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Horner "ubedjen" da ce Maks nastaviti karijeru u RBR do isteka ugovora 2028. bez obzira na lojalnost prema ocu i na sukob izmedju Josa i Hornera:




U ostalim skandalima, timovi podrzavaju istragu FIA protiv svog rukovodeceg Mohameda Ben Sulajema:



'bes sport kada su sve glavne vesti vezane za dogadjaje van terena a ne na terenu... :puke:

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Sada RBR istrazuje Dr. Marka:





Helmut Marko is the latest figure in the spotlight at Red Bull Racing after saying he is subject to an investigation from Red Bull GmbH following the controversy surrounding Christian Horner.

The Red Bull team principal was investigated as a result of an allegation of inappropriate behavior, but the grievance from a female colleague was dismissed just over a week ago. The complainant has now been suspended by Red Bull, and Marko suggests he too could be suspended after revealing he is being investigated himself for what RACER understands to be matters relating to leaks of information.


Ispasce jos da je on poslao onaj kompromat o Horneru medijima...


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Da, podelili su se na tim Horner/Njui i tim Marko/Ferstapen po svemu sudeci. E sad, cak i da implodira situacija kompletno od toga mozemo da imamo koristi mozda tek dogodine, ove sezone ce nas karaju na suvo i ovako i onako, tu nema spasa...

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Pa bilo je jasno, da nakon smrti Matešica, RB sa dva šefa ne može da opstane. 
navlila dva ovna jedan na deugog, ali mislim, da Marko nema šanse. 
Marko nema gde, Max može i da ode, ali kandidata želljnih da voze Njjuijev bolid i tako postanu šampioni ima koliko hočeš. 
Tati Vestapenu je RB zatvorii vrata. Izgleda da Horner pobjeđuke

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Iskreno navijam za Hornera u ovoj situaciji, Max i da ode time bi zavrsio svoje borbe za titulu, a u taj bolid moze i Ric da sedne i cenim da bi bio konkurentan za titulu. Ne bi bio toliko dominantan kao Max, ali to je opet za nas dobro jer bi i drugi imali sanse da osvoje neku titulu. 

pored svog Maxovog vozackog umeca, porodicu Verstapen ne mogu da smislim, ljigavi su i to ucenjivanje tima mi ide na onu stvar. Kad na to dodam matorog Marka koji mi lici na Gestapovca, jos vise im zelim da vide izlazna vrata iz RBR. 

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Gledam malo šta se piše u Austriji, ozbiljni mediji, Die Presse, Der Standard, čak i Der Kurier prenose unisono agencijsku vest da Marko prihvata mogućnost suspenzije ali da će sam odlučiti kako će dalje, Max je jasno izabrao stranu. Nema insajderskih komentara. Jedino Krone Zeitung dodaje pored ove vesti da ako odu, Mercedes uzima obojicu. Ali to sú Večernje novosti, to je dno od novina.

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Njoj to sleduje svakako od tima, ali izgleda da je tim naplatio od Hornyja trosak. Neka, samo neka placa.


U drugim vestima, Felipe Masa ne odustaje od borbe da preokrene rezultat svetskog sampionata 2008, danas je podneo dve tuzbe u Londonu protiv Bernija Eklstona, FOM i FIA potrazujuci odstetu od $80M i priznanje da je on legitimni sampion umesto Hamiltona:





On Monday, lawyers for Massa filed suit against Formula One Management, former F1 chief Bernie Ecclestone, and the sport’s world governing body in London’s High Court alleging that they failed to properly investigate a race-fixing controversy known as Crashgate that ultimately cost him the title. Massa, 42, is also seeking more than $80 million in damages and an admission from the Federation International de l’Automobile that a timely investigation would have made him the rightful 2008 champion, instead of a then 23-year-old Lewis Hamilton.


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Ima još, vrhunac je da je brat te žene nekakav bratučed od The Edgea iz U2 i da su spremili song "Don't be horny, be christian" kao podršku, totalno suludo. Navodno padaju prodeje u USA, Wallmart razmatra ban na konzerve, Marko dobio podršku. Horner leti napolje pre Australije...




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Non abla dojtčland, pa mi je Google translate objasnio.

izgleda pada prodaja RB šečerne vodice u USA a kod novca nema bog brata. Još aktivistice počele hajku a brat od ditične dame je zet Edga- gitarista U2.

perfect storm za hornija 😂

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Evo malo i druge spanske serije:





What we have learned about Massa's £64m F1 court action

Felipe Massa’s decision to go to court over the outcome of the 2008 Formula 1 world championship is unprecedented.





“I always said I would fight until the end,” he told Globo. “As the FIA and FOM have decided to do nothing, we will seek the correction of this historic injustice in the courts.


“The matter is now with the lawyers and they are fully authorised to do whatever is necessary so that justice in the sport is done.”



Ecclestone, whose comments on the race last year inspired Massa’s efforts to seek the title through the courts, said he supported Massa’s decision.


“If he had asked me, I would have said it was the complete right thing to do, to sue, and to let an English judge decide what is right and wrong,” he told the Press Association.





Felipe Massa’s former race engineer says he accepted their failure to win the 2008 world championship, which the driver is trying to claim through the courts.


Rob Smedley, who was Massa’s race engineer during his time at Ferrari, said he had come to terms with their defeat to Lewis Hamilton in the championship. “I think the racing gods have decided on something else,” he told Formula For Success before Massa’s lawsuit was announced.


However Smedley said he had no objection to Massa’s efforts to change the outcome of the 2008 championship.



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20 minutes ago, staneC said:

Zašto? Izhebali ga za titulu. Neka jih dere i ako pobjedu, super. 



Pisao sam mnogo puta, u Brazil je trebalo da dodje kao šampion, nije on tu titulu tamo izgubio. A nije ni u Singapuru zbog Nelsinha nego zbog creva za gorivo. Uz to Australija, Silverstone i još toga.


Ali neka, baš da vidimo.

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Problem je presedan koji se pravi.

Do sada vazece pravilo je da ako se neko uhvati u nepravilnosti da bude diskvalifikovan. Naravno, ne sa 16 godina zadrske nego u nekom razumnom roku. Ako se to primeni na ovaj slucaj i diskvalifikuje Reno sa trke, Alonsu se uzima pobeda i svako se pomera za jedno mesto unapred. Rezultat - Masa gubi sampionat sa jos vecom razlikom. Zato on sad trazi da se zbog neregularnosti cela trka ponisti, sto do sada nije nikada radjeno.

Ali hajde onda da ponistimo i Spa iz iste sezone jer su FIA / FOM odlucili u pola trke da menjaju pravila pa naknadno izbacili "objasnjenje" zbog kojeg je Hamiltonu uzeta pobeda i retroaktivno prekomandovan na trece mesto a Masa ni kriv ni duzan pobedio. Ili zasto da se zadrzavamo samo na tome, hajde da krenemo da ponistavamo sve trke na kojima je bilo neregularnosti i na kojima je neko bio diskvalifikovan - celu sezonu 1997. na primer (Sumaher diskvalifikovan) ili sve osim zadnje 3 trke 1984. (tim Tirel diskvalifikovan), pa sve one slucajeve kontroverznih finala sezone, 2x Sena-Prost, Sumaher-Hil, ono u Abudabiju 2021... Gde je tome kraj?

Nije me briga sto Masa hoce da uzme lovu od Bernija, FOM i FIA - ako, i treba - no buraz batali pricu o sampionskoj tituli. A najgore u celoj prici je sto ga upravo Berni iz nemam pojma kakvih razloga lozi da ovo radi. Valjda ne moze da prezali sto se vise nizasta ne pita u F1 pa malo muti vodu i kenja Libertiju u tanjir.

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