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- Majkl Andreti mora da zna nesto sto niko drugi ne zna jer uprkos nedavnom odbijanju F1 timova i FOM da mu se dozvoli ucesce u F1 sampionatu nastavlja sa planovima, neki dan su otvorili timsku bazu u Silverstonu:





Andretti Global has officially opened its Formula 1 facility at Silverstone, as it continues preparations for a potential entry in 2026.


The 48,000 square foot facility is based at the Silverstone Park technology and business park at the home of the British Grand Prix, and has a current workforce of around 80 people designing and developing a car that could race in 2026. The new building was opened by Michael and Mario Andretti alongside Andretti Global partner Dan Towriss and team president J-F Thormann.



Inace model Andretijevog F1 bolida se vec neko vreme "duva" u vazdusnim tunelima...



Andretti still aiming to enter in 2026


Mario Andretti says his son’s team was not deterred by Formula One Management’s announcement they had not approved their application earlier this year.


“We have never stopped working from the very beginning,” he told Sports Illustrated. “We already have a car and wind tunnel and so forth. Right now the objective is to be on a grid in 2026.”


“We’re continuously working on it every day, regardless of what was represented to the press so far,” he added. “I think that we have a valid approach to it.


“The FIA has put us through the ringer, if you will, for us to be able to check all the boxes and we have one more blessing that we need from the FOM but we’re having a key meeting coming up and hopefully we have some positive results from that.”




I zvanicno - postojecih 10 timova zahteva da se u novu verziju konkordskog sporazuma upise limit od 10 timova / 20 bolida:




The 10 existing Formula 1 teams are seeking the limit of outfits allowed onto the grid to be reduced from 12 to 10 in the forthcoming Concorde Agreement, according to reports.


The current terms allow for 12 F1 squads to partake once commercial terms are agreed with an anti-dilution fee of $200 million to mitigate spreading prize funds beyond 10 outfits.


This prompted the FIA to open a tender process at the beginning of last year to attract one or two new entries to participate in F1.


Andretti was the sole prospective entry to pass muster with the FIA, but it was not given the green light to enter from 2025 from Formula One Management (FOM).




To je nama nasa borba dala. Kuknjava za “garazistima” za izjednacavanje, za smanjenje troskova e pa eto. Sada su troskovi smanjeni i sada moze da postoji Excel koji kaze kako da najbolje prodamo tim. Timovi su sada asset i to je cela prica. 


Deregulacija, jedini smer.





Lewis Hamilton says he will be racing “well into my 40s” and views Fernando Alonso’s longevity as a sign of how long he can aim to perform at the highest level.


Mrka kapa za mlade snage iz F2, sa F1 zacementiranom na 10 timova i najvecim zvezdama cije karijere traju u nedogled plus par tatinih sinova broj mesta na raspolaganju za novajlije tezi ka nuli. U bodicnosti uhleb ce da traze u Formuli E, Japanu, SAD ili se prekomandovati na sportske prototipove...


I jos podrske za Sultana Velicanstvenog:





Another group of FIA member clubs has written to the governing body’s president Mohammed Ben Sulayem recommending legal action over allegations made against him.



representatives of 27 member clubs in the Middle East and North Africa region and the FIA’s sub-region for the Arab Council of Touring and Automobile Clubs



An earlier letter sent by 33 member clubs representing the North and South Americas made a similar statement. A subsequent letter from 13 European member clubs stopped short of calling for legal action but said the allegations against the president were showed the Ethics Committee should be reviewed


Pojedinci iz sportskih medija pisu da je pozadina ovogo pokusaj FOM da na celo FIA instaliraju nekog "kooperativnijeg" ko ce da ih pusti da rade sta i kako hoce. A ako im to ne uspe, da se odvoje kompletno od FIA...


Ako nema drame na stazi i ako su titule vec unapred podeljene, ima nacina da se drama vestacki generise:





Formula 1 drivers are at a greater risk of incurring race bans as stewards are issuing far more penalty points in 2024 compared to last year.


Stewards handed out just two penalty points over the first five races of last year. They issued 18 over the same period this season, a nine-fold increase.






During the Chinese Grand Prix, a weekend where teams and drivers got an opportunity to score plenty more points then usual – with an extra eight on offer to the winner of the Sprint and a return for everyone down to eighth place on the Saturday – it emerged that there could be further changes on that front next season.


The F1 Commission meets on Thursday by video conference to discuss a number of topics relating to Formula 1 and its future, with different regulations usually among the talking points. This week the subject of point-scoring down to 12th place in a grand prix has been tabled.


Svejedno nema pomoci Maks i RBR ce nastaviti da dominiraju a gledanost nastaviti da pada...


Sunce ti žarko šta sve ispade nakon što je Hornić poslao slike svog pegavog đokice!!?:classic_laugh:



Misli da Newey neće završiti u Ferrariu, tamo je previše politike. Više mi liče da je Aston pravo mesto za njega, sve više liče na Red Bull. 

  • Ha-ha 2
3 hours ago, alberto.ascari said:

Hulk u Audi. A mladi u qratz...



Koji će im neki balavac koji se tek ispilio i prvi put seda u F1 bolid, ako pokušavaju da naprave šampionsku ekipu. Ne treba im ni neki mlađi koji je tri godine u F1, a još se nije naučio kako se podešava bolid, a kamoli da po brzini primiriše jednom veteranu koji je u lošijem bolidu brži od njega. 

Hulk je idealan izbor za Audi. Iskusan, brz i sa 36 godina, ima znanje, a sa Poršeom je osvojio Le Man, pa je praktično "in house" izbor. 

Idealan spoj sa Sajncom koji je takođe iskusan i izuzetno inteligentan vozač, očito šampionski kalibar, a uz ćaletove veze sa Audijem sa Dakara takođe "in house" izbor...

Mladi im trebaju kad razviju ekipu, možda i uzmu titulu, pa da gledaju u budućnost da daju šansu nekom potencijalnom budućem šampionu. Do tada sigurno neće misliti na to...



Hulk jedino ima smisla ako vec sada znaju da od dolaska Sainsa nema nista. Bolje Botasa da su uzeli onda ako im treba mediokritet matorac sa znanjem podesavanja bolida, on bar ima iskustvo stajanja na podijumu za razliku od Hulka koji je rekorder po broju startova bez ijednog znacajnijeg rezultata. Jer ako ce im u drugom bolidu biti Sains onda im iskusnije od toga ni ne treba, mogli su bas da uzmu nekog omladinca da ga treniraju za na duge staze. Eno ga Teo Porser slobodan - uzeo prosle godine F2 titulu a i on im je "in house" jerbo ga trenutno imaju na ugovoru kao rezervu u Zauberu.

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