozača i ovaj doživotni ugovor sa tatinim sinčićem. To može samo da ih koči.

3 hours ago, Juan Pablo Montoya said:

Ovo može da znači i da se Hamiltonu nije isplatila kocka, s obzirom da je kod njegovog prelaska u Ferari bilo priče da je Njui deo celog paketa, to jest da su informacije bile da će i on među crvene.


Bilo kako bilo, Aston Martin ima ogroman potencijal, ali je zabrinjavajuće kadriranje vozača i ovaj doživotni ugovor sa tatinim sinčićem. To može samo da ih koči.



Ja se bojim da će da bude Alonso/Vettel pattern.


Pa zar nije on vozio u WRC sredinom 2000-tih Ford Focus, ne baš za M-Sport (zvanični tim Forda) nego privatno?  Sećam se da sam baš žestoko pratio WRC i pamtim ga po imenu... sad odoh do Wiki da proverim i nije da nije vozio u svom životu:




Racing career

Ben Sulayem competed in the Middle East Rally Championship driving for Toyota and Ford. He won his first title in 1986 with a Toyota Celica and went on to win six consecutive titles till 1991.[6] In 1994, He won his seventh title with a Ford Escort RS Cosworth. From 1996 to 2002, Ben Sulayem won a further seven titles with Ford, making the most successful driver in the championship with over 60 wins and 14 titles (both the records have since been broken by Nasser Al-Attiyah).[6]




Da, Sultan od FIA je svojevremeno vozio reli poprilicno uspesno. A to sa skrljavanjem Renoa je trebalo da bude neki promo event, no malo se kurcio i hteo da se "potpise" kad je kretao sa crte ali je na hladnim gumama izgubio kontrolu i zakucao se u zid.

(I nije mu trebalo ni blizu pola kilometra za to, mozda cak ni celih 100m 😛)

  • Ha-ha 1

Pominjao se Mazepin na drugoj temi...





An arbitration ruling from a Swiss tribunal in June ordered Haas to return monies already paid to it by its former title sponsor Uralkali prior to the termination of its contract in March of 2022. Haas was judged to have been within its rights to terminate but not to keep prior funds, with Uralkali stating at the time that it “anticipates that Haas will fulfill its obligations under the ruling without undue delay.”


With Haas having yet to return the sponsorship figure — but the team understood to have the amount waiting to be transferred — Uralkali initiated further action by sending bailiffs into the Zandvoort paddock on Thursday night to itemize the team’s inventory. It would then be able to prevent Haas leaving the Netherlands after this weekend’s race if payment is not received by Monday.



Legle pare:




Haas has confirmed its trucks have been given clearance to leave the Netherlands after the Dutch Grand Prix and head to Monza.


“Uralkali have now confirmed receipt of last Friday’s financial transfer and therefore our trucks have been given clearance to depart the Netherlands and make their way to Italy immediately,” the spokesperson said.


  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/14/2024 at 1:15 AM, Duh sa sekirom said:

Izgleda da se Njui sve dogovorio i potpisao sa Aston Martinom i da se samo čeka nastavak sezone da se objavi.
100 milki za tri godine i potpuna kontrola nad razvojem bolida.


Big $100m Adrian Newey deal now ‘finalised’ with ‘major input’ granted – report


‘Independent’ Adrian Newey ‘intel’ emerges ahead of reported huge $100m deal

Magarići su opet ispali mazgetine i cicijašili. Sad mogu samo da šutaju u dupe naredne dve decenije koliko će im trebati da ponovo uzmu titulu. 17 godina je prošlo od poslednje titule i deluje mi da će im trebati bar još toliko do sledeće...


Ovo je za mene dobra vest. Sad ce i Aston Martin da umeša prste u ozbiljnu borbu za vrh. 

Imacemo 5 top timova, plus Audi, plus mozda i povratnik na stare staze Williamsa...., bice to bas bas zanimljivo.

On 8/27/2024 at 7:50 PM, Juan Pablo Montoya said:

Ode Seargent.

Colapinto u Williamsu do kraja sezone.


 Vojmija oca..., nadam se da je ovo kraj vozača u našem timu koji rade za sekundarne sirovine a ne za tim.

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