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Formula 1's governing body the FIA has confirmed the calendar for the longest season in history next year.

There will be 23 grands prix held, starting in Australia on 21 March and ending in Abu Dhabi on 6 December.


2021 Formula 1 calendar

21 March Australia (Melbourne)

28 March Bahrain (Sakhir)

11 April China (Shanghai)

25 April TBC

9 May Spain (Barcelona)

23 May Monaco

6 June Azerbaijan (Baku)

13 June Canada (Montreal)

27 June France (Le Castellet)

4 July Austria (Spielberg)

18 July Britain (Silverstone)

1 August Hungary (Hungaroring)

29 August Belgium (Spa)

5 September Netherlands (Zandvoort)

12 September Italy (Monza)

26 September Russia (Sochi)

3 October Singapore (Marina Bay)

10 October Japan (Suzuka)

24 October USA (Austin)

31 October Mexico (Mexico City)

14 November Brazil (Sao Paulo)

28 November Saudi Arabia (Jeddah)

5 December Abu Dhabi (Yas Marina)


Ovaj TBC je trebalo da bude Vijetnam ali je lokalni glavonja koji je gurao trku zglajznuo i kanda nista nece biti od nje. Govori se da ce opet da se ide u Portugal sto uopste nije lose ako mene pitate.

46 minutes ago, Radoye said:

Ovaj TBC je trebalo da bude Vijetnam ali je lokalni glavonja koji je gurao trku zglajznuo i kanda nista nece biti od nje. Govori se da ce opet da se ide u Portugal sto uopste nije lose ako mene pitate.

Zar nije opet izgovor za Vijetnam da nece bez gledalaca da odrzavaju trku? 


The BBC reports that the move to cancel the Vietnamese Grand Prix was due to the arrest of a key government official responsible for the Hanoi race. Hanoi People's Committee chairman Nguyen Duc Chung was arrested over supposed corruption charges



Pa, kanda ce i ovaj kalendar biti samo spisak lepih zelja a opet cemo imati trke tamo gde bude bilo moguce. U Australiji po svoj prilici ne:



The Australian Open will start on 8 February 2021 – after being delayed three weeks because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The event was originally scheduled to run from January 18-31. This is a good sign for the Australian Grand Prix. However, it remains to be seen if F1 will agree (or be able to agree) to a period of 14 day quarantine for the whole of the F1 circus.


The Open is going ahead because the players will arrive by January 15 and will stay in quarantine until the event. It is highly doubtful that the same will happen with F1 and the numbers of people involved will mean that such arrangements are not practical.


Sources within F1 say that it is unlikely that the commercial rights holder will agree to this and if the Australian government refuses to compromise, the race may not happen.


Whatever the case, a decision is needed quickly in order for the necessary construction work to begin. The amount of construction depends to some extent on how many spectators will be allowed to attend. And that is also important for the funding of the Albert Park event, as the politicians cannot easily agree to making a big loss, having lost a pile of public money in March his year when the event was cancelled at the last minute.


The costs of 14 days on quarantine need also to be considered as this would be equivalent to two or three Grands Prix.




FIA develops "100% sustainable" biofuel for Formula 1

Global motorsport body aims for its premiere series to be carbon-neutral by 2030


Samples of a new sustainable fuel developed by the FIA have been delivered to Formula 1 engine manufacturers for testing, in line with the sport's goal to be carbon-neutral by 2030. 

The FIA, as motorsport's global governing body, has agreed a strategy for F1 to become carbon-neutral from 2021 as part of a wider effort to "reduce the environment impact of motorsport and mobility by setting clear goals to accelerate this progress". 

To that end, the organisation has commissioned the development of a biofuel claimed to be "100% sustainable" and to conform with F1's stringent regulations.

The first barrels have now been delivered to Ferrari, Honda, Mercedes-AMG and Renault, which supply the V6 hybrid powertrains to F1's 10 teams. 

No details have been given on the substance's make-up, but the FIA claims that it's "exclusively refined using biowaste", unlike the high-octane petrol currently used by F1 cars. 

It's planned that successful trials of the new fuel will prompt F1 suppliers to develop similar substances, with an ultimate end goal of the series using 100% sustainable fuels by 2026.

As of the start of the next F1 season, all teams must use fuel that is 10% biofuel, plus it will be permitted in other series, including the European Truck Racing Championship. 

FIA president Jean Todt said: "[The] FIA takes its responsibility in leading motorsport and mobility into a low-carbon future to reduce the environmental impacts of our activities and contribute to a greener planet. 

"I’m glad that our Members Clubs approve our environmental strategy that's part of the Purpose Driven initiative focused on the societal contribution of our two pillars. 

"By developing sustainable fuel made from biowaste that can power F1, we're taking a new step forward. With the support of the world’s leading energy companies, we can combine the best technological and environmental performance.”




Lepa vest, F1 treba uvek da bude na celu progresa sa inovacijama.

Nego, hoce li istu corbu da turaju i u kamione i avione koji im vuku motorhomove sa trke na trku, jer bez toga cela prica o ekologiji nema puno smisla? To sto spale u motorima bolida tokom trkackog vikenda je samo kap u moru koliko ceo putujuci cirkus potrosi goriva na transport.

Lepa vest, F1 treba uvek da bude na celu progresa sa inovacijama.

Nego, hoce li istu corbu da turaju i u kamione i avione koji im vuku motorhomove sa trke na trku, jer bez toga cela prica o ekologiji nema puno smisla? To sto spale u motorima bolida tokom trkackog vikenda je samo kap u moru koliko ceo putujuci cirkus potrosi goriva na transport.

Title sponsor Aramco je najveći zagadjivač na svetu.

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On 12/17/2020 at 7:59 PM, Hertzog said:

Mozda dodje vw u F1, kada vec ubacuju loz ulje 😆 

Oni se loze na laziranje izduvnih emisija. Ako nema ogranicenja po tom pitanju, nema ni izazova. :classic_happy:

On 12/6/2020 at 2:21 PM, DASUBO said:

Sreća i njegova i naša i svih vozača koji su u F1 vozili sa njim da je živ i zdrav i da nikoga nije koštao glave. Nek' uživa u penziji, nek' se kloni USA serija i nek vozi endurance šampionate.


Pa da, posto je uspeo da ponovi McNisha u F1, da proba da ga ponovi i na Lemanu 😄 Daleko bilo naravno, ali mislim da su za njega neki auto sportovi gde si sam na stazi tipa reli.



Former Formula One and Indy racing star Alex Zanardi has taken significant steps in his recovery from a devastating handbike crash in June this year, Italian newspapers have reported.


Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera today wrote that Zanardi, 54, had recovered his hearing and sight, and was able to respond with hand movements to questions from doctors and his wife, Daniela.


Doctors have confirmed Zanardi was able to shake hands on demand and raise his thumb to signal “Ok”, and also turn his head towards Daniela.


Italian newspaper Corriere today wrote that the dual Indy champion cannot yet speak as the hole in his trachea is being kept open as a precaution.


A multiple Paralympic handbike gold medalist after losing his legs in an Indycar crash in 2001, Zanardi was placed in an induced coma after suffering serious brain and facial injuries in a collision with a truck during a charity handbike race near Siena, Italy.


After five brain and facial surgeries in Siena and at Milano’s San Raffaele hospital, he was transferred to the neurosurgery ward of the hospital in Padua, closer to his family home eight kilometres away in Noventa, on November 21.


Doctors are reported to be confident that Zanardi will recover the majority of his brain functions after his latest step forward.


It is not Zanardi’s first climb of a medical Mount Everest, though, and he returned from his horrific Indycar crash to compete in the World Touring Car Championship in 2003.



Najzad i jedna dobra vest u ovoj usranoj godini. 🙏

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Formula 1 teams will have an hour less to practice on Fridays during the 2021 season.


Updated regulations published by the FIA show the two Friday practice sessions will be cut from 90 minutes each to 60 next year. The final practice sessions on Saturday morning will remain one hour in duration.


The total practice time available to drivers and teams before practice has therefore been reduced from four hours to three. The delay between sessions has been updated to take into account the cut in Friday practice.


The new reduction will apply at all rounds. This year Formula 1 experimented with a one-off, shorter race weekend format during the Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix at Imola, where just a single, 90-minute practice session was held on Saturday morning before qualifying.


As the grand prix schedule continues to grow – the 2021 F1 calendar will include a record 23 races – shortening or reducing the number of practice sessions could allow for multiple events to be held in succession more easily.


F1 race weekends currently include three days of track action from Friday to Sunday, plus pre-race and media activities on Thursday. The shortened, two-day race weekend at Imola this year allowed teams to reach the track on the weekend after racing at the Autodromo do Algarve in the south of Portugal.








The Imola circuit, which held its first F1 race for 14 years in 2020, is emerging as the frontrunner to fill the empty slot on next year’s calendar.


5 hours ago, Hertzog said:

Je li prvi crni vitez ili je pre njega jos neko dobio titulu sir-a a da je bio tamnoput?


Imas ih svih boja, crnih, zutih, svakakvih.



The Australian Grand Prix is likely to be postponed due to concerns over Covid-19, forcing a delay to the start of the 2021 F1 season.


Formula 1 is due to head to Melbourne for the season-opening race, scheduled for March 21st. The pandemic forced the cancellation of last year’s race after the series arrived in the country.


Prior to the new year, Australia introduced tough measures intended to guard against a resurgence of the virus, which has killed over 1.8 million people worldwide. Formula 1 personnel would either have to obey a 14-day quarantine on arrival in Australia, or charter flights to the country and operate within a ‘biosphere’ as they did in Abu Dhabi, either of which presents significant logistical and financial obstacles.


Construction of the temporary circuit must begin before the end of January in order for the race to go ahead as scheduled. A decision on whether the grand prix will go ahead in March therefore needs to be taken within the next two weeks


Ticket sales have not begun for the March race. Australia’s Supercars series, which is due to appear on the support roster, is understood to have an option to use the nearby Sandown Park circuit on the same weekend if the Melbourne event does not take place.


If the grand prix cannot go ahead as scheduled, it is likely to be postponed until the second half of the year. However this would likely involve moving other events on the 2021 F1 calendar, which is the longest the sport has ever planned.


Tickets are already on sale for the Bahrain Grand Prix, which is scheduled for March 28th. If the Melbourne race is postponed, Bahrain would become the season-opener, which could make its circuit a more attractive venue for pre-season testing, currently due to take place at the Circuit de Catalunya in Spain.


A Formula 1 spokesperson told RaceFans: “In 2020 we proved that we could return to racing safely and delivered what many thought was impossible in March. We have set out our 2021 calendar and look forward to the return of F1 in March this year.”



Izgleda da ce i ovogodisnja F1 sezona biti kraca nego sto je to originalno planirano... 😐


Bilo je jasno da se trka u Melburnu neće odrzati onog trenutka kada su objavili monstruozno stroga pravila za Australian Oupen u tenisu, takodje u Melburnu. Iskreno, drago mi je sto jedna trka vec otpada, 23 je suludo, taman neka otpadne i saudijska arabija


Ako se do juna nesto bitno ne promeni isto ce biti i sa VN Kanade. Trenutno su zabranjeni svi letovi izmedju Britanije i Kanade a karantin od 14 dana za svaki prelazak granice i dalje je na snazi zbog cega su profi sportski timovi iz Toronta trenutno svi prebazirani u SAD. Nije mi jazsno zasto se zamajavaju s ovim objavljivanjem kalendara kada je svima jasno da je to samo spisak lepih zelja neutemeljen u realnosti.


Gde je@DASUBO ?

Kako piše obično dobro informisam Corriere Dello Sport, ugovor na 4 godine na 50M GBP godišnje je bio na stolu, a sad više nije. Navodno je neko iz Daimlera (Kallenius?) odbio da potpiše takvu obavezu u situaciji kad se ne zna šta će biti sa kompanijom za tako dugo vreme, slabi finansijski rezultati, strah od razvoja tržišta, troškovi razvoja i prelaza na elektromobilitu, otpuštanje radnika, pitanje o(p)stanka u F1?

Fakat je, da ugovor nije potpisan.

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